I am Going to Build a Dining Room Table out of Legos.

Sorry about the extended break, five actual readers! Things have been quite busy here at YoungCo. headquarters and they’re not about to slow down because I’m starting a new home improvement project today. I’m building a dining room table out of legos.

This has been a dream of mine for some time. I’ve seen nothing but advantages from having a dining room table out of legos. Here’s just a few of them –

*Super light weight and collapsable. Makes moving a breeze!

*Would go with any decor since it will be made of like 6 different colors.

*If I get pissed off I can BREAK MY FUCKING TABLE LIKE A BARBARIAN and then put it back together again.

There’s only one thing standing in the way of my dream. Cost. To build a dining room table out of legos I’d need to use 400 2×4 pieces per leg and at $.30 per brick on the Lego website –

The price of Legos is TOO DAMN HIGH.

The price of Legos is TOO DAMN HIGH.

That’s going to be $480 for just the legs. I can’t even afford Lego legs but I’m not going to let that stop me. AFter posting about it on facebook and having friends offer different suggestions, I’m going to build this shit Macklemore style.
To the sad thrift shop toy aisle!

To the sad thrift shop toy aisle!

Anytime I have a day off in the next several weeks I will scour every thrift store in the twin cities metro area looking for cheap bags of legos. I’ll probably end up with a lot of leftover pieces but this seems the cheapest way to get legos other than craigslist but I’m certain if I buy Legos off craigslist they’ll definitely have been in somebody’s butt.

You can help, too! Do you have any Legos collecting dust in your closet? Give them to me! You’ll help making a manchild’s dream come true and you’ll also save me from making the most pathetic kickstarter campaign ever!

The hunt begins on Tuesday!

Sexual Assault, Just one More Reason to Hate the Casualties

This might sound hipster of me, but I hated The Casualties long before everybody found out the singer is possibly a rapist.

For those of you who don’t know The Casualties, here you go. ughcasualties

Oh, wait. That was them in 1990. Here they are now.

Tan Mom has a punk band

Tan Mom has a punk band

They’re the go to example of a try-too-hard punk band. They have albums called “For the Punx” and “A Fuckin’ Way of Life”. They’re horrid but have built a huge following over the years.

Recently, though, allegations have surfaced that the singer doesn’t just make horrible music, he’s a horrible person as well. Please, read this. It’s an account of a woman who claims she was assaulted by the lead singer 16 years ago.

It’s a little hard to read at first. Hearing somebody talk about their own sexual assault isn’t pretty but this woman refuses to shut up about it and I couldn’t be happier that she won’t. 60% of rapes go unreported in this country and this was one of them. She never pressed charges but now she’s bringing it up whenever she can when people talk about that awful band and after writing that article other people are starting to say they’ve either been harassed by this guy or has a friend with a similar story.

The Casualties’ Facebook page is getting flooded with comments regarding this girl’s post so fast that the admin can’t delete and block them fast enough. Their twitter is blowing up as well with people clamoring for a response. The shit has hit the shitty fan for this shitty, shitty band.

So, what can you do? Read her story. All of it. Especially if you’re a fan or friend of the band. Read it and ask yourself if it’s okay to still listen to their music or pay for their shows if this is what they cause. It’s easy to say something like “separate the art from the artist” when you’re talking about people you’ll never meet or died years ago but here’s a woman looking right at you and telling you “This man tried to rape me”. Would you still listen to them?

I wouldn’t but I thought they were shit to begin with. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go get myself banned from their facebook fan page.

(Edit: Hey, Casualties fans and people who are okay with sexual assault! I’ve slightly changed the wording of this post by throwing in the words “possibly” and “allegedly” when referencing the “alleged” assault because you’re right. I don’t know for 100% sure cross-my-heart positive that the singer did assault the writer of the linked post or any other woman. Don’t get me wrong, I still very firmly believe he did, I just don’t know that. Hope that appeases all you shitty street punk lawyers out there! I didn’t, however, change any wording when referring to them musically. Their suckage is verifiable fact.)

Oh Shit There’s an Election Tomorrow?

It’s been a hard fought road, full of postcards, debates that were probably aired on public access or something, endorsements from state Senators and three separate sex scandals but the time is finally here. The time for local elections.

