Facebook, Like Jesus or Santa, is Watching You

Facebook just seems to be on a pissing-people-off streak lately.  Their most recent layout change had a lot of users in an uproar (frankly, I didn’t care) and now it turns out they can track what websites you visit even when you’re logged out of facebook.

The discovery made headlines after Nik Cubrilovic read a blog about facebook’s new “frictionless apps” which could allow websites to (from the hufpo article)”write apps whereby all activity on their pages can be shared automatically to a user’s Facebook profile. The aim is to make sharing more convenient, so that Facebook members can more easily browse what their friends are interested in and start conversations about common interests and activities.”

The blogger stated that it would seem to avoid a corporate info sharing orgy one would have to log out of facebook before browsing other sites. He linked his original post as a comment warning that logging off wasn’t enough.

Nik writes “With my browser logged out of Facebook, whenever I visit any page with a Facebook like button, or share button, or any other widget, the information, including my account ID, is still being sent to Facebook.”

So everytime I visit a website with one of these –

my info is being sent to facebook?  Every website has share widgets now.  In fact, what website did this picture come from?  Let’s zoom out a bit and find out.


Facebook knows all the porn I’ve been watching!  My stepmom’s on facebook!  Facebook’s gonna tell my stepmom and Thanksgiving’s gonna be all weird now!

Thanks for ruining Thanksgiving, stupid facebook.

State Rep John Whitmire: “Last Meal Shlast Shmeal”.

If a news story starts with a Texas politician opening his/her mouth, you know it’s not good.


You’ll never see a story that reads “Texas Senator drafts world peace amendment” or “Texas lawmaker solves economic crisis”.  It’s always “Texas Legislature considering seceding from US” or “Texas Lawmakers offer $200 bounty for heads of scientists”.  I’m only using the slightest hint of hyperbole in these examples.  Don’t believe me?  The Houston Press just reported that State Rep John Whitmire successfully petitioned the Texas Criminal Justice Division to stop serving last meals to death row inmates.


Stating in his letter “Enough is enough”, Whitmire was outraged that former living person Lawrence Brewer ordered two chicken fried steaks, a triple meat bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelet, a large bowl of fried okra, three fajitas, a pint of Blue Bell ice cream, a pound of barbecue and a half loaf of white bread before being shut off forever. Frankly, I’m surprised that meal didn’t give him a fatal heart attack right on the spot.


Bra-fucking-vo, Texas. You’ve certainly outdone yourselves on this one. Your justice system was already widely considered the most fucked up and heartless in the nation when you showed you had no problem executing the mentally handicapped and now you won’t even give them a fruit roll-up and sippy cup of milk before you whack ’em? Impressive.


My biggest concern is that the article didn’t state exactly what problem Sen. Whitmire had with the last meal other than it’s an “extremely inappropriate” privilege, “one which the perpetrator did not provide to their victim.” (protip – we’re supposed to be better and more merciful than the murderers)


Is it the cost? The law states that last meals can’t cost more than $40 and even if that’s an issue, this nation spends 100 million a year to execute a few dozen people (where’s the tea party and libertarians when you actually fucking need them?) so I doubt $40 is gonna break the bank.


Now I’m not going to go in depth about my opinion of the death penalty (don’t like it) but if we’re stuck with it we need to have a last meal. Society has spent generations romanticizing it. People talk about what their last meal would be at parties and awkward first dates. My friend, stand up comedian and oceanographer Brandi Brown shared a link on facebook to The Last Meals Project, a website showing the last meals of many death row inmates along with various death row statistics. It certainly provides a view into the state of mind these people are in right before they die and it certainly made me think about what I would order if I was on death row.


I’m not quite sure what I’d have for food. A nice pizza or steak. Something filling, I guess. The important part is the drink I’d have to accompany my meal. Two cans of OK soda.

I fucking loved OK soda when it was out and I’m not even much of a soda drinker.  It’s gone now and I can’t find it anywhere. I’ve tried. I always mix the soda together at the fountain whenever I’m at Burger King and I get close sometimes but it’s just not the same.


