
So yesterday there was a lot of this on facebook today and yesterday-


It’s an equal sign. The new symbol that gay rights advocates are using to signal their support for marriage equality by changing their facebook profile pic. I don’t know why it’s red and pink. Why didn’t they go with rainbow?

You’ve probably seen plenty of similar pics, disambiguations and parodies, too. Even Grumpy Cat’s getting in on the marriage equality –

Honestly, I thought this was kind of dumb. The embodiment of slacktivism. Click a couple of buttons and you think you’re on the level of the people who marched on Selma. Vice posted a piece on the uselessness of it

As the day passed, though and friends expressed how they knew changing a profile pic wasn’t going to influence a supreme court decision but it might spark a discussion with somebody who was opposed to gay marriage. At the very least it’s a small show of solidarity to their gay friends. When I started thinking about it on those terms my cynical little heart grew three sizes. As I scrolled down my timeline and saw almost nothing but red equal signs (or something close to that) it made me feel good to see so many people showing their support, even if it’s just on facebook.

Hell, I’ll even change my profile pic. I’m changing it to the bacon one, though. Because bacon.
