Drinkin’ in the New Year.

New Year’s Eve is the biggest night of the year for stand up comedy. Tonight there are over a dozen places you can go to have a fancy dinner and watch people tell jokes at you. I personally suggest this one –

I will tell jokes at you.

I will tell jokes at you.

It’s nice to be able to have a New Year’s gig close to home. When I was younger my options for New Year’s show’s were always in some far flung Iron Range town and while I do love going out and making with the jokey jokes, New Year’s is my favorite holiday and I enjoy spending it getting completely hammered with my loved ones. Here’s a little story about my drunkest New Year’s Eve ever.

About five years ago I took a New Year’s show in some town about 20 miles west of Saint Cloud. If a show is less than a two hour drive I don’t expect to stay in a hotel but this was New Year’s. I figured one would be ready for me. I called the guy who booked the show on my drive up and asked where I’d be staying. He told me that he didn’t get a hotel room since it was so close to the Twin Cities.

My heart sank. I figured that if I couldn’t get wasted with my friends on New Year’s at least I could get wasted. I said “but… it’s New Year’s. This is the biggest drinking night of the year!” The booker said “sorry, I’m an old guy. I don’t really think about that.” but I wasn’t an old guy and I did. I needed to figure out a plan B.

I ended up at the Independent in Uptown. Not my favorite bar by any stretch of the imagination but it had friends and it had booze. After waiting in line (one of the reasons I don’t like that place) and paying a cover fee (hey look, another reason!) I finally found my friends at the bar at 11:15 PM and they were all drunk. I, on the other hand, was stone cold sober since I just drove from Saint Cloud. I decided to play catch up.

Here’s the problem with playing catch up. I drank at a much faster pace than everybody else trying to “catch up” to them and after “catching up” to them I quickly “ran right the fuck past” them and eventually “lapped” them. What was once the only sober guy at the party was now the drunkest.

This became clear pretty quick. All over the bar were giant helium balloons. I plucked one off a railing, bit a hole right by the tied-off end of the opening and sucked in a big lungful to do the always popular “hey look at how high my voice is” gag (party classic. Second only to the “lampshade hat” bit). After nearly draining all of the giant balloon one of my friends points out that all the balloons seem to be filled with glitter. A couple minutes later I cough into my hand and see a few flecks of mucous covered plastic glitter. I briefly contemplate going to the ER for my possible case of sparkly lung but decide to ride it out and keep drinking.

As the bar closes everybody pours out onto the street and I’m standing on the corner of Lake and Hennepin waiting for a friend to pull up with a car. I see a few people cross the street on a red light and scream out “HEY! THAT’S JAYWALKING! I AM PLACING YOU UNDER CITIZEN’S ARREST!” The criminals proceeded to keep walking without even acknowledging my authority. I turn to the police officer that’s standing right next to me and slur “Nobody respects the law anymore, man.” He just rolled his eyes and probably silently prayed that I didn’t take a swing at anybody so he wouldn’t have to haul my drunk ass in. I screamed “CITIZEN’S ARREST!” at a few more jaywalkers and eventually just started trying to place random innocents under citizen’s arrest. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I eventually pile into a car with my friends and we all end up at my friend Mitch’s apartment. As we spill out of the car into the alley I slip on some ice and fall right on my ass. I proclaim that I am placing myself under citizens arrest and then puke a bunch of glitter behind a dumpster.

The next morning we all went out for brunch, I had the worst hangover of my life and I haven’t played “catch up” since.

God bless us, everyone!

Shit Just Got Real

Chicago isn’t really a safe town. It has a history of gangs and violence and mafia and ghettos… and now we can add another danger to the list: poop-filled socks.

A 21 year old college student was seated on the train, texting, when this guy throws a sock full of poop at her. She tried to confront him, but he took off at a fast speed and she couldn’t really follow because she had a face full of fecal matter.

Possibly this guy’s fecal matter:


She didn’t know this guy, she didn’t provoke him. No one knows of any reason why he would have attacked her.