Frankly, I can’t wait for this political season to be over. All the mudslinging, the accidental twitter nude pics, the attack ads will all be behind us. There’s only one problem. I have no idea who to vote for in the race for city council! Now, I know that they’re all shapeshifting lizards from Mars that want nothing more than to drink the blood of babies but what’s their stance on mixed recycling Let’s take a look at the websites of the four candidates on the ballet for my ward, ward 10.

Lisa Bender

Her website says she’s for vibrant neighborhoods, safe streets and a sustainable city. She’s got a ton of endorsements, including one by state senator Jeff Hayden and you do not want to piss off state senator Jeff Hayden –



Meg Tuthill
Meg is our current city councilor. She likes great neighborhoods, economic opportunities and a green Minneapolis (I only read the highlighted words in the “about” section of their website. I told a door knocker I’d probably vote for her just to get him off my porch but it’s probably going to be a toss up between her and Lisa Bender.

Nate Griggs
For all you need to know about Nate Griggs, just check out his website –


Oh shit there are candidates who are anti Indiana Jones? They didn’t mention that in their websites at all! That’s it, this guy’s got my vote.

Scott Hargarten

Not much is known about Scott Hargarten except that he belongs to the “Pirate Party” which actually is probably way more boring than it sounds. They favor “liquid” or direct democracy and looking at their website it seems that they have beers at their party meetings so now I’m probably going to vote for this guy.

Who do I vote for??? The worst part is the door knocker for Meg Tuthill said that I can put my favorite three candidates on the ballot for some reason! So I don’t get to pick my favorite, I have to pick my least favorite!

Voting’s hard. I should just commit a felony so I don’t have to worry about this anymore.

Two Nights Left.

Well, this is it. I’ve had a few weeks of living on my own but come Friday I’ll have a roommate. I’m looking forward to it but there is something about the freedom of having a whole residence to yourself that I’m going to miss. I really need to cram as much solo living into the next two days as I can. Time to make a list.

-No pants shall be worn for the next two days. Completely pantless. Might as well just go nude since that will help with the next item on the list.

-Rub my balls on every door handle, drawer and faucet in the house. I better rub my balls all over the floors, couches and dining room table as well. And the remote control. And the chairs. And the walls.

-Whenever somebody has the place to themselves it’s almost automatic that they want to reenact “Risky Business” and I’m no different. So I’m going to fuck Rebecca De Mornay.

– Start a fight club in the basement. Move onto Project Mayhem.

– Try to make a fort out of the furniture I have. It won’t be easy. It’s just two couches, a dining room table and a single blanket.

Okay. Better get busy because once my roommate moves in I’ll probably have to stop rubbing my balls on everything and put some pants on. Maybe. We never discussed pants.

5 Facts About Chicago

Well, the 10,000 Laughs Comedy Festival is done. I did five shows, watched even more and a couple of the comics from Chicago ended up staying on my couch last week. Not only has it been fun having some company but very educational as well. I’ve learned a lot about the city that would be our neighbor if it wasn’t for stupid Wisconsin standing in the way and I’d like to share with you the top 5 facts that I’ve learned about Chicago.

1. Chicagonians only eat two kinds of food. Deep dish pizza, Hot dogs with mustard in poppy seed buns and Chicago style “stuffed pizza” which is a deep dish pizza stuffed with hot dogs with mustard in poppy seed buns.

2. Chicago is bordered by Lake Michigan, the Great Lake that most resembles a penis –



3. Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower) is the 8th tallest structure in the world. Over 30 people commit suicide every week from it’s controversial, unsupervised open air observation deck.

4. In the 1920s Chicago was home to some of the nation’s most notorious gangsters such as Al Capone, Bugs Moran, Flattop Jones, Two Face and Oprah Winfrey.

5. The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 burned for two days and engulfed over three square miles of the city. The traditional account is that the fire started when farmer O’Leary’s cow accidentally kicked over a lantern but it turns out that was a fabrication. The cow kicked over the lantern to collect on an insurance policy.

For more information on Chicago, ask someone who lives in Southeastern Wisconsin.

