Ann Coulter: Retarded.

Ugh. Ann Coulter.

For all the politics and conservative bashing I do on this blog I’ve never really talked about Ann Coulter because she doesn’t seem real. Even the craziest republican politicians or news commentator knows not to go off and write books saying stuff like “Joe McCarthy was right!” –

You’re all Communists!

She’s like the extra strength, industrial grade conservative. Use her too much in the media and it can cause a rash but if applied as directed can effectively rile up the base.

Unfortunately it looks like Ann Coulter has not been getting enough attention or something because she totally called Obama a retard on twitter and when there was a bunch of backlash against it she did it again.

Let’s just push past the fact that this is the classic case of a kid repeating bad behavior because it got people to pay attention to her the first time. A lot of people are angry because using the “R” word is demeaning to people with disabilities but it’s cool. Ann Coulter is mentally disabled so she can use that word. She’s just taking it back for all the people with severe brain injuries that have felt the sting of that word coming hatefully off of somebody’s lips. By using the word she takes the power away from anybody who would use it against her.

Although this could cause a backlash from disabled people who would be offended that she’s trying to associate herself with them. Maybe that’s why they’re mad. I wouldn’t blame them.

One thought on “Ann Coulter: Retarded.

  1. Sad to say, she is “real” – inasmuch as a walking stick with no human feelings is real, heh. I saw her live as a guest on a talk show I was in the audience for. We were talking about some book of hers, in which she had said that *some* women (she was very careful to point out that this wasn’t a blanket statement for *all* women) were “asking” to get raped, going back to that idiotic view that the way a woman dresses and acts and where she is at the time of the attack is grounds for her rapist to, well, rape her, which is what she says in her book as well. I thought Gillian Michaels was gonna choke a bitch out after Ann said that – one of the other folks on the show had to physically restrain her. She is as much an fidiot in public as she is on TV. Nope, no editing here, folks…*sigh*

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