I think it’s obvious.

What? You need me to Sherlock Holmes this one for you? Do a little Dan Brown (which is also what Dan Brown called it when he takes a shit)?

Well, alright. Let’s look at the facts.

  1. Chicago is known for their gangs.
  2. Since I’m white and this suspect is black, I have to assume he’s part of a gang. Hey- don’t look at me like that. I’m not the person who makes up the racism rules. I just follow them.
  3. Gang members are getting classier, putting their names and logos on things. Any idiot can open a CafePress store now and have fancy swag and logos on hoodies. I mean, we did. PS- YoungNotions is now a gang.

Let’s take a look at that picture again:



And there it is. P.P. with little spattery marks surrounding it. Which obviously stands for Poop Posse. This urban youth is a part of a mysterious underground (hopefully in the sewers) gang that throws poop at people.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go accept a detective job on the Chicago police force. If I’m lucky, I’ll get partnered with a young, adorable sidekick whose optimism and spirit keep me going when I’m hardened by years of working against Chicago’s seedy underbelly.

Uptown Rainbow Fight Club?

So I needed to get something from the grocery store on Christmas day. Now, I know most everything is closed on Christmas and grocery stores are no exception but I thought perhaps one of the literally five grocery stores in a 10 block radius of my home would be open.

That’s right. Five. I’m within walking distance of the Wedge Co-Op, Kowalksi’s, Lunds, Rainbow and Supervalu. You can even add Byerly’s and Cub to the list if you cast the net out an extra mile and a half. Uptown’s got grocery stores and they were all closed on Christmas.

While searching online for holiday hours for some of the stores I googled “Uptown Rainbow Holiday Hours” and one of the first things that came up was the Yelp! review page for the store.

The Uptown Rainbow is usually my go-to store. It’s a lot cheaper than the co-op, Lunds and Kowalski’s but it’s not as trashy as the Supervalu (seriously Supervalu is one of those grocery stores where you have to walk through the stockroom to get to the bathroom. Always a bad sign). Sure, the Rainbow’s a little dirty and doesn’t always have everything I want stocked all the time but it’s alright. I glanced at the Yelp! reviews to see what other people thought of the place and holy shit –

Let me make this easy for you. You’re thinking about coming here because it’s close to your apartment, and you just need the two things. If I may make a suggestion: consider starving to death instead.

Seriously, this is the nastiest, most overpriced grocery in the Twin Cities. I’ve been here for ten minutes and I’ve seen: 1) produce dropped on the (really dirty) floor and put back on the shelf. 2) a cashier throw a watermelon which a customer had just bought. 3) a bro massage his dick as he walked up and down aisles. This wasn’t a minor adjustment we’re talking about. He was taking it slow and easy. Moving with precision. A true artisan.

Which brings me to the other point: this place is an asshole vortex. People push, they curse at you, they shout into their Bluetooth headgear. I’m okay with the prices being so inflated, because this is probably an asshole tax enforced by the city, and I support our teachers and firefighters.

Two stars, because there’s a sign that says “grocery” outside, and they will attempt to sell you food if you go in. Still though… starvation. Think about it.

Okay, I wasn’t massaging my dick. I was scratching my balls. Jeez.

I don’t know if people actually feel this strongly about a grocery store or if people are using over the top reviews hoping they’ll go viral but some shit on this page is just nasty –

This place thrives on the fact that it’s the only grocery store within five miles that isn’t a swanky-swank Lunds/Kowalskis. And by thrives, I mean like a virus.

It is a nasty place. “Crowded” does not begin to explain it. From the moment you pull into the parking lot- which is a total sh*$ show in itself- you are thrust into a sea of people shoving around shopping carts that are very broken and are too big for the layout of this hellhole.

Add some screaming feral children, completely tuned-out employees (to be fair, there are maybe five of them), general dirtiness, long lines, and sketchy produce, and the so-called deals are just… not… quite… worth it.

