Surprise! Some Old Republican Said Something Awful About Rape!

Senator Saxby Chambliss, who is arguably has the most southern sounding name in congress next to Rep. Dixiegrit Slaveseller (R- Missouri), has made headlines soing something that happens so often in congress it’s not even going to make headlines pretty soon if it keeps happening.

That’s right! An old white republican in office said something casually dismissive about rape

Weird.  He's got that look that just screams "compassion towards victims of sexual violence"

Weird. He’s got that look that just screams “compassion towards victims of sexual violence”

Specifically, he was at a Senate Armed Forces Committee hearing on the subject of the rampant unreported sexual assaults happening in the military. Among other things, he said “”The young folks that are coming into each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22-23. Gee whiz — the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur.”

Anybody who thinks we don’t live in a culture that condones rape just needs to look at their elected officials stating that rape is something that “just happens” when you get enough young men together.

Here’s the crazy part. He still has his job. If I had said anything like that around coworkers when I worked in one of my many customer service jobs I’d have been fired so fast I wouldn’t even be able to stuff my pockets with post it notes and staples. My jobs had nothing to do with keeping rapes from happening or making sure rapists were caught. This guy’s on the committee investigating the rape epidemic in the military, blames it on fucking hormones and still gets to be in the Senate, much less the committee.

Seriously. Congress needs an HR department or something.

To make matters worse this isn’t even an election year so this will all probably blow over by the time GeneralLee McRapeallow is up for reelection.

I thought we were done with this after the whole Todd Akin “legitimate rape” stuff but I guess there’s always going to be old white guys in the Senate that think rape isn’t that big of a deal so I’m going to draft some legislation and try to get congress to support it and put it up to a vote. I’ve never written laws before so forgive me if it’s a bit brief.

HR Bill 800.85
sec. 1. Any member of congress that says rape is okay gets fired.
sec. 2. Seriously. Rape is horrible and bad.

Alright. Now to mail it to a bunch of congresspeople and see if I can get somebody to sponsor it or something. I don’t know how laws work.

4 thoughts on “Surprise! Some Old Republican Said Something Awful About Rape!

  1. I’m not sure there’s enough loopholes and gray area in your proposed bill to get it through congress.

  2. I totally agree that too many males (mostly white, mostly Republican) still express Neanderthal-like attitudes about rape and other gender issues. However, I’m also dismayed to read that the author of the piece doesn’t “know how laws work.” Go back to 7th grade and take a Civics class!

  3. I agree with you 100% but have to note that by saying “I don’t know how laws work” you automatically de-legitimize yourself. I suggest you find out how government works and get involved. Check with your local Occupy group. They understand this shit.

  4. I totally agree with JW Paulson and Athelstan on how they totally agree with you, but have to express my dismay that they don’t seem to understand comedy or sarcasm. They automatically de-ligitimize themselves this way. I suggest they visit a comedy club and educate themselves.

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