Michele Bachmann, Make my Birthday Wish Come True

Dear Michele Bachmann:

Yesterday I heard that you wouldn’t be running for re-election in 2014. Some people are disheartened by this news. Others are not. You always have been a polarizing figure in politics and the reaction to your news yesterday just further proved that.

Now, I’m not here to gloat, make fun of you or speculate as to why you’re leaving today. I just wanted to bring up an interesting point I heard on NPR yesterday and make a suggestion.

NPR was reporting the details of your announcement and bringing in various pundits from both sides of the fence to discuss what it meant now that you’re leaving and to speculate what you’d do next. At one point it was brought up that you still have campaign funds of approximately $1.9 million. Now, legally you can’t just write a check for yourself since you’re dropping out of the race but those funds do exist and there are certain things that you can do with them. You could use them for legal defense fees in the ethics investigation currently underway, you could use them for another political campaign for yourself or perhaps to support some other republican’s campaign or you could donate it to charity.

Here’s a suggestion. Donate it all to charity.

Sure you could spend the money on lawyers or to prop up another republican campaign but think about just donating it all to charity. What better legacy could you leave? What better swan song than to take your war chest and use it to help an organization that’s out there only trying to do the most good? I’d suggest a completely apolitical organization. Something that has no left or right leanings like feed my starving children. It’s a christian organization but their only goal is to bring food to hungry kids around the world regarless of faith.

The best part of this? No liberal can give you shit for this. I certainly wouldn’t and I’ve taken jabs at you at every available opportunity in the last two years. Liberals would almost be forced to admit that it was incredibly generous of you to donate your campaign funds to charity when you could have easily used the money elsewhere.

Today’s my birthday, Congresswoman Bachmann. All I want is for you to donate your campaign funds to charity.

That and some donuts but you don’t need to help me there.

Michele Bachmann is the Reason I Drink

It’s 8am and I’m already drunk.

I woke up early this morning. Before my alarm. For anyone who knows me, this is kind of a big deal. But I had this feeling that something big was going to happen today. Like, the spidey sense of comedy was tingling. I could sense the danger.

So I did what any good comedian does when they want to get the latest from what’s tickling society, and hopped on Facebook.

Here is what I saw:

This isn't even a tenth of them...

This isn’t even a tenth of them…

(Two of the stories in this picture are other liberal propaganda against Republicans. One of them was intentional, and one was not. The one that wasn’t was the Obamacare story. But Hell if I’m going to fix it now.)

I saw all this, and I started drinking. Not just because I’m an alcoholic, but because this is truly a sad, sad day for us.

YoungNotions is going to have to close up shop.

There is no way we’re going to be able to bring you the same quality articles we brought you in the past. I just did a search, and in just over 2 years of the comedy website’s posts, 3 pages of the results were about Michele Bachmann.

We brought you Michele Bachmann fellating a corndog.
We’ve shared in her crazy lies and crazy eyes.
We’ve discussed the restraining order on her from God.
We’ve reveled in her financial woes.
We’ve outed her jealousy of other women in politics.

And we’ve talked about Bill’s absolute and complete obsession with her repeatedly. And by we, I mean Bill.

But all of that is going away. Because Michele Bachmann is not going to run for re-election.


I actually have this pic in a YoungNotions folder on my desk for frequently used images.

I actually have this pic in a YoungNotions folder on my desk for frequently used images.

When I heard the news, I reached for the nearest bottle of alcohol (rubbing) and just downed the entire thing. I’m super angry. Angry that she’s making comedy harder on me. Angry that she’s removing the bread and butter of our comedy site. Angry that I’m going to have to start doing actual research on things going on instead of making cheap shots about how her husband is probably gay.

Actually, I think that joke is pretty lame. One, because I hate it when people tell me I’m a different orientation than I am, and Two, because it’s super lazy. Like, way lazier than either Bill or I. And that’s pretty lazy.