The parking lot fights thing is actually a recurring theme in a lot of reviews –

The Rainbow Foods in Uptown is some of most fabulous entertainment this fine city has to offer. Some of what I’ve witnessed on my shopping trips (at all hours of the day) are:

* Someone running laps around the store perimeter in flip-flops
* A man getting frustrated and smashing his cart into things
* Managers lecturing the restocking folk… from two aisles down
* Parking lot fights — yes, plural

Shopping in suburban grocery stores? Pfft. You’ll fall asleep in the aisles from boredom.

Honestly though, for as much as Rainbow can be a circus sideshow, they’re always well-stocked and organized. I don’t know how they pull it off, what with the flip-flop marathons and all. And there are a few checkout clerks with wicked senses of humor, too. It’s all part of the magical experience that is the Uptown Rainbow.

Okay, I’ve been shopping at this place pretty regularly for a few years now and I haven’t seen a single parking lot fight. Is this a problem that Rainbow fixed after the Yelp! blitz or am I just missing them?

This place is cool on mushrooms or if you want to look at girls youd sleep with but never date. And the pharmacy dude wears a sick eyepatch but its probably because he has some brutal tattoo.

Okay I’ve seen that pharmacy guy before and after reading these reviews I think I know how he ended up with the eyepatch. Uptown Rainbow Fight Club.

rainbow uptown

R.E.M is Still Waiting

I don’t want to write today’s article about the end of the world. First, because it’s cliche. Second, because it’s not. Third, there is no joke someone else hasn’t made.

Seriously. My Facebook feed is filled with them. My personal favorite were the Apocalypse Pick Up Lines. I won’t post other people’s jokes without permission, but you should totally post yours in the comments. Mine was “Will You be Mayan?” I also once sent a Valentine that said “I choo-choo-choose you” and it had a picture of a train on it.

Ralph Wiggam is my favorite Simpson's character.

Ralph Wiggam is my favorite Simpson’s character.

About 5 of my friends made jokes about having to still pay their bills. And Oh. My. God. the Facebook pictures.

The ones leading up:

And then the day hit:

Perth is having a day:

I had to make the Galactus one bigger.

I had to make the Galactus one bigger.

People are expressing their disappointment:

Some people have been using the opportunity to promote various things:

As an aside, you should totally do this. Not this post. Their post.

As an aside, you should totally do this. Not this post. Their post.


But mostly? Nerds:

I’m sorry kids, but I’m going to have to side with Batman on this one:

It’s too bad there isn’t anything else going on today…

Note the lack of Christmas tree. Us Christians stole it from you pagans fair an square!

Note the lack of Christmas tree. Us Christians stole it from you pagans fair an square!

Happy Winter Solstice and Joyous Yule, you hippy heathens!

Broccoli Makes You Retarded?

Oh, google autocomplete. You’ve done it again!

Last night I was talking about farts, as I often do. I was telling my stepson about how beans aren’t the only food that can make people fart and, in fact, broccoli is actually more potent in that task. He then looked at me like I was crazy. The kid didn’t know that broccoli makes you fart and didn’t believe me when I said it does.

That’s fine. I have the internet. A mere 15 years ago I’d have to dust off an encyclopedia or eat a bunch of broccoli and wait an hour but today I can just google it. In fact, I was so confident that I told him that it’d probably be the first autocomplete response when I typed in “broccoli makes”.

Turns out it was the second answer. The first? Well…



Great. As if we didn’t have a hard enough time already getting the kid to eat his vegetables.

This is the first I’ve ever heard of it but enough people have searched for it online that it’s the first autocomplete response when anybody types “broccoli makes”. Holy shit.

Okay. After seeing this I had to look into it. Most of the links on the first page were just to yahoo answers and cha cha pages of people asking the question and getting answers like “no dummy their full uv vitamins that maek yer brain healthy lol”.

Shit.  There might be something to this.

Shit. There might be something to this.