I’m not saying I’d commit murder to get a couple of cans of OK. I wouldn’t kill for that or any other reason. Even if I did, it couldn’t be in this state and statistically, I’d have to kill a white girl or I’d just get life in prison and no soda. I’m just saying that if you find yourself guilty of the murder of a white girl in a state that executes people, there’s your chance to get a can of OK soda. Just make sure it’s not Texas.


What would your last meal be? Feel free to leave a comment but if you live in Texas your comment has to be “Same thing every other prisoner is eating that day.”

The Things You Weirdos Continue to Type Into Search Engines

About two months ago I wrote a blog about the fucked up search engine terms that eventually lead to this blog and since then, they haven’t magically become any less fucked up. Here’s some of the weirdest/funniest/most disturbing of just the last 30 days alone


Late July I wrote a blog about the controversy surrounding a restaurant that banned all children under 6. Because I’m such a graceful writer I put “Hey, Kids! Fuck You!” as the title. Since then this site has seen at least three vaguely child molestey search engine terms a day. I’m thinking of changing the header of the site to say “youngnotions.com: Disappointing pedophiles since 2011”. The worst part is that writing about it now is probably going to get more search engine hits from those sickos.

חוות נמלים:  

According to google translate it’s Hebrew for “Ant Farm”.  I honestly have no clue.


My friend Patrick Bauer is a stand up comedian, sketch writer and actor.  To my knowledge he isn’t a porn actor but simply mentioning his name on none of my blogs caused two search engine hits for “Patrick Bauer Porn” and “Patrick Bauer Porno”.   The logical explanation is that there’s a porn actor out there that has the same name but I think that the real (re: the one that I know) Patrick Bauer has a secret porn life that he’s hiding from his loved ones.  I refuse to find out the answer.

Okay.  I get how that term brought up this blog due to my review of Shark Night 3D(check it out!) but why is somebody looking for an evil sea creature for kids shark?  Is this going to be a birthday present for some little evil mastermind in training?


That’s it.  This is going to be a knitting blog from now on.  We’re only going to talk about knitting.   Maybe crocheting if I’m feeling crazy.

Sick bastards.

Do Ask Do Tell

As of today, the military policy banning openly gay men and women from serving in the US Armed Forces known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is officially repealed.  Congratulations to all the homosexuals who can now legally die for a country that won’t let them marry!

While I’m glad that America has actually taken a step forward in equal rights, there are still plenty of people out there who think DADT should not have been repealed. An article on addicinginfo.org lists some of the bogus reasons people think DADT should still be in effect and why those are wrong. Here’s some other bogus reasons the article left out.


Myth:  Homosexual soldiers will be too busy doing each other in the butt on the battlefield to fight, costing us battles and lives.

Fact:  Homosexuals, much like heterosexuals, do not engage in sexual intercourse in life-or-death combat situations.


Myth:  Homosexual soldiers will refuse to wear Military issue camouflage gear due to their heightened fashion sensibilities.  They will instead wear vibrant and flamboyant colors, giving away their positions and jeopardizing their lives.

Fact:  While it’s true that many homosexuals have heightened fashion sensibilities, they are still human beings so this does not override their survival instinct.  They are serving in the military and will wear what their commanding officers told them.


Myth:  Homosexuals may not be able to shoot an enemy because they are physically attracted to them.

Fact:  Homosexual soldiers have as much discipline and mild xenophobia as a heterosexual soldier.


Myth:  If homosexuals take over the military, they will have the firepower to forcer America to become an all gay nation.

Fact:  The gay takeover of America will be a completely passive, nonviolent process that will begin by teaching children that it’s okay to be gay.  It will be so slow and subtle that you won’t know it’s happening until it’s too late.  No military force will be necessary.


Hope that clears things up for you!

The Ghost of Brain Damage Yet to Come

I’ve been biking a lot the last few months for a few reasons. It’s great exercise, it’s fun and I don’t have a car right now.