Mostly, I was angry that she didn’t wait until tomorrow to do so. Because tomorrow is both Bill’s turn to write the blog AND his birthday. It would have been the best birthday ever. Like a life sized hot chick made of chocolate with a boozy inside (I didn’t get him one of those, either). Instead, she’s like that awkward friend who ruins the surprise party by talking about how they’ll see the person being surprised the next day at the surprise party they don’t know about.

Way to ruin my husband’s birthday, Michele. Way to ruin YoungNotions. AND WAY TO RUIN AMERICA!!!

And my liver.

Michele Bachmann: Teflon Bitch

I’m not obsessed with Michele Bachmann.

Seriously. I know I’ve written about her at least a dozen times here but it’s not my fault. She’s just such a magnet for attention.

Even now, when she should be at her quietest. This woman should really shy away from the spotlight right now but she’s putting out campaign ads. Election’s in 2014 but she’s putting campaign ads on youtube.

I can’t find the one I originally saw which was just a video of her bragging about how she voted to repeal Obamacare but here’s one on the Team Bachmann channel shit talking Jim Graves –

Waitaminute. Didn’t Bachmann nearly go bankrupt from her failed presidential bid? Isn’t this bitch currently under an ethics investigation? Should she really be bragging about voting to repeal Obamacare? The House has drafted a bill to repeal Obamacare 37 times, knowing it would never make it through the Senate. Sounds incredibly fucking unproductive to me.

Pundits are saying that the early running of these ads shows that she’s scared of losing to Graves. She barely won the last election and the ethics investigation isn’t doing her any favors but I think it’s something different completely.

She’s bragging.

Bachmann knows that she’s got her district on lockdown and these ads are just to let us know that she ain’t going anywhere anytime soon. Her husband could be caught Larry Craiging it up in an airport bathroom but she’d probably just make him pray the gay away and win just like she always does.

Ugh. I think I’m gonna volunteer for the Graves campaign or something.

Michele Bachmann is Never Going Away.

Buzzfeed has posted a wonderful piece about the shitty week Michele Bachmann has been having. For those of you too scared to click the link afraid I’m trying to give your computer a virus (I am), here’s the gist.

Bachmann said a bunch of stuff about the president living an incredibly lavish lifestyle in the White House. While he is pretty comfortable, most of her accusations about round-the-clock movie projectionists and personal grape peelers were totally untrue. CNN tried to talk to her about it and she just shouted “BENGAZI!”, threw a smoke bomb on the ground and ran away. Bill Fucking O’Reilly tried to talk to her about it and he got stonewalled.

I really can't.

I really can’t.

Some would think that if this woman can’t go on Fox News to defend herself than she’s done. They couldn’t be more mistaken. This woman’s never going away.

Sure, she’s proven time and again that she’ll never be in the senate, much less the presidency but she’s very nicely entrenched in her district. This isn’t the first time she’s said spouted a bunch of crazy lies but every time she does she just retreats out of the spotlight and gets elected again and again like the 6th district is some sort of political Lazarus pit for her.

She’ll run again next year and she’ll win again. Who do we have to defeat her? Her first victory was beating Patti Wetterling, the national face of child safety advocacy. Since then she’s been unbeatable. She’s like a political Jason Voorhees or Michael Meyers.

She may not be going up but she ain’t leaving.

The Republican Candidates. Where are they now?

Can you believe it’s been over a month since the election? I got thinking about all those kooky republican primary candidates that were occupying my nightmares no more than a year ago when I heard something on the radio about Tim Pawlenty getting a job as a consultant for something or other. It made me think about what happened to all the other candidates? What are they doing? Let’s take a look.

Mitt Romney

Before we get to the primary candidates let’s look at the biggest loser. Last I saw was some fluff news story about him pumping his own gas or something. My guess is that he’s dealing with the loss by hiring Obama look-alikes to hunt on his private island for sport or trying to build a spaceship to find Kolob.

Herman Cain

Probably out sexually harassing some chicks.

Seriously though he pops up in the media every now and again. He’s recently been calling for conservatives to create a 3rd party because the Republicans don’t represent true conservatives these days and the current party has a little too much legitimacy.

Ron Paul!

