Like an Angel with a Halo

You guys remember when I talked about doing a Halo Marathon for charity last month? Well, tomorrow I leave my husband to his own devices for a few days while I hang out with gamers in the name of good deeds.

Previously known as Skulls for Tots.

Do you remember how I posted the other day about having an eye patch? About how I couldn’t look at a computer screen for more than half an hour at a time without getting a headache? Not to mention the total lack of depth perception?

Yeah, that hasn’t changed.

So I’m not going to be playing for hours, but I will be available for breaking the kids when they need a few minutes, and I’m going to be harassing the hell out of them while they play. I’ll still be in the room, on camera most of the time, so those of you who are stalking me, you won’t be disappointed. Also, you’ll get to see me with an eye patch. How can you NOT love that?

I’m wearing the eye patch. You just can’t see it behind all that hair.

You like the above picture? It’s a small part of a larger group picture, one of the many rewards you can earn by donating to the cause. Also, when we reach certain goals in how much we’ve raised, we make the game harder, or do ridiculous things to ourselves. For instance, If we raise $10k, all team members will spend Sunday night in formal dress.

You want to see me in a pretty dress? Donate. And watch me all weekend live! Chat with me! Convince me to do ridiculous things for money!

No, it’s not one of THOSE live cams. Perv.

One thought on “Like an Angel with a Halo

  1. Pingback: Hard or Soft, They’re all Tacos. « YoungNotions

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