Sexual Assault, Just one More Reason to Hate the Casualties

This might sound hipster of me, but I hated The Casualties long before everybody found out the singer is possibly a rapist.

For those of you who don’t know The Casualties, here you go. ughcasualties

Oh, wait. That was them in 1990. Here they are now.

Tan Mom has a punk band

Tan Mom has a punk band

They’re the go to example of a try-too-hard punk band. They have albums called “For the Punx” and “A Fuckin’ Way of Life”. They’re horrid but have built a huge following over the years.

Recently, though, allegations have surfaced that the singer doesn’t just make horrible music, he’s a horrible person as well. Please, read this. It’s an account of a woman who claims she was assaulted by the lead singer 16 years ago.

It’s a little hard to read at first. Hearing somebody talk about their own sexual assault isn’t pretty but this woman refuses to shut up about it and I couldn’t be happier that she won’t. 60% of rapes go unreported in this country and this was one of them. She never pressed charges but now she’s bringing it up whenever she can when people talk about that awful band and after writing that article other people are starting to say they’ve either been harassed by this guy or has a friend with a similar story.

The Casualties’ Facebook page is getting flooded with comments regarding this girl’s post so fast that the admin can’t delete and block them fast enough. Their twitter is blowing up as well with people clamoring for a response. The shit has hit the shitty fan for this shitty, shitty band.

So, what can you do? Read her story. All of it. Especially if you’re a fan or friend of the band. Read it and ask yourself if it’s okay to still listen to their music or pay for their shows if this is what they cause. It’s easy to say something like “separate the art from the artist” when you’re talking about people you’ll never meet or died years ago but here’s a woman looking right at you and telling you “This man tried to rape me”. Would you still listen to them?

I wouldn’t but I thought they were shit to begin with. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go get myself banned from their facebook fan page.

(Edit: Hey, Casualties fans and people who are okay with sexual assault! I’ve slightly changed the wording of this post by throwing in the words “possibly” and “allegedly” when referencing the “alleged” assault because you’re right. I don’t know for 100% sure cross-my-heart positive that the singer did assault the writer of the linked post or any other woman. Don’t get me wrong, I still very firmly believe he did, I just don’t know that. Hope that appeases all you shitty street punk lawyers out there! I didn’t, however, change any wording when referring to them musically. Their suckage is verifiable fact.)

68 thoughts on “Sexual Assault, Just one More Reason to Hate the Casualties

  1. thank you for this article, people keep acting like its a rumor or a lie or someone trying for attention but that how most rapes get unreported. FUCKKKK THE CASUALTIES!!!

    • I’m replying to your comment mostly because it’s at the top of the comments here…

      What amazes me is how many supposedly anti-establishment (that’s a punk thing, right? the whole “screw authority” attitude?) faux-punks are saying that unless she went to the cops and tried to get a conviction in a court of law (run by “the man”) she must be lying. Really? Setting aside the fact that it’s damn difficult to get anything resembling justice in a rape case, do we need to ask why a 16 year old girl with a shaved head didn’t run to the cops? She did talk about it then, and since then, to people she knew. As for why she’s making a big deal about it now, it’s because this band JUST appeared in Richmond at the GWARBQ, hosted and toasted by many of her friends. I’m also friends with a bunch of those friends, and you know what they tell me about Beth? She’s a down to earth mother with a lovely marriage, house, and career. She’s simply not the kind of person to make up lies for attention.

      So, while I’m sure that some women lie, and I can think of women I know that I might not immediately believe, I do believe HER.

      Also, people keep saying her blog was anonymous. She was not anonymous. I easily spotted her on Facebook on some of the group pages that cropped up about this, she isn’t hiding. Her first name and pic were on the blog, and half of Richmond knows her personally. So that’s annoying and false. The people screaming for “facts” don’t seem to know the facts that do exist here…

      So I’ve got a question for the peanut gallery. Following all of this noise about Jorge, a respected friend tells you about another musician who still tours and shit, and is part of our “scene” (I hate that word)…who attacked her in even worse ways, years ago. She doesn’t want her family to know, so has only quietly told a few others, particularly women like me so that we can avoid him. Also she doesn’t want the shit-storm of “OMG YOU’RE LYING” coming down on her head. I have reports from others that make hers even more credible, but I didn’t doubt her anyways. You have a friend confide in you and ask for your silence, do you keep silent?

      Fact is, these situations are COMPLICATED…

      • “Setting aside the fact that it’s damn difficult to get anything resembling justice in a rape case, do we need to ask why a 16 year old girl with a shaved head didn’t run to the cops?”