Ron Paul quit Congress. Below is his 48 minute retirement speech. I only saw the first couple of minutes but he comes out the gate by shit talking Democrats, Republicans, government and Congress. I don’t know if he’s being badass or just whiny.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q03cWio-zjk&w=420&h=315]

Michele Bachmann

We will never be rid of the monster. This bitch is bulletproof. Pure teflon. She will be screeching on TV about lightbulb freedom and trying to get people to pray the gay away long after I’m dead. I don’t know how the 6th district keeps re-electing her. I seriously don’t.

Rick Santorum

Ugh. Who cares? Seriously. I think he’s doing weekly columns for worldnetdaily or some bullshit. Whatever. Fuck him. Ugh.


Last night was pretty awesome for me. Obama got reelected. Both the Marriage Amendment and the Voter I.D. Amendment were shot down, pretty much every republican who said awful things about rape this campaign were defeated, Donald Trump completely lost his shit on twitter and Josh Reimnitz won the District 4 Minneapolis School Board seat –

We’ve received like 2 dozen letters, door hangers, flyers etc. from this guy’s campaign. His website is super well done. I simply voted for him just because he put so much damn effort into his campaign.

All in all this election was a big win for me but there’s always a couple of things that didn’t go how I hoped –


Seriously? That crazy bitch is fucking bulletproof. Two more years of her having legislative power. Two more years of her getting in front of TV cameras and talking about freedom for lightbulbs and God telling her to do shit. Granted, as a comedian I’m kind of relieved she’ll still be here to kick around but it’s too high a price to pay. I’d gladly give up all the low hanging fruit in the world to have her disappear from the public eye forever.


Remember that blog I did a couple of days ago about that wacky N.D. measure? It didn’t pass. By a huge margin. Turns out 67% of North Dakotans love strangling cats.

In spite of the minor WTF losses, I’m really optimistic about the next four years of Obama. Mainly because it will probably make Donald Trump literally go insane.

Seriously. Fuck that guy.

The Jealousy of Michele Bachmann

Okay. This is going to come as a shock to a lot of you but this actually happened. Michele Bachmann said something stupid and crazy. No lie.

Last week she and four other representatives sent letters to security officials warning that the Muslim Brotherhood may have infiltrated the U.S. government. Among the top of the list, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin.


Basically, her family members knew people who knew people who are in the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that Al-Queda hates for not being evil enough.

If she is an operative she must be under the deepest cover ever considering she just had a kid with a Jewish guy.

Of course the allegations are baseless. High ranking republicans like John McCain and John Boehner have gone on record to say that it’s bonkers to think that she’s a terrorist. That doesn’t mean that some people aren’t going to believe Bachmann. Abedin has received death threats since Bachmann opened her crazy mouth and Wes Harris, head of the Arizona Tea Party (“Arizona Tea Party” is a really redundant term. Might as well just say “crazy crazy”)is trying to get John McCain recalled for defending Abedin.

There’s so many reasons why these attacks on Huma Abedin are just completely untrue, she’s a dedicated public servant, close friends with the Clinton family (former Prez. Bill presided over her wedding and Hillary has refered to her as a “second daughter), not to mention she’s way too hot to be a terrorist –

I wouldn’t touch that guy with a ten foot waterboard.

If that’s what terrorists look like she can jihad my evil empire any day.

The real question here is why is Michele Bachmann doing this? Of course she’s crazy and an Islamophobe but that really can’t be enough to try to ruin the name of an innocent woman. I think I know what’s motivating her. Jealousy.

She’s jealous of Huma Abedin. Now, you may ask what she could be jealous of, other than Huma’s intelligence, class, looks and the fact that people don’t roll their eyes every time she speaks. It’s her husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Bachmann just can’t get over the fact that Huma Abedin married somebody so… heterosexual.

Think about it. You can call Anthony Weiner a lot of things but you can’t call him a closet case. Just ask all those girls he sent cock pics to on twitter. He’s so very straight! To top it all off he’s Jewish (just ask all those girls he sent cock pics to on twitter) which means he’s straight without any help from Jesus! He didn’t even have to pray away any gay! Bachmann takes one look at her husband, who’s one disgruntled masseuse from getting Travolta’d and then looks at Huma’s husband and it sends her into a jealous rage! She can’t handle it so her only option is to try to ruin her.