Wikipedia had nothing on the subject at all. In fact, the only website I could find that supported the claim was reposting Cracked articles and seemingly not crediting the author, it lets Wiz’ fans know about all the latest stuff going on in Current Biology magazine. Seriously. There’s a whole entry talking about how our bitter taste bud receptors were made to warn off things like broccoli cuz it can make you all Sling Blade.

Now, normally I’d trust the scientific reporting of a meme aggregation service owned by a rapper who says he spends $10,000 on weed a month but I thought I’d take a look to see if there was an actual article since Planet Khalifa wasn’t kind enough to link it’s sources.

Turns out there totally is an article about the stuff. Now, the article itself is way over my head and I had a hard time discerning if they were actually saying that broccoli can cause disabilities or if Planet Khalifa was taking what they reported out of context but I’ll just trust Wiz and never eat broccoli again. Or any vegetable, for that matter.

Might as well steer clear of fruits while I’m at it.

Something About This Whole Gun Debate we can all Agree on.

Last week’s tragedy in Sandy Hook has kicked up a lot of dust. The way the news rushed to get info out to the public caused a bunch of errors and unsubstantiated rumors. Fox News has pulled out the old Red Herring of violent video games to kick around. And, of course, the whole gun control debate has come to the forefront. Everybody from high level politicians to half of my goddamned friends list on facebook have been out there demanding that guns should either be banned or given to teachers to prevent this from happening in the future.

I have my opinions about gun control. I haven’t really talked about it on social media because I’m not about to change any minds but of course I have my opinions on guns. Sure, I could post on facebook about how the “deer rifle” this guy used seems to be designed to take out a platoon of genetically engineered armored cyborg deer with flame spewing antlers. I could tweet about how a small part of me wishes that the government would instate martial law just to see you gun nuts try to fight back against the might of the world’s most well funded military with your precious fucking firearms but I’d be doing nothing more than pissing off people who disagree with me. Also that would be way too long for a tweet.

I don’t fault people for reacting strongly, though. Things like last week’s massacre are hard to process and bring out a lot of strong emotions in people. There’s bound to be some harsh words and irrational responses. No matter what your opinion on gun control and however you’re feeling about this whole incident, though, there’s one thing that everybody in this country can agree on. These are the dumbest fucking parents in the world.

For those of you who don’t want to click the link, that right there is a story about an 11 year old who brought a gun to school. The gun was allegedly given to him by his parents for protection in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre. The kid pulled the gun in recess and put it to a friend’s head and threatened to fucking kill her if she tattled. Thankfully, the gun wasn’t loaded considering there are roughly 650 accidental gun deaths and over 15,000 accidental shooting injuries a year.

Whatever. I think we can all agree that these parents should not be in charge of kids. Even the biggest gun nut wouldn’t think that the solution for the gun control debate is “give kids guns”. Nobody ever thinks “give kids guns” is the correct answer for anything ever except maybe to the question of “how do you be the worst parent ever?”

More proof that these are shitty parents is they raised a kid who accepted the gun and took it to school. Remember. This kid is 11. That’s 6th, maybe 5th grade. This kid should know not to take a gun to school. Just to check I asked my 12 year old stepson what he would do if, after hearing about the Sandy Hook shooting, I gave him a gun to take to school for protection. He said he wouldn’t have accepted it. Smart kid.

So thank you, worst parents ever. In a time where our nation is fiercely divided you bring us all together in agreement that you’re incredibly fucking horrible at being parents.

This Is Not the Petition You’re Looking For

I’m a huge fan of the Steven Brust books, and most especially the Vlad Taltos series. Maybe it’s because the series doesn’t neatly fall into fantasy or sci-fi, but plays each genre against the other to create a very full and complicated world. Maybe it’s because he tends to deal in philosophical concepts and character development with witty banter and natural character interaction. Maybe it’s because I love sword fighting and mysteries. Maybe it’s because I grew up with his children as some of my closest friends and devoured his books throughout my childhood. Maybe it’s because I consider Brust a friend, having had long philosophical talks with him (ie- having talked with him for more than 5 minutes) and worked with him at RenFest.

