Like Yesterday’s Thing but With More Internet

Hey guys! I’m sick as hell, don’t really have any funny stories in my pocket to post and the biggest news thing right now is the whole Penn State pedo thing so instead of generating new content I’m just going to do yesterday’s story again as told by memes and hope it goes viral and I get internet famous. Whatever. I’m going to nap and eat cough drops. Enjoy!

The Two O’Reillys.

Bill O’Reilly will be the first to tell you that he’s not a Republican, he’s an Independent. While many of his views tend to be conservative the only school of thought he subscribes to is his own. His independent views sometimes even put him at odds with his employers at Fox News and his fanbase like when he actually supports gay rights


Good for him! I don’t agree with most of what this guy says but here he is standing his ground, firm in the belief that homosexuals are people and shouldn’t be discriminated against because of their sexuality.

Oh, by the way a day later he stood up for his beliefs that homosexuals should totally be discriminated against because of their sexuality. Here he is calling the recent prop 8 ruling “Judicial Activism” (there’s video on the link. For some reason I can’t get the stupid mediaite player to embed on posts. Damn you HTML!).

Bill O’Reilly is so independent that his views are even independent from his own views. Seriously.

I understand that the right to work and the right to marry are two different things but you don’t get to pick and choose civil rights ala carte. Homosexuals are either second class citizens or they aren’t.

I actually feel kind of dirty using meme generator to make a joke. It's like the internet equivalent to prop comedy.

Is somebody going to call him out on this? This was like back to back. There has to be some rational explanation for this behavior. This is what I’ve come up with so far –

* Back when he was just a timid reporter for Inside Edition, O’Reilly developed a serum to separate his good side from his darker impulses. Relishing in the freedom from morality, he began to take the serum more and more. O’Reilly was soon able to transform into his darker self without the serum and his new, bold self got a job with Fox News. After years of abandon, his good side is starting to finally re-emerge.

* He’s a robot and his programmers are feeding him logical fallacies to see if his head will explode.

* He’s fucking with us.

Maybe this is just the start of a weird erosion in his sanity. Tomorrow he’ll say only gays can get married and come friday he’ll call for rounding them up and exterminating them. Monday he comes out of the closet… wearing nothing but flip flops.