Slacking on the Job Taken to a Whole New Level

My job isn’t very easily defined. I’m 1 part homemaker, 1 part learning coach for an online student, 1 part YoungNotions managing person, and 2 parts Fearless marketing director.

As a marketing director, I spend a lot of time online. On our website, on Facebook promoting events, on Twitter. For YoungNotions, I’m doing the same, but only promoting 1 company, not 7. On top of writing half the articles (ahem). As a learning coach, I log on to my son’s online school to record attendance and keep up with his classes. Even as a homemaker, I’m online looking up bread recipes.

My point is, I have found ways to spend the majority of my time on the internet that I love.

I made it myself!

I made it myself!

What I have NOT tried in my quest for more internet time is to outsource my job.

ABC (which is fast becoming my favorite in wacky news) reports that a man (ABC calls him Bob) was caught personally outsourcing his job to China. He was getting rave reviews from his managers on his incredible work. All the while, some dude in China was getting a 6th of this guy’s paycheck for doing all his work.

It was going so well, Bob started doing the same thing with a couple other companies. So when he got caught at this one, several other dudes in China lost their jobs.

And what was Bob doing with all that free time? Stellar reporter Julie Gerstein from “The Friskey” found the answer:

9:00 a.m. – Arrive and surf Reddit for a couple of hours. Watch cat videos.
11:30 a.m. – Take lunch.
1:00 p.m. – Ebay time.
2:00 p.m – Facebook/LinkedIn updates
4:30 p.m. – End of day update e-mail to management.
5:00 p.m. – Go home.

This is absolutely deplorable. He should be ashamed of himself. All that free time, and not one minute of Twitter or Steam.

All the Pretty House Dresses!

Bill was supposed to blog about this Monday, but he got excited about a thing, then forgot, and then blogged about being drunk instead. In fact, I bet you were hoping for the rest of that cliffhanger today. Oh, it’s coming. But not until tomorrow.

You see, gentle reader, Bill has started a new job. And I have put in my two weeks notice… about a week ago. So in one more week, Bill will be the provider, and I will get to stay home and eat bon-bons while watching my stories.

I’m pretty sure this is what Bill thinks I’ll be doing while he’s working…

We’re doing this switch for a few reasons. 1) I’m better at keeping things clean (though he is a way better cook). 2) I want to spend more time with my son. 3) MY turn, damnit!!!

This is going to alter how is run. From now on, Bill and I will be sharing blogging duties. We thought about me doing it, but Bill loves the blogging. Also, his liberal leanings make for much better political blogs than my rather centralist viewpoints. We debated just having Bill blog a couple days a week, but that seemed like robbing the reader.

And hey! This is my blog too. You don’t believe it? It says so right up at the top!

Fine. It’s mostly Bill’s blog. I know you kids love him best. It’s fine. You can have your favorite. But with this life change, we’re all going to have to tighten our belts and make sacrifices, and you’re just going to have to put up with my blog posts from time to time.

You will read them, and you will laugh, damnit!

Now, who wants a fresh baked cookie?