Michele Bachmann: Teflon Bitch

I’m not obsessed with Michele Bachmann.

Seriously. I know I’ve written about her at least a dozen times here but it’s not my fault. She’s just such a magnet for attention.

Even now, when she should be at her quietest. This woman should really shy away from the spotlight right now but she’s putting out campaign ads. Election’s in 2014 but she’s putting campaign ads on youtube.

I can’t find the one I originally saw which was just a video of her bragging about how she voted to repeal Obamacare but here’s one on the Team Bachmann channel shit talking Jim Graves –

Waitaminute. Didn’t Bachmann nearly go bankrupt from her failed presidential bid? Isn’t this bitch currently under an ethics investigation? Should she really be bragging about voting to repeal Obamacare? The House has drafted a bill to repeal Obamacare 37 times, knowing it would never make it through the Senate. Sounds incredibly fucking unproductive to me.

Pundits are saying that the early running of these ads shows that she’s scared of losing to Graves. She barely won the last election and the ethics investigation isn’t doing her any favors but I think it’s something different completely.

She’s bragging.

Bachmann knows that she’s got her district on lockdown and these ads are just to let us know that she ain’t going anywhere anytime soon. Her husband could be caught Larry Craiging it up in an airport bathroom but she’d probably just make him pray the gay away and win just like she always does.

Ugh. I think I’m gonna volunteer for the Graves campaign or something.