I Don’t Think I’m Mom Enough.

So here’s the Time magazine cover that’s got everybody’s panties in a bunch this week –

Okay. All the news articles I’ve read about it say that the kid on the cover is three years old but he easily could pass for five. I don’t know if his mom is taking growth hormones to increase milk production or what but that is one huge three year old.

The article is about “attachment parenting” (the link goes to the AP wiki page. I’d link the Time article but stupid Time magazine wants you to pay to read their stuff). A form of parenting that supposedly fosters better bonds between parents and kids. This includes carrying them around in a sling, sleeping in the same bed as them, stay-at-home parenting and not getting babysitters and breastfeeding when the kid is old enough to unhook his mom’s bra one handed.

You can almost hear a collective sigh of relief from all those parents who make their kids wear helmets at the playground because they’re no longer considered the craziest parents on the block.

Whatever. I’m not going to tell people how to raise their kids but it’s certainly not how I’d go about doing things. In fact, it sounds like a recipe for raising a kid to go all Norman Bates on you. Just look at him –

Stop looking at the hot mom for a second and tell me that kid doesn’t look creepy.

It’s like he’s looking at you just daringyou to take him off that tit. Think about it. He probably asks his mom for food in full sentences. “Mom, can you please lift up your shirt? I’m hungry.”

I’m not sure what the acceptable cutoff age is for breastfeeding but I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to have vivid memories of sucking on your mom’s tit as a child.

4 thoughts on “I Don’t Think I’m Mom Enough.

  1. To be fair, maybe the MILK-MILF is only like 4 feet tall. That would explain why he appears to be 5 instead of 3. I hope that’s the case – one more combination fetish I can add to my checklist: Lactating Midget MILF. Let’s see what sort of crazy search term requests this comment brings to your blog.

  2. hell yes, my panties are in a bunch, but they really aren’t designed for the male form, now are they? But that cover…

    Look, in the upper right corner. that is… simply upsetting.

    God of Cricket? Anybody that has actually watched a game of cricket has seen proof that there is no god.

  3. I will say this. I find this a lot less disturbing that Alicia Silverstone spitting food into her kids mouth.

  4. The cut off for when you should stop breastfeeding is when you need a wooden chair for the kid to stand on and he can reach your nipple by doing so.

    I bet they said something cute like “turkey toes” to the kid to get him to look.

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