Do Ask Do Tell

As of today, the military policy banning openly gay men and women from serving in the US Armed Forces known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is officially repealed.  Congratulations to all the homosexuals who can now legally die for a country that won’t let them marry!

While I’m glad that America has actually taken a step forward in equal rights, there are still plenty of people out there who think DADT should not have been repealed. An article on lists some of the bogus reasons people think DADT should still be in effect and why those are wrong. Here’s some other bogus reasons the article left out.


Myth:  Homosexual soldiers will be too busy doing each other in the butt on the battlefield to fight, costing us battles and lives.

Fact:  Homosexuals, much like heterosexuals, do not engage in sexual intercourse in life-or-death combat situations.


Myth:  Homosexual soldiers will refuse to wear Military issue camouflage gear due to their heightened fashion sensibilities.  They will instead wear vibrant and flamboyant colors, giving away their positions and jeopardizing their lives.

Fact:  While it’s true that many homosexuals have heightened fashion sensibilities, they are still human beings so this does not override their survival instinct.  They are serving in the military and will wear what their commanding officers told them.


Myth:  Homosexuals may not be able to shoot an enemy because they are physically attracted to them.

Fact:  Homosexual soldiers have as much discipline and mild xenophobia as a heterosexual soldier.


Myth:  If homosexuals take over the military, they will have the firepower to forcer America to become an all gay nation.

Fact:  The gay takeover of America will be a completely passive, nonviolent process that will begin by teaching children that it’s okay to be gay.  It will be so slow and subtle that you won’t know it’s happening until it’s too late.  No military force will be necessary.


Hope that clears things up for you!