I am Going to Build a Dining Room Table out of Legos.

Sorry about the extended break, five actual readers! Things have been quite busy here at YoungCo. headquarters and they’re not about to slow down because I’m starting a new home improvement project today. I’m building a dining room table out of legos.

This has been a dream of mine for some time. I’ve seen nothing but advantages from having a dining room table out of legos. Here’s just a few of them –

*Super light weight and collapsable. Makes moving a breeze!

*Would go with any decor since it will be made of like 6 different colors.

*If I get pissed off I can BREAK MY FUCKING TABLE LIKE A BARBARIAN and then put it back together again.

There’s only one thing standing in the way of my dream. Cost. To build a dining room table out of legos I’d need to use 400 2×4 pieces per leg and at $.30 per brick on the Lego website –

The price of Legos is TOO DAMN HIGH.

The price of Legos is TOO DAMN HIGH.

That’s going to be $480 for just the legs. I can’t even afford Lego legs but I’m not going to let that stop me. AFter posting about it on facebook and having friends offer different suggestions, I’m going to build this shit Macklemore style.
To the sad thrift shop toy aisle!

To the sad thrift shop toy aisle!

Anytime I have a day off in the next several weeks I will scour every thrift store in the twin cities metro area looking for cheap bags of legos. I’ll probably end up with a lot of leftover pieces but this seems the cheapest way to get legos other than craigslist but I’m certain if I buy Legos off craigslist they’ll definitely have been in somebody’s butt.

You can help, too! Do you have any Legos collecting dust in your closet? Give them to me! You’ll help making a manchild’s dream come true and you’ll also save me from making the most pathetic kickstarter campaign ever!

The hunt begins on Tuesday!

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