Something About This Whole Gun Debate we can all Agree on.

Last week’s tragedy in Sandy Hook has kicked up a lot of dust. The way the news rushed to get info out to the public caused a bunch of errors and unsubstantiated rumors. Fox News has pulled out the old Red Herring of violent video games to kick around. And, of course, the whole gun control debate has come to the forefront. Everybody from high level politicians to half of my goddamned friends list on facebook have been out there demanding that guns should either be banned or given to teachers to prevent this from happening in the future.

I have my opinions about gun control. I haven’t really talked about it on social media because I’m not about to change any minds but of course I have my opinions on guns. Sure, I could post on facebook about how the “deer rifle” this guy used seems to be designed to take out a platoon of genetically engineered armored cyborg deer with flame spewing antlers. I could tweet about how a small part of me wishes that the government would instate martial law just to see you gun nuts try to fight back against the might of the world’s most well funded military with your precious fucking firearms but I’d be doing nothing more than pissing off people who disagree with me. Also that would be way too long for a tweet.

I don’t fault people for reacting strongly, though. Things like last week’s massacre are hard to process and bring out a lot of strong emotions in people. There’s bound to be some harsh words and irrational responses. No matter what your opinion on gun control and however you’re feeling about this whole incident, though, there’s one thing that everybody in this country can agree on. These are the dumbest fucking parents in the world.

For those of you who don’t want to click the link, that right there is a story about an 11 year old who brought a gun to school. The gun was allegedly given to him by his parents for protection in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre. The kid pulled the gun in recess and put it to a friend’s head and threatened to fucking kill her if she tattled. Thankfully, the gun wasn’t loaded considering there are roughly 650 accidental gun deaths and over 15,000 accidental shooting injuries a year.

Whatever. I think we can all agree that these parents should not be in charge of kids. Even the biggest gun nut wouldn’t think that the solution for the gun control debate is “give kids guns”. Nobody ever thinks “give kids guns” is the correct answer for anything ever except maybe to the question of “how do you be the worst parent ever?”

More proof that these are shitty parents is they raised a kid who accepted the gun and took it to school. Remember. This kid is 11. That’s 6th, maybe 5th grade. This kid should know not to take a gun to school. Just to check I asked my 12 year old stepson what he would do if, after hearing about the Sandy Hook shooting, I gave him a gun to take to school for protection. He said he wouldn’t have accepted it. Smart kid.

So thank you, worst parents ever. In a time where our nation is fiercely divided you bring us all together in agreement that you’re incredibly fucking horrible at being parents.