Victoria Jackson is a Comedic Genius

The mark of a true satirical genius is when they actually get you to think they believe what they’re saying. They become so entrenched in their character that you think they’re as crazy as they pretend to be. This Kaufman-esque dedication to the part is what makes it all the more hilarious when you realize that they’re in on the joke. The longer the performer is able to keep this charade going, the more people they’re able to draw in, the bigger the payoff.

I honestly think this is what Victoria Jackson is doing.

It’s perfect, when you think about it. She spent years on SNL doing funny-but-not-groundbreaking roles and bit parts and after a few minor roles in movies she completely disappears from the public radar. Come 2008, she’s on Fox News calling Obama a communist.

It’s weird to think about at first. Why is she on Fox News? She’s not a political commentator and she hasn’t worked in forever. Is Fox News just letting any comedian on if they’ll bash Obama? One would automatically think this is some sort of prank from Victoria (Ms. Jackson if you’re crazy). Knowing that people would think this was some sort of joke she starts doing some of the worst stand up imaginable to make people think she’s incapable of proper satire. Here she is telling street jokes for the Christian comedy DVD series “Thou Shalt Laugh”

Classic misdirection.

So after watching her “perform comedy”, you’re assured that this isn’t a prank. She actually believes what she says when she says dudes kissing on Glee is “sickening” and that “homophobia is a buzzword created by liberals”.

To take the gag even further she starts a conservative round table youtube show called “PolitiChicks” which is essentialy The View if The View was done by four housewives who were scared shitless of muslims and gays because of conversations they overheard from their husbands. Here’s the first episode.


I suggest watching it twice. Watch it once thinking it’s just another conservative talk show. Kind of hard to get through, right? Now watch it again and realize that Victoria Jackson is fucking with them. Look at the way she hijacks the conversation 30 seconds in for a shitty, Islamophobic parody song that’s only half finished! At about 9 minutes in she actually says “Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano have dead eyes” as her eyes float around the room, making contact with nothing around her as if she doesn’t think her surroundings are even real! Fucking genius!

And now she was just on Fox and Friends explaining her political views like a concussed five year old and they fucking had to agree with her because she’s “a conservative”! It’s the perfect joke! She’s only on these shows to parody these people while they fucking nod their heads in agreement!

That has to be what she’s doing. The only other reasonable explanation for her behavior is that she’s an insane woman.

6 thoughts on “Victoria Jackson is a Comedic Genius

  1. Please let that be true. I used to think she was somewhat humorous, but since her political.. um.. expressions… she’s been a nut. Unfortunately, I am still siding with crazy.

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  3. Vitoria is so awesome!
    -she’s ridiculing the extremist nonsense
    -she’s taking up time from less ridiculous and scarier, more convincing tea party guys
    -she’s interviewing smart people and exposing her radical clientele to actual facts and progressive ideas (for example occupy wall street)
    -she’s scaring / shaming intelligent conservatives to reflect their views and move to the left

    Snopes no more. And if you’re a democrat, remember to shout Allah Akbar before you cut the meat!

  4. I spent half a work day recently trying to figure out what Victoria is up to, and I’m now also convinced it’s an act. The “dumb blonde” is a character she’s always played in public, and naturally she’d be a Teabagger. Like Andy, she’s quite comfortable enraging people and making them hate her, but she’s simultaneously exposing right wingnut ideas for what they are – insanity. A tip of my hat and a toast of the wine, to you Vicky. “Here’s a little ghost for the offering, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.”

    Allah Akbar!

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