In this summer alone I’ve crashed my bike three times. The first time I ran into a 8 year old girl riding her bike on the sidewalk. It was entirely her fault. We were coming at each other so I went to the right side of the sidewalk (as one should do). She freaked the fuck out and started veering right. I went even further to the right and started saying “Go to the right! No! Your right!” and ended up in the grass three feet off the sidewalk to avoid her but it became clear to me that she was playing chicken and was out for blood. We hit each other and fell down. I asked if she was alright and she nodded, got up and stood there waiting for me to walk away. I can’t be sure but I think I heard her mutter “That’s what you get, bitch.” as I left the scene.

The second time I crashed was documented in my blog here (gory pictures included!).

The most recent crash happened a couple of weeks ago when I was coming home from the grocery store. There I was biking along minding my own business when this street curb jumped up out of nowhere right in front of me. I wheelied (spell check sez that ain’t a word. Wheelie can be a verb, right?) the front tire over but the back tire was no match for him. Once that bastard curb had his way with the tire it was bent up so bad it wouldn’t move. I fell to the side causing a few minor scrapes. I spent the next two minutes on the sidewalk on my back laughing uncontrollably because I had taken the bike into the shop twice in the last two weeks for a flat rear tire. When I brought the bike in the next day to Flanders Cycle and the guy just started laughing at me.

Even though I’ve proven to have horrible coordination on a bike but insist on riding one anyway, I have not bought a helmet for myself. There’s a few reasons for this.

1. I never grew up wearing a helmet. I biked everywhere growing up in the suburbs but this was the early to mid ’90s. A carefree, lawless time where people didn’t stop to ask questions like “why are all our children suffering horrible head injuries and how can we as a society prevent it?”.

2. They’re fucking expensive. Seriously, check it out. The cheap ones are fifty bucks. While I certainly wouldn’t want to get my skull caved in I can’t honestly say that I have over $60 worth of information stored in my brain.

3. …okay. They look stupid. I know it’s the lamest reason ever but they look stupid!

image courtesy of overcompensating.com

I’ve seriously considered getting a helmet recently because of a couple of events.  On my previous bike crash post, Jena’s friend Bob left a comment about how a helmet ended up saving his noggin after a bike crash one time.  Then I met a stranger at a bus stop downtown this weekend.   He was one of those guys that almost seems to spend time trying to look crazy.  He was wearing an army jacket even though he looked like he hasn’t served in years (if ever), a bushy beard and long, unkempt hair and giant, ’70s Hanson Brothers style glasses.

the eyewear choice of the mentally unstable (or hipsters)

I rode up to the bus stop, he looked at me and said “You should wear a helmet or you’ll end up brain damaged like me!”

Not looking to have a conversation with a complete stranger who introduced himself by telling me he has brain damage I just said “Yeah, I should.” hoping that would end it.  It didn’t.

“I got brain damaged getting hit riding my bike.  The police said it threw me 90 feet.”

Okay, crazy guy.  Now I’m curious.  “90 feet? What’d you hit, a fucking catapult?”

“No.  It was a Volkswagen.  I was in a coma for three days.  You can’t tell but they had to take out and replace part of my skull.”  You could totally tell.

He went on for another five minutes about how it’s lucky that a Volkswagen hit him because of it’s shape and the hospital in Duluth and he knew the nurse from high school and I get it!  This is the fate that awaits me!  I almost threw myself down to the ground, clutched his dirty pants and said “answer me this, spirit!  Are these things you’ve shown me, are they the shadows of things that will be, or that may be?  Men’s lives lead to certain ends but if those lives be changed will not the ends be changed?” but mostly I just hoped that we weren’t waiting for the same bus.

Thankfully we weren’t.  The next bus was his but before he got on he picked up his two paper bags full of miscellaneous garbage, looked at me and said “remember to get that bike helmet.”

I will, spirit!  I will!

Norwegian Absurdist Parody Rap Song.

I saw a few friends post a link on facebook this week to a article from some Norwegian website containing a rap parody music video.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=369FGAb1iI8]

It’s quickly gone viral due to it being funny on several levels (it’s a well formed parody, it takes a weird absurdist turn about halfway through and those accents are just so goddamn funny!) but it left me wondering where the hell this came from? The article is all Ikea gobbledygook (yes I know Ikea is Swedish but Norway doesn’t have any recognizable multinational corporations for the gag)and I couldn’t even figure out the name of the group. Thank god for google translator.

