Seriously What the Fuck is Going on in Egypt?

For those of you that haven’t been paying attention, Egypt has been a complete political shitshow since forever. They have a rich history of political upheaval and things have really picked up in pace over the last two years. Here’s what happened in just a short amount of time.

Hosni Mubarak, vice president of Egypt, was appointed as President in 1981 after president Anwar Sadat was assassinated, most likely by Mubarak. In his nearly 30 years as president corruption ran rampant and civil liberties were trampled. Fed up, the people of Egypt held massive protests and Mumbarak stepped down from office and free elections were held.

Sick of social inequalities and limits on free speech, Egyptians use their first free election to create a Theocracy because they’re new at this. They elect Mohamed Morsi, head of the Muslim Brotherhood and one intimidating looking motherfucker.

Sometimes when you're new at democracy you just vote for the biggest guy you can find.

Sometimes when you’re new at democracy you just vote for the biggest guy you can find.

After just a few months in office. Morsi grants himself new judicial and legislative powers that he said were just to protect the new constitution while it was being drafted. The people of Egypt wiped the sweat off their brows, took their protest signs which they just set down, crossed out “Mubarak”, wrote in “Morsi” and wearily took back to the streets.

Protests against Morsi grow and grow. Eventually, the Egyptian military issue an Ultimatum to the government to meet the demands of the people. Morsi publicly rejected the ultimatum because have you seen the guy? The military intervened and removed Morsi from office.

2013 (like two days later)
There’s massive protests against Morsi’s removal because this country just can’t make up it’s fucking mind. Supporters of Morsi clash with people who are glad he’s gone, the military intervenes and everybody in Egypt wonders how a military coup could have become so violent. The protests and violence have only grown and now the military has issued a State of Emergency and the Huffington Post is losing it’s fucking mind –

Jesus, HuffPo, you're a news organization.  Calm down.

Jesus, HuffPo, you’re a news organization. Calm down.

The crazy thing is that Egypt was in a constant state of emergency when Mubarak was in office so they’re back to square one.

Hopefully they’ll get everything sorted out and they’ll finally be a true democracy where the government is not run by the military or the church, but by the rich.