Occupy Wall Street / Tea Party: A Comparison.

Occupy Wall Street is growing.

I just started hearing about this last week but http://occupywallst.org/ has been posting since July.  Recently people have been drawing a lot of comparisons to the Tea Party for a couple of main reasons.  Some people have funny costumes and signs

Anonymous: working to affect positive social change with just a hint of LOLcats

For every one person who says I should take the tea party seriously there are 10 pictures like this

And their goals are kind of vague yet similar.  They both think the middle class should pay fewer taxes.  Occupy Wall Street believes this should be achieved by increasing the tax burden on the rich.  The Tea Party believes this should be achieved by abolishing the IRS

because the president is a socialist


vampire that feeds off statues


While they definitely have different ideas about what the problems/solutions are in this country, I do believe the Occupy Wall Street people owe the Tea Party a debt of gratitude.  With the exception of Anonymous’ Guy Fawkes Mask and Internet Meme fascination, Occupy Wall Street seems pretty normal.  I can only assume they saw the mistakes the Tea Party made and learned what not to do.

So thanks for acting like a bunch of rabid morons, Tea Party.  Your rampant ignorance paved the way for a more credible grassroots organization.

Tea Costume Party

The Huffington post reports that Tea Party backed republican congressmen will submit a plan to


Jesus.  Is that guy on the right supposed to be Uncle Sam or Liberace?  I get the colonial soldier on the left but what’s with the guy in the center?  Is he supposed to be Shitty Lincoln?  Are they seriously doing Lincoln now?


Anyway, Tea Party republicans are going to submit a plan to balance the debt by…

Holy shit those vests are garish even by old lady standards.  Who’s that guy on the vest on the left supposed to be?  Probably Paul Revere or some shit.
Seriously, if Elton John ate a Flag and a Disco Ball this is what his next bowel movement would look like.


Where was I?  Okay, the debt plan named “Cut, Cap and Balance” seeks to borrow another $2.4 trillion but only after –

What?  This doesn’t even make sense!  You actually get a tax credit for your kids, dumbass!  And what’s with the Indian?  Did the costume shop run out of powdered wigs and you figured the Native motif was close enough?  Are the Village People big supporters of the Tea Party?  I don’t get it.


Whatever.  The plan is going to borrow $2.4 trillion only after big and immediate spending cuts and adoption by Congress of a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget and Jesus Christ-

Alright.  That’s it.  I’m not going to take you Tea Party nutjobs seriously until you stop dressing like Bootsy Collins and Lee Greenwood had an American Flag baby.