New Roommate Rules

Well, the search is over! I have a new roommate starting Nov. 1st! I’d like to do my best to help make the transition to a new home as smooth as possible but there are a few rules that need to be established so here’s a copy of the email I’m sending him later.

Hey, Josh! Welcome to your new home! Now, I’m a pretty easygoing guy but I do need to establish just a few roommate rules for you. Nothing big.

1. There’s a circle of salt poured around the bathroom. DO NOT BREAK THE CIRCLE. This place is super haunted by pervy ghosts and this prevents them from watching you shower.

2. Do not laugh at the obscene amount of peanut butter in the pantry.

3. If you bring a girl home I get to invoke droit du seigneur. Look it up.

4. Sometimes you may see me bringing down a bucket of meat scraps to the basement. Sometimes you might hear noises coming out of the basement. I’t probably just best that you stay out of the basement.

5. Whenever you talk about where you live to other people you have to refer to it as Pusspound Mountain.

6. This is a soft shell taco household. I will not tolerate any of that hard shell bullshit. Double decker is acceptable.

7. Every now and then some people are going to come over, we’re going to dress up like sports team mascots and have sex. It’s up to you if you want to be weird about it. You might want to just steer clear the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

8. Don’t tell anybody I’m actually a Russian spy.

If we can just follow these simple rules then I think we’ll get along famously!

10,000 Laughs Guaranteed or Your Money Back!

Starting next week the 10,000 Laughs Comedy Festival will be starting here in Minneapolis! There’s 8 different shows you can go see but let’s focus on the ones that really matter. The shows I’m in!

punchline punchout

Two teams of comedians are given a topic the morning of the show and only have several hours to come up with brand new set lists to perform that night. There are two preliminary rounds on Oct. 22nd and 23rd (I’m in the 23rd show) and the winners will battle it out in the finals on the 26th. What will the topics be? Will the comedians buckle under the pressure? Will I freak out onstage like Tom Hanks in Punchline?

Will the comedians rise to the moment like at the end of 8 Mile or choke like at the beginning of 8 Mile? Come to the Comedy Corner Underground and find out!


This one’s a bit like the Punchline Punchout but instead of being given one topic the morning of the show, you’re given one topic per joke to write about onstage. Myself and several very funny people will have to improvise our stand up sets onstage! There’s no competitive element like the PLPO but I’m always silently, secretly at war with everybody around me so watch me win October 24th at HUGE Theater!


Comedy is better when there’s swear words. That’s a simple fact. While I do believe you don’t need to be dirty to be funny dirty is always way funnier. I’m going to say so many swear words in this show that if I listed half of them, Websense would block this site from your work computer forever. Come on out to the Comedy Corner Underground on Oct. 24th at 10 and midnight (I think I’m in the midnight show) and laugh you shitty fucking bitch ass off!


Ever wonder what it’s like when a comedian goes on the road? What magical adventures lie in the depths of Bismarck, ND, Peoria IL or Brainerd, MN? This show is all about comedians telling road stories. Maybe I’ll tell the one about the girl who punched me in the face or that time I pooped in a bathtub… man, I need better stories.

Check it out! Oct. 25th at the Comedy Corner Underground.

Get your tickets and find out more about the festival shows I’m not in (all of which are wonderful, I’m sure) at 10000laughs.com!

3 Podcasts That I’m Listening to That Aren’t Made by My Friends.

Podcasts! We know them, we love them, we’re frequent guests on them, we’re running one out of our living room, we’re working on a couple with some friends and we have one that we recorded a few episodes of but never released that are just gathering dust. Listening to podcasts has almost replaced listening to music on long car trips for me so I thought I’d share what I’m listening to right now as a bit of a “fuck off Friday” homage.

TED Radio Hour

I’ve seen some TED talks online in the past and while I’ve enjoyed some of the shorter ones, I could never get into the longer ones. Maybe it’s my ADD, maybe I just don’t want to spend 20 minutes listening to somebody with a job title like “futurist” talk about how wind powered toilets will save us all.

The radio show, however, is much more engaging. Same TED talks but with conversations and editing to keep you interested.

