Herman Cain is the Victim of Discrimination.

MSNBC is reporting that a a fourth woman is going to come forward today to accuse Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain of sexual harrassment. Fox News reported a similar story, stating “Gloria Allred, a well known Democratic donor who has been accused of pretty obvious self promotion in the past is representing the fourth accuser in a political smear against Cain.”

While some people would say that the Fox News story was presented in an obvious attempt to discredit he accusations before they were even made by use of editorializing and ad hominem attacks, I have to agree with Fox on this one. It’s pretty obvious that people are ganging up on Cain and discriminating him simply because he’s a pervert.


Photo by Gage Skidmore

Pervert American


Herman Cain is a pervert and even though it’s 2011 and years past the civil rights movement, it’s still not easy being a pervert in America.  If you think perverts are treated fairly in this country here’s some statistics that might shock you.

*100% of the rapists in prison in America are perverts.
*Perverts are 100% more likely to be arrested for soliciting a prostitute than non-perverts.
*Once outed as a pervert, it takes the average character actor 15 years before anybody will let him work as Pee Wee Herman again.

In spite of the poor treatments of perverts in this country, Herman Cain has fought his way to the top. Even as people yelled hurtful, anti-pervert slurs like “don’t touch me there!” and “no I do not want to see your penis!”, he plugged away and became the CEO of a large company, radio host, author and chair of the Federal Reserve. People don’t want to see his accomplishments, though. They only seem to care about superficial, skin deep issues like his constant desire to have sex with a bunch of women who are not his wife.

Herman Cain won’t let this stop him, though. He cuts through all that crap and sticks to the issues. Just last week, Cain chewed out an insensitive, prejudiced reporter for even asking about his perversion, asking his chief of staff to “Please send him the Journalistic Code of Ethics”. As we all know, the Journalistic Code of Ethics has a lengthy section on not asking political candidates about perversion.

Throughout all the scrutiny, Cain endures. Perhaps come 2012, we could put aside our differences and vote for our first openly perverted (Clinton doesn’t count. He didn’t come out until in office) president.

Herman Cain. Breaking boundaries both historical and personal.