Oh, you think this article has topped out its geek factor at drumming with a sci-fi/fantasy author at a Ren Faire? Buckle up kids- it’s about to get all sorts of geeky up in this post.

Yeah, I know this guy. No big deal.

Yeah, I know this guy. No big deal.

I bring up the series because in the world where it takes place, there is an Empress, and every citizen of that Empire has a psychic link to the Orb, which the Empress monitors at all times. In one of the books, the protagonist (usually) of the books, who has had a link to this Orb since he was a child, is told that every citizen, due to the nature of the Orb, has the ability to psychically talk to the Empress at any given time. When the main character suggests that this must be a hassle for the Empress, his friend assured him that no, she actually gets very little in direct psychic communication because if the Empress doesn’t find your topic important enough, she simply destroys the sender via the Orb.

It’s like shooting the messenger times a thousand.

In September of 2011, the WhiteHouse.gov website saw the addition of the “We the People” petition section (petitions.whitehouse.gov). Any person can create and post a petition to this site, and if it gets enough virtual signatures, it gets reviewed by the Obama Administration and you are given an answer.

“My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and efffectiveness in government.”

— President Barack Obama

Our president can be so very adorably idealist at times. I just wanna give him a giant rainbow hug, wrapped in sunshine, and decorated with kittens.

This is the same petition process that, when Obama was re-elected, all 50 states had at least one disgruntled dude file a petition to secede. Which isn’t how that works, even though 7 of these petitions got enough signatures for review. So the Administration will have to review them and give them an answer. The answer will be “no- fuck you. That’s not how you secede, dumbass” but they will get an answer.

Do you know what else will have to be reviewed by the Obama Administration? A petition that just barely got the required number of signatures in which the petitioner asks the President to “secure funding and resources, and begin construction on a Death Star by 2016.


Honey? Can you pick up a Death Star on your way home from work? We’re out.

The petition goes on to describe how doing so would contribute to job creation and national defense. And honestly, dude makes a valid point. Having an active space program where we put money into research and development does create jobs and can give us a scientific edge compared to other countries, including national defense.

Now, where did I put that NASA funding? Oh, right. Here it is. Just about to fall of the fiscal cliff, resulting in thousands of jobs lost, but successfully cutting millions out of the federal budget.

I’m certain that the Obama Administration is going to review the Death Star petition, and review our economy and the budget, and, once they pick themselves up off the floor from laughing so hard, respond with a well thought out and carefully crafted message. But I really want them to respond with three short but meaningful words:


Grandpa Is the Next Hot Young Thing

I can still wear some of my clothes from high school. Us rail thin people have it pretty easy in some respects… Like not having to shop for clothes all the time. I mean they fit a little different now. The words that used to run nipple to nipple across my chest now run along the tops of my boobs.

Gravity’s a bitch.

But there is one old man that’s not going to let his age keep him out of teenage clothes. Specifically his granddaughter’s teen clothes. You know, it really sounds gross when I say it like that. Eeeew! Old man wears his granddaughter’s clothes. Like he’s some kind of fetishist or something.

Look, not every old man from Asia wearing teen girl clothes is a fetishist. Way to stereotype. Asshole.

Anyway, Liu Xianping from China has been modeling clothes designed for teen girls in his granddaughter’s shop. And he has been WORKING it.

What I wouldn't give to have those legs..

The store is owned by 5 young ladies, one of whom (Ms Lv) is the granddaughter of the classy cross-dressing grandpa.

When Grandpa was helping unpack the boxes with his granddaughter, he started to mix and match different outfits together. They were having so much fun that they decided to shoot some pictures.

And a picture is worth a thousand… dollars? Since Xianping has started modeling the clothes, sales have gone up FIVE TIMES. That’s not hits to the online store. That is actual money sales.

But I mean, with legs like that, can you blame them?

The Republican Candidates. Where are they now?