Translated from the article – “After just one week on YouTube music video for Ylvis had over 420,000 hits. It initially was intended as a video to a television series on TV Norge is now around the world.
– It’s really fun that we’ve created a video that appears to be a hit on YouTube, says Bård Ylvisåker to bt.no.
unusual lyrics
In the music video lampoons Bård and Vegard Ylvisåker with rapsjangeren, and drag a typical rapvideo with scantily clad women and sex in focus in a somewhat unexpected, and very literal direction.”

Okay, the translator’s not perfect but it showed me that the band’s name is Ylvis. A little Wikipedia search tells us that Ylvis is a comedy music duo that’s been doing stuff in Norway since 2000.

Well hey, that video was pretty funny. I wonder what their earlier stûff is any good?

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUDIr4lr5FA]

Okay. Were they parodying a boy band? Was that sign language? What’s with the little chairs? Are little chairs a joke thing in Norway?

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz7Ak7tyUQE]

Here we have Ylvis and the Ë Street band performing Kjempeform which, according to Google translate, means “Good Shape”.  I guess it’s about a guy being an asshole to everybody so he can bang an old lady?

Norwegian humor is weird.

(UPDATE:While drinking with the wife and talking about Ylvis we dove deeper into their youtube video archive and stumbled upon this little beauty. I give you “9/11 On Ice”.)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv0xq0_1lZY&w=560&h=315]

Perspective on the Resemblance of Certain Tubers in Relation to Parts of the Human Anatomy.

This ol’ blog has seen a bit of a spike in views the last few days due to yesterday and Monday’s posts.  I think I’m seeing the connection here.  People like strong opinions.  I need to hit the reader hard and fast without regard to who I may upset.  With that in mind, this potato totally looks like a butt.

it does!


I know this might ruffle some feathers out there but I don’t care.  It totally looks like a butt.  When I posted a picture of it on facebook some people said it looks like tits, others said a pair of balls but they’re fucking wrong!  It looks like a butt.


Some people might be offended that I posted a picture of a potato that looks so much like a butt that I may as well have just posted a picture of a butt but (butt butt!) you’re gonna piss some people off when you shoot from the hip like me.  I’ve got opinions and I’m gonna share them, consequences be damned!


Come back tomorrow for even more controversy, fuckers!

An Open Letter To You Stupid College Republican Fuckers.

I read an article in the Star Tribune today where you dumbshits are protesting a bottled water ban at the College of St. Benedict. It spoke about how the college banned the sale of bottled water on campus (students can still buy bottled water off campus and bring it in) to try to slow the growing mountain of smelly fucking garbage that’s going to eventually bury the human race. It also spent $20,000 on 31 “hydration stations” around campus where students can fill reusable water bottles.

Pretty noble of the college and a smart idea but you republican morons had to go once again, take an environmental issue and warp it into a political issue.

“Just as the government should not ban plastic bottles in America, a school administration should not ban the sale of plastic water bottles on their campus,” said Ryan Lyk, chairman of the Minnesota College Republicans and a complete fucking douchebag that doesn’t seem to understand that plastic is made from a finite resource and doesn’t fucking biodegrade.

Another statement from Kate Paul, a St. Ben’s student, a Minnesota College Republicans leader and a stupid bitch read “The hydration stations not only cost us money to use, they are costing us our ability to choose and convenience that derives from choice”. The statement was muffled and hard to decipher because she delivered it with her head entirely up her asshole.

You just don’t fucking get it, do you? Pollution is literally slowly killing this planet and there’s no way to stop it with so many people but when somebody tries to slow down pollution just a little bit you actively fight it? How the fuck did you get into college to begin with?

Now I realize that a few thousand plastic bottles aren’t going to singlehandedly kill the human race but your idiotic asshole attitude is symptomatic of a larger problem. It’s just like your stupid lightbulb bullshit from a few months ago. You think it’s all about the “free market” and “choice” and “blah blah money money I’m a dumb fucking republican” but you either don’t realize (because you’re fucking stupid) or don’t care (because you’re fucking evil) that there are more important things in life like the survival of the goddamn species.

Fucking morons.


