Rural Urban Legends

Cow tipping. You’ve all heard the stories about some southern rural yokels, drunk and bored, going out late at night to tip over some poor, unsuspecting cow for their amusement. In fact, it’s such a well-known story that Pixar did a parody of it with a pick-up truck and a bunch of tractors in their tear-jerker “Cars.”

Tear jerker? Well, *I* cried. I mean, I had just gotten back from either the doctor or the dentist and was on some very good medication, but I bawled like a baby. Don’t judge me.

I asked a friend of mine who grew up on a farm if he’d ever been cow tipping before, and here’s his response:

Never tried myself. Only folks I know firsthand who claim to have witnessed or participated are not folks whose stories I trust. The physics always seemed dubious to me. Cows ain’t particularly precarious. If they really slept that deeply, and if their physical response to such startling was to either lock up or buckle… then okay, sure, it’s at least feasible. But none of my experience with cows inclines me to expect any of those conditions.

And he’s right. Turns out that cow tipping isn’t a real thing. According to the article, some scientists at a Canadian University did the math, and it is impossible for one person to tip over a cow. In fact, it’s incredibly unlikely that you could find *three* people who could do it. Four incredibly well built people could conceivably do it, *if* the cow didn’t move for some reason.


And even if 4 people could somehow sneak up on a cow without their knowing it and tip it over, it would just get right back up again. Don’t believe me? Here’s a video of a truck full of cows tipping over. Watch as the cows spill out onto the road, and, totally unfazed, get up right and start wandering around.

All those stories about people tipping cows? Made up by rural folk to make us city folk look dumb.

But just because you can’t tip over a live cow, doesn’t mean you can’t tip over a fake cow. Two students from University of North Carolina tipped over a cow sculpture. The art piece entitled “Cow House” for the house the cow was carrying on its back (to show how cows support humanity, according to the artist) was anchored to the ground by a 400 pound concrete block.

But these two art critics tipped that sculpture over. They tipped the hell out of it. They showed that cow who’s boss. Proving that you can do anything you put your mind to.

As long as your standards are low enough.

Art Cat

This is a real thing. It’s happening tonight. Not even a mile from my house. And I almost missed it.

The Walker Art Center, and let me reiterate, THE WALKER ART CENTER… That metal building between Uptown and Downtown… no, not the curvy one on the East Bank, that’s the Weisman Art Museum. The OTHER metallic art building. The one with the giant spoon and cherry on their lawn.

The one that Bill says looks like a happy monster from one angle:


And an angry monster from the other:


As an aside, Bill was so convinced that the architect did this on purpose this way that he one time called the Walker up and asked. He was told the building was actually inspired by a snowflake. What? I got it. Totally.

The Walker Art Center, one of the most prestigious and celebrated art museums for contemporary art in… well, I don’t actually know, but around here, anyway… they are holding a film festival tonight. A film festival so very daring, it not only defies conventional contemporary art, but spits in its face, steals it’s lunch money, and kicks sand in its eyes. A film festival so very contemporary and modern, I’m pretty sure other art critics are mocking it behind its back in appreciation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight, for one hour, and one hour only, you can participate in Walker Art Center’s very own “Internet Cat Video Film Festival.”

I’ll give you a moment to let the weight of that sink in. True art needs a moment for full appreciation.

You see, what they’ve done is taken cat videos off the internet, and combined them into an hour long film festival that will take place outside, projected onto a giant screen.

I have a couple of critiques:

    1) I have a problem with calling anything one hour in length a festival.
    2) Mosquitoes.

Other than that, I think this is pure genius. Think about it. Who is this going to appeal to? Little kids and cat ladies. People who are not generally known for their refined taste in modern art (although, if you want to reproduce modern art, you could ask either to draw you something. I kid, mostly).

What you will see tonight is a hill full of crazy cat ladies and pre-teens with their parents who are trying to find a way to connect with their generation. Maybe someone will bring their cat on a leash (cats love leashes). They will all sit on the grass. Outside. Not in their houses on the internet, not surrounded by their hordes of newspapers and stacks of trinkets and candy bowls. They will be outside. That magical realm where few of these species ever dares to go, unless it’s to go back inside.

They will be outside, and they will appreciate something happening at an art center. Are internet cat videos art? Who can say? But they will all be there, gathered, appreciating it. And out of the corner of their eye, they might see a giant spoon with a cherry on it, and it will become a part of their experience, and maybe, just maybe, they will appreciate that, too.

If you can’t bring them to the art, maybe you can bring the art to them.

Well played, Walker Art Center. Well played indeed.

To Jena, My Wife, Whom I Slept With.

My love for you knows no artistic ability. Seriously. If you knew how long it took me to make this crappy Valentine you'd be really embarrassed but kind of touched that I put so much effort into expressing my love for you even though the end product looks like something a third grader did if he wasn't really trying. I love you <#

Jena. There are so many reasons I made you this homemade Valentine.

* I wanted to express my love for you without buying into the whole consumer trap of Valentine’s Day.

* I’m broke.

* Hoping to get some action.

* In approx. AD 270, a Roman priest named Valentinus was jailed for marrying Christian couples. Back then, it was a crime to help Christians be Christian. Claudius Gothicus took a liking to him and was going to spare him but sentenced Valentinus to death after Valentinus tried to convert Claudius. I’d like to think that my love for you is like Valentinus’ love for Christianity. Devotion to the point of stupidity.

Thank God I’ll never have to prove it to that extreme but if loving you was a crime, I hope that I’d be put to death talking the jailer’s ear off about how awesome you are and how happy you make me.