That has to be it. The only other explanation is that Michele Bachmann is a bigoted, racist whack job.

Bachmann: Pop-Culture Punching Bag?

Maybe if punching bags were filled with bat shit insane zealot bitches instead of sand or whatever.

The Star Tribune posted an article today about how poor ol’ Michele Bachmann can’t catch a break. Even though she has shied away from the media since she got her ass handed to her in the primaries and ended up $80,000 in debt for her trouble, celebrities still take jabs at her. Her special brand of crazy is inspiring a plot line in True Blood, Jane Fonda calls her “nothing but a hairdo” in Aaron Sorkin’s new show and Catherine Zeta-Jones cited Bachmann as inspiration for her character in Rock of Ages.

Now I’ve taken my fair share of jabs at Bachmann. So many that I can spell her name correctly without looking it up (one “l”, two “n”s) but I haven’t written about her at all recently because she hasn’t done anything new and exciting since horribly failing at running for president. The article is asking why Hollywood is still taking shots at her even though she hasn’t done anything newsworthy lately and republican strategist Sarah Janecek states “”She created a vivid picture in those presidential debates as the only woman doing just fine against the men. With her perfect looks plus her ideology, in the age of celebrity, she became one.”

According to republican strategists, doing just fine = 6th place in the Iowa caucuses and perfect looks = this –

I love how she wears so much makeup there’s practically lens flare coming off her cheeks and how her hollow eyes communicate nothing but insanity. SO HOT. Easy to see how she turned Marcus straight.

I’ll admit that the slams about her looks are low blows. While it’s baffling that Janecek would say in defense that Bachmann has “perfect looks”, it’s unfair to make sniping comments about her looks. It’s a double standard that women in politics have to deal with that sort of thing and Michele Bachmann shouldn’t have to defend how she looks. She’s a politician, not a model.

She especially shouldn’t have to defend her looks since she should spend all her energy supporting her horrible views on praying the gay away, freedom of light bulbs and the idea that God told her she was going to become president.

Frankly, we shouldn’t be talking about her at all. I know it’s hard. She’s such an easy target but if we ignore her she might just go away. She’s busy campaigning for re-election this year (check out the pics on her facebook page and play the “find anybody who isn’t white” game) and she’ll probably get re elected because her district is full of idiots but if we leave her alone she might just stay off of Fox News.

Fingers crossed.

Five More Lies Republicans Tell About Women’s Bodies

HuP (short for HuffPo, short for Huffington Post) Huffingtonposted an article yesterday entitled “9 Lies Republicans Tell About Women’s Bodies”. The article shows 9 myths that have sprung up rather recently in the GOP’s war on vaginas. While the list certainly brings to light the level of misinformation conservatives are willing to use to make a point, the list is far from complete. Here’s some more misleading statements, half-truths and outright lies the Republicans have said about women in the last couple of months.

1. “Chinese girls have sideways vaginas.” – Rick Santorum on Face the Nation.

This myth has been around for quite some time but the World Health Organization has stated that the vaginas of Chinese women are just like everybody else’s.

2. “Boys go to Mars to get more candy bars. Girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider.” – Rush Limbaugh on The Rush Limbaugh Show.

To date, the Mars Rover has yet to find a single candy bar on the planet’s surface. As for Jupiter, the atmosphere of the gas giant is mainly comprised of hydrogen and helium. Breathing these gases can cause oxygen starvation to the brain so while a girl could get more stupider on Jupiter, not one female has ever visited the planet.

3. “We don’t need a condom, baby. Everybody knows you can’t get pregnant if you do it in a hot tub.” – Herman Cain in the hot tub at La Quinta Inn. Newark, NJ.

According to the internet you can totally get pregnant in a hot tub. Duh.

4. “That weird girl Ethel in Ms. Miller’s kindergarten class has cooties.” – Mitt Romney televised campaign ad.

