What’s Your Sign?

Okay, so there are two pretty divisive votes up on the ballot in MN this coming election. One for a Voter I.D. law and one to amend the MN constitution to say that marriage is only between one man and one woman. Even though polls indicate both laws will probably pass I’ve held out hope that these will get shot down. I think a lot of that hope has been kept alive by the fact that I live in Uptown and am surrounded by a sea of “Vote No!” signs.

Unfortunately, my new job takes me into the suburbs a lot and now I’m surrounded by a sea of this shit –

It’s nice to see republicans try to connect with one minority by shitting on another.

Wh… what does that picture have to do with Voter ID? “Vote Yes on Voter ID or this girl won’t get to hug her soldier dad for some reason!”

I have to say that when I see a “vote yes” sign in somebody’s yard it actually makes me angry. I kind of want to take it out or vandalize it but I’d never actually do that because that’s just wrong. I mean, who’d actually do that shit?

vote no yes?

Oh, right. They would. To be fair –

That’s just paper taped on there so it isn’t really vandalism but… either way the rainbow’s a nice touch.

So we can’t fuck up their signs (even though they fuck up ours) but I still want to show them that I’m pissed off. I want to make the bigots with the vote yes yard signs angry without breaking any laws or actually causing any damage or harm. I think I know something that might work.

I want to get a gay couple to make out in front of the house of somebody with a “vote yes” sign. No nudity or sex (illegal), not in their yard (trespassing), just have a couple of gay dudes or chicks just making out on the public sidewalk in front of their house. The couple get’s hot makeouts and the opportunity to piss off a homophobe. Everybody wins!

… everybody wins except the homophobe but whatever.

If you’d like to be the couple making out please email your application to bill@youngnotions.com! I will provide transportation to the closest suburb and a hot lunch. Makeouts must last until somebody notices or 20 minutes or whenever you get tired of it.