(note:  this is an opinion piece and none of the statements about any person are, unless quoted, meant to be factual.)

Poor Newt Gingrich

I was watching the cnn.com five minute recap of last night’s Tea Party debate because I like to start my morning with a nice frothy fit of rage (works just as well as coffee). Seeing all the candidates on stage I was left with a really big question.


What the fuck is Newt Gingrich doing up there?


Seriously. Somebody should tell him. It’s kind of sad to see him up there. Sure, there’s plenty of candidates that don’t have a shot up there (Santorum!) but Newt Gingrich really, seriously, holy shit honestly does not have a shot at the nomination. The guy hasn’t held office in about 13 years and all he’s done since then is write Civil War fanfic and hang around Fox News. Why is he running? Who told him this was a good idea?


Ugh. Look at him.

Look at those little beady eyes.  His weird hair.  Would you vote for that?


Didn’t anybody tell him he kind of became the mascot for hypocrisy when he cheated on his second wife (and former mistress from his first marriage) while trying to get Clinton impeached for cheating?  Nobody’s going to vote for him.  It’s almost like the Republicans are fucking with him.

Wait… is that it?  Is this some sort of prank on the poor guy?  When the convention starts up in Tampa next year, is Newt going to step on stage to accept his nomination only to get a bucket full of pig’s blood on his head “Carrie” style?  If so, will his terrible psychokinetic powers finally be unleashed, killing hundreds of republican delegates and candidates in the convention center?  That would be terrible (right?  I keep telling myself that would be terrible).


Please, Republicans.  For your own safety, stop leading Newt Gingrich on.  Don’t vote for him.  In fact, just to be safe, don’t vote for any of the Republican candidates.

Stealing Jokes (Don’t Do It).

I don’t normally talk about the mechanics of comedy on this blog for a couple of reasons.  It’s kind of boring if you’re not a comedy nerd and talk like this should be left to more capable comedians than myself.  Personally, I love talking shop about comedy but this blog is about one thing, feeding my ego.


Regardless of my completely not at all overinflated ego (feel free to comment, link, post to facebook, digg, stumbleupon, email to your parents, print out and hand to strangers on the street while wearing a white robe and singing etc.), I posted a joke on facebook last night that I was thinking of taking onstage sometime and a friend pointed out that it was pretty close to a Mitch Hedberg bit.  I posted –


“The back of the Ritz cracker box is really presumptuous about the effort I’m willing to put forth into topping a fucking cracker. Tell you what, Ritz. You’re getting either peanut butter or cheese and maybe some summer sausage if we’ve got company. I’ll save the roast beef, horseradish and parsley for actual bread.”


This came to me while I was (get ready to peek in to the mind of the auteur as he crafts comedy gold) putting peanut butter on a Ritz cracker and reading the back of the box.

Seriously. The "Cheesy Tomato Melts" recipe calls for pepper and garlic powder. It's a cracker, not an episode of Iron Chef.


A short while after I posted this a friend commented that it was a Hedberg bit.  I couldn’t think of a Hedberg bit about topping crackers so I just took his word for it and decided to drop the bit before I ever took it onstage.  Another friend posted a link to the actual Hedberg Ritz cracker bit and stated that the context is different. It’s true, I certainly go in a different direction than he did but the basic foundation is the same and he came up with it first.


So what should a comic do in this situation? Throw the joke out.


It doesn’t matter that I came up with the joke on my own because I didn’t come up with it first. This rule holds true whether the bit was performed by an icon like Hedberg or a shitty open mic comic. You wrote it first, it’s yours.


Besides, if I’m funny I’ll be able to write a different joke that’s just as good. Comedian and aggressive top Rob Delaney wrote in Vice Magazine about a time a joke was stolen from him and performed on TV. He said “I realized that if I couldn’t immediately write several more jokes to replace it, then I wasn’t funny, and I had no business calling myself a comedian”. This philosophy should hold even truer (according to spell check it’s a word!) if you inadvertently steal a joke.


I’ll just write more, better jokes.  I’ll be fine.  In fact, you can see me at The Monday Night Comedy Show tonight. I’ve got a great new joke about Triscuits.