Can you believe it’s been over a month since the election? I got thinking about all those kooky republican primary candidates that were occupying my nightmares no more than a year ago when I heard something on the radio about Tim Pawlenty getting a job as a consultant for something or other. It made me think about what happened to all the other candidates? What are they doing? Let’s take a look.

Mitt Romney

Before we get to the primary candidates let’s look at the biggest loser. Last I saw was some fluff news story about him pumping his own gas or something. My guess is that he’s dealing with the loss by hiring Obama look-alikes to hunt on his private island for sport or trying to build a spaceship to find Kolob.

Herman Cain

Probably out sexually harassing some chicks.

Seriously though he pops up in the media every now and again. He’s recently been calling for conservatives to create a 3rd party because the Republicans don’t represent true conservatives these days and the current party has a little too much legitimacy.

Ron Paul!

Ron Paul quit Congress. Below is his 48 minute retirement speech. I only saw the first couple of minutes but he comes out the gate by shit talking Democrats, Republicans, government and Congress. I don’t know if he’s being badass or just whiny.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q03cWio-zjk&w=420&h=315]

Michele Bachmann

We will never be rid of the monster. This bitch is bulletproof. Pure teflon. She will be screeching on TV about lightbulb freedom and trying to get people to pray the gay away long after I’m dead. I don’t know how the 6th district keeps re-electing her. I seriously don’t.

Rick Santorum

Ugh. Who cares? Seriously. I think he’s doing weekly columns for worldnetdaily or some bullshit. Whatever. Fuck him. Ugh.

Have You Accepted Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior: The Game.

Yesterday I was at work driving to a customer’s house with an assistant (sometimes I get an assistant!). We didn’t talk much and just had the radio on quietly. I had turned off the radio at one point to make a phone call and neglected to turn it back on. After a couple of minutes of silence he looked at me and said “Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior?”

Well, shit.

With that one question every silence between us for the rest of the day became an awkward one. Way to go, pushy Christian.

I didn’t jump down his throat about it. I know, religion is a personal thing and it’s annoying and almost a little creepy when somebody you barely know is trying to get you to change religions while you’re just trying to work but they’re honestly just trying to help. As my friend Tony mentioned yesterday on facebook when I posted about the interaction, these people honestly think that you’re going to quite literally burn in hell if you don’t believe like they do. They want to help you.

Knowing this doesn’t make them any less annoying or intrusive but I try to remember this and cut them some slack when dealing with them. If you’re not as patient (or as much of a pushover) as me, you can play the new game I invented the next time you’re confronted with one of these people. It’s-

Have You Accepted Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior: The Game.

Rules: Points are awarded based on how you respond to someone asking you the titular question. Play with your friends or play alone!

(0 points)
Just mumble something about how you’re not exactly atheist but you don’t really trust any church and yada yada yada. Trail off on some bullshit about how you think he had some good teachings and hope they shut up (this is what I usually do).

(5 points)
Tell them that you’re gay. Points are only awarded if they say that it’s a sin and you argue them on it.

(10 points)
Make them give you the infomercial pitch. Say “well, I’ve heard about Jesus and heaven but I just don’t see what the big deal is.” Make them sell heaven to you in as detailed manner as possible.

(20 points)
As soon as they ask look at them with wide eyes and say “You can do that? Oh, thank God! Please! Hurry!” Sometimes they’ll try to give you a “rebirth” right on the spot. This usually involves them asking to accept Jesus and reject Satan. When they begin roll your eyes in the back of your head, lower your voice as low as it will go, start growling some backwards latin sounding jibberish and then look at the person and say “Too late, this one is MINE NOW.”

(25 points)
Just start crying. When they ask what’s the matter look at them and say “Jesus RAPED ME!”

(40 points)
Think about it for a second and say “Well, it sounds interesting but let me throw this out there. Have you considered accepting me as your lord and savior?” Really try to sell them on you being the messiah. Offer to buy them waffles and ask them when Jesus ever bought them waffles. Bonus 5,000 points if you can actually get them to follow you.

Good luck