While it’s kind of weird that her parents gave her an old lady name, there’s no such thing as cooties. Ethyl has lice.

5. “Almost 20% of fetuses survive abortion, growing up with a single goal in life. Revenge.” – Michele Bachmann, speaking to a bunch of terrified girl scouts around a camp fire moments before Marcus jumps out of the bushes in a giant fetus costume.

While there have been some cases of fetuses surviving late term abortions, there have been no recorded instances of revenge quests.

For more information on Republican views on women’s health, consult any 100 year old medical textbook.

The pic from the original huffpo article. Obviously a shop because the three of them talking at the same time would cause aneurysms in anybody listening.

P.S. Oh hey there’s only two days left to vote for the City Pages reader’s poll. You can vote for “best local blog”. I’m not saying that I think this blog is the best but you should vote for me because I’m incredibly insecure and if you don’t vote for me I’m going to STICK MY FINGER IN MY THROAT UNTIL I THROW UP BECAUSE I’M A FATTY FATASS. Thanks!

If Making Fun of Michele Bachmann is Illegal I May Have More Jail Stories to Post Real Soon.

I’m not obsessed with Michele Bachmann. Sure, she’s been the subject of ridicule from me a few times and I’ve even taken shots at her as she faded from the political limelight but it’s nothing more than the product of lazy writing. She’s crazy, constantly in the news (especially here in MN) and when you’re trying to get a new blog posted every weekday by noon sometimes you pick the low hanging fruit.

Unfortunately, I may have to start looking at other fruit to pick because insulting Michele Bachmann is now something that can prompt a grand jury investigation.

Seriously. A grand jury in D.C. just subpoenaed twitter to get the identity of a user that “professed desire to engage in sadomasochistic activities” with Michele Bachmann. Somebody should have told him that Marcus is more the whips and chains type.

The man, known only as “Mr. X” in the subpoena, tweeted last year “I want to fuck Michelle Bachman (sic) in the ass with a Vietnam era machete”. Hell, the paragraph following is so hilarious I’m going to post the whole thing, unedited (the entire subpoena can be found on the strib article linked above).

“Unfortunately, an overview of Mr. X’s Twitter page is warranted. Mr. X’s body of tweets is extremely crude and in almost incomprehensibly poor taste. Occasionally political but almost consistently vacuous, his oeuvre represents an infantile attempt at humor that brings to mind the most obscene aspects of Andrew Dice Clay, but without even the infinitesimal modicum of artistic creativity that Mr. Clay managed to possess. The page is entirely without merit, comedic or otherwise. More offensive even than Mr. X’s chosen vocabulary is the pathetic transparency and vapidity of his attempt to elicit the attention on the internet that he surely lacks in real life. Somehow, this attempt has succeeded to the tune of, at the time of the issuance of this Order, 736 followers – a number that will certainly and regrettably grow once this Order is released to the public. A sad state of affairs indeed. Readers are free, though ill-advised, to form their own opinions regarding Mr. X’s output in their own time. It suffices here to include a mere sampling some representative tweets, which are replicated without modification.

Goddamn I just smacked my wife with my Dick… Now she has a cock shaped bruise on her face… Take that take that take that (there were a few more tweets in the subpoena but I’ll just leave it at that)

Holy shit this Mr. X guy just got served in more ways than one. Judge Smackdown tore this guy apart! I seriously hope my body of work is never submitted to a grand jury because I don’t think I could handle the criticism. That was harsh.

This all seems a bit silly, really. I obviously don’t care for Crazyeyes McGaypray but I don’t wish her any physical harm (you hear that, CIA? I’m harmless!). Genuine threats to her should be investigated but I sincerely doubt this is a sincere threat. He’s just a shitty comedian trying to get shock value laughs. Mr. X probably won’t be getting his hands on any machete, Vietnam era or otherwise and Michele Bachmann’s ass can stop worrying and get back to clenching every time somebody tries to force energy efficient light bulbs on her.

Judging by the uncomfortable look on her face in this pic maybe Mr. X actually did follow through.