By The Way, In Conversation With Jeff Garlin
by the way

I honestly knew nothing about Jeff Garlin outside of his work in Curb Your Enthusiasm. Turns out he’s been doing comedy since the early ’90s in both sketch and standup and these are just a bunch of unscripted conversations he has with friends he’s made over the years doing everything in comedy. This is a newer podcast and I’ve only listened to two episodes (Bob Odenkirk and Amy Poehler) but they’ve been really fun.

The CRACKED Podcast

The magazine that was ripping off MAD that turned into a failed Maxim ripoff that turned into a wildly successful website with user generated content is now a podcast! Hosted by a couple of the editors, it’s a bit like the TED Radio hour but with more swears and Simpsons references.

There you go! Now you have a fully loaded arsenal to distract you from human conversation when you’re out running errands. Just pop in your ear buds and avoid eye contact!

Roommate Search 2013.

Well, with Jena gone and with me having all this space, an extra bedroom and a need for more income I’ve started looking for a roommate. Having a roommate at 31 is a little different than having one at 25. I can’t exactly just have anybody crash here. I’m in a duplex with my landlord and her 6 year old daughter living right above me and I get to work at 7:00 AM. It wouldn’t really fit my life well to have somebody who parties every night. I’d like somebody a little laid back and easygoing. With all this in mind, I put together a “roommate wanted” ad to put on craigslist later today –

Have you ever wanted to live on a boat?!?

Me, too! Perhaps as new roommates we can sit on the porch of our lower duplex unit and talk about how cool it would be to live on a houseboat!

Recently single guy looking for somebody to rent the 2nd bedroom off of 27th and S. Garfield. Rent is $450 plus half utilities. Tips are appreciated but not required. The floors are all hardwood and I already paid the damage deposit so you’ll be required to keep your toenails trimmed to prevent scratching. There will be weekly inspections to make sure that they’re at a proper non-scratching length.

Dogs aren’t allowed. Cats are but I’m allergic. I can deal with it but as payment for the inconvenience I get to rename your cat whatever I want. You can still call the cat by it’s original name when I’m not around but when I’m in the house you will be required to address your cat by the name Thunderthighs Jackson.

I’ve put a strip of masking tape halfway down the refridgerator. You have the whole right side of the fridge to use and if anything goes on the left side it will be considered my food and be consumed with extreme prejudice.

I look forward to living with you, new roomie!

Thankfully I have a couple of friends who need a place to stay and somebody’s checking the place out Saturday so I don’t have to post this ad. Craigslist is just full of creepy weirdos.

Is the Punk Band That Shot the Porn on the WBC Lawn Any Good?

I’m going to lift my self imposed ban on talking about the WBC on this website to talk about the big news last week.

For those of you that don’t have the internet, well… you’re not reading this. For those of you who are logging on to the internet for the first time ever today, welcome! There’s a thing called facebook that you should get, there’s a lot of cats, one grumpy cat and a whole lot of porn. In fact, a punk band called Get Shot! went viral last week after they filmed their bass player masturbating on the WBC lawn. The story was picked up by huffpo and gawker (the gawker link contains a very NSFW preview of the film). This story has been shared over and over again applauding the band for sticking it to the worst people in America. While I admit it’s awesome and hilarious that they’d do this I noticed nobody has mentioned on whether or not the band is any good.

Seriously. All this talk about Get Shot and nobody mentions their music. Not once.

Well, they have a bunch of songs posted on youtube so let’s take a listen and see if there’s more to them than just a great publicity stunt.

Huh. So that was a song about stealing underwear. I actually dig the sound but the lyrics were not really my thing. Maybe it’s because I don’t steal underwear, scratch it, sniff it and rub it on my dick. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Let’s see what else they got.

Oookay. So these guys see sex through the eyes of a fifteen year old. Is this really all there is to it? Is there no more depth?

Wait! There’s an acoustic song! Maybe that’s got a little more soul to it than “She Wants My Cock”.

Okay no this is all they’re about. I really shouldn’t have expected more from a band whose logo is a penis gun that is shooting the name of the band in jizz. Also they’re doing this on twitter –

They are really going to try to milk this WBC thing for all it's worth.

They are really going to try to milk this WBC thing for all it’s worth.