Is the Punk Band That Shot the Porn on the WBC Lawn Any Good?

I’m going to lift my self imposed ban on talking about the WBC on this website to talk about the big news last week.

For those of you that don’t have the internet, well… you’re not reading this. For those of you who are logging on to the internet for the first time ever today, welcome! There’s a thing called facebook that you should get, there’s a lot of cats, one grumpy cat and a whole lot of porn. In fact, a punk band called Get Shot! went viral last week after they filmed their bass player masturbating on the WBC lawn. The story was picked up by huffpo and gawker (the gawker link contains a very NSFW preview of the film). This story has been shared over and over again applauding the band for sticking it to the worst people in America. While I admit it’s awesome and hilarious that they’d do this I noticed nobody has mentioned on whether or not the band is any good.

Seriously. All this talk about Get Shot and nobody mentions their music. Not once.

Well, they have a bunch of songs posted on youtube so let’s take a listen and see if there’s more to them than just a great publicity stunt.

Huh. So that was a song about stealing underwear. I actually dig the sound but the lyrics were not really my thing. Maybe it’s because I don’t steal underwear, scratch it, sniff it and rub it on my dick. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Let’s see what else they got.

Oookay. So these guys see sex through the eyes of a fifteen year old. Is this really all there is to it? Is there no more depth?

Wait! There’s an acoustic song! Maybe that’s got a little more soul to it than “She Wants My Cock”.

Okay no this is all they’re about. I really shouldn’t have expected more from a band whose logo is a penis gun that is shooting the name of the band in jizz. Also they’re doing this on twitter –

They are really going to try to milk this WBC thing for all it's worth.

They are really going to try to milk this WBC thing for all it’s worth.

Fuck Off Friday: Westboro Baptist Church

I don’t think any organization pisses me off more than the Westboro Baptist Church. The attention seeking drama whores have appropriated my god for their own gain, using Him to gain power and money over others, as a tool in their business plan of ego. They use my lord’s name in vain and set themselves up as false prophets for profit.

I don’t mean cussing. Fuck that. I mean using the word “god” for themselves, in their own self-righteous vanity. They say “God hates fags,” claiming to know God’s wishes, thinking that they’re so right that everyone one else is less than in their wrong-doing and sin.

They’re so vain, they probably think my god is about them.

What they do hurts me. It affects how people look at me as a Christian, as a bisexual, and as a human being.

And what is the best way to handle hate? Comedy. Comedy can take an awful, horrid thing and make it laughable. It can take the power out of hate, the pain out of hurt. It can point out the indiscretions and stupidity of a group, person, or act and make it less.

First, I give you The 30 Best Anti-Westboro Baptist Church Protest Signs from BuzzFeed.

Not one of the BuzzFeed is this happy sign I found:


This cartoon of Jesus telling WBC off in a Family Guy style pleases me:

The Foo Fighters have gained my esteem for this counter-protest:

And I think my all time favorite response to Westboro Baptist Church is this interview Russell Brand:

He’s the perfect mix of listening and attempted discussion, with humor and levity at the ridiculous points (and there are many). He handles the whole thing absolutely flawlessly with grace and decorum and comedy.

I’d bum a fag from him anytime.

I heard a rumor that WBC is contemplating coming to Minnesota to protest our soon-to-be new law letting the gays get married. Frankly, I feel this means we’re on the right track 🙂

But really, let them come. And if they do, let’s not shout back at them with hateful words and angry chanting. Let’s not give them that kind of power. Let’s ridicule the ridiculous with light-hearted cheer. Let’s organize a flash mob with rainbows and glitter. Let’s knock them down with comedy.

Let’s hit them where it really hurts.