  2. What ever happened to innocent until proved guilty? Is this trial by blog posts? Besides the the girl never said he raped her. I’ve never liked The Casualties music but this seem very unfair.

    • “he chased me down the hall, pinning me against a wall and shoving his hands down every orifice he could find while shoving his mouth over mine to prevent my muffled screams and tears from being heard.”

      He forced penetration upon her, that’s rape.

      • Nothing’s proven. Period. Anyone can publish something these days and scream victim. Sorry, don’t mean to seem harsh but report it, get a lawyer, and try to put him behind bars. This guy’s lyrics are against any kind of violence, racism, etc. Nothing in the past points to him doing anything of this magnitude. I agree with ructions.

      • I think you’re missing the point. It’s that this is just an anonymous post on a blog by someone who’s never pressed charges.

        While this shouldn’t just be treated like nothing it also shouldn’t be automatically accepted as fact

    • Articles USUALLY have a bias, that’s why people WRITE THEM. They aren’t research papers, they are personal experiences! Oh gawd I hate the defenders! MOst likely male SADLY.

  3. Fuck punks that should know better than to go on witch hunts with no evidence to back their claims. Rumors will always remain rumors and those who take them at face value are the reason why the scene, and society, is so divided.

    As someone who has been in the middle of vicious rumors and outright lies I can say that I have become very skeptical when I hear someone accuse another of anything and I withhold judgment until evidence of guilt is provided.

    The past few days I have seen punks burn, break and toss out their Casualties gear all because they overheard a rumor. Though it could be true there is no reason to assume it is without evidence and those of you that have taken part in the witch hunt should be ashamed as all of you should know better. How many punks and those who share the alternative mindset have been beaten, jailed and killed all because of the witch hunt? The West Memphis Three is a good example of what the witch hunt can do. The death of Brian Deneke and subsequent prohibition of his murderer is a good example of people not caring about the qualities of a human being but rather what they assume about them.

    Assumptions and quick judgment are not virtues of the punk mentality. They are the qualities of pigs and vultures. I do not want to take part in a community so easily lead by what they overheard rather than what they can prove. Rumors can destroy someone’s life and there is no clear reason why some people lie when no obvious gain or goal is present. Deceptive people are very skilled in what they do and they often get away with it their entire lives. Some people cannot help but lie. These are all reasons why you should not jump to conclusions and feed into the gossip machine.

    We are not a culture that holds the witch hunt in high esteem. We are not a culture that has blind faith in hearsay. As critical thinking people we should have higher standards than the society that has made us outcasts and because of assumptions about punks or how we look. Are we a culture that values truth, integrity and compassion or are we a culture that pretends to value those things when in reality we are just like the rest of this blind society?

    Last thing I will say on this subject is that I don’t know if Jorge from The Casualties is guilty of sexual assault and neither do you. No one knows and the only person to come out has been anonymous and I think we all know how that goes on the internet. But what we do know is that some of you are easily lead in the absence of evidence. If he’s guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then fucking hang him. But as previously stated, rumors will always remain rumors and those who take them at face value are the reason why the scene, and society, is so divided. Call me a rape apologist all you want. Absence of evidence is not evidence of guilt and never will be in society whose reality is based only on what you can prove, not what you believe to be true.

    Flex your head.

    • While I do respect your points, there’s a pretty stark difference between a “rumor” and a “victim’s graphic, detailed account”. There’s also a difference between “waiting until the evidence all comes out” and “blatantly ignoring the cries of a woman who says she was sexually assaulted”. Over 60% of rapes go unreported and only 3% of perpetrators actually see any prison time. Do you really think the problem in this society is witch hunting alleged rapists?

      • ^This^
        The “problem” of false rape reports is drastically inflated in the public mind, to the point that it’s nearly a myth. Partially, this owes to law enforcement’s inflation of the statistics on “unfounded” or “unproved” allegations based on an inability or unwillingness to pursue the cases. Taken alongside the massive and demonstrably real problem of underreporting, the balance of scrutiny that falls upon an accuser over the accused is often a process of steamrolling someone who was brave enough to come forward. If you strip away the trappings of “the punk philosophy” and any attachment to a celebrity (whether or not you like the band), it becomes an argument over where and whether you decide to cast benefit of the doubt. In that context, I am sickened and saddened by the outrage among fans that this woman would dare to persecute their beloved icon.

        • THANK YOU GWYN.
          If people want to talk statistics and logic- let’s bring it out. False accusations of rape? Very very rare. Your brain power trying to fight a an accusation of sexual assault with being a lie and being successful in your attempt? Also very very rare.

      • Graphic account? No.
        Details? No.

        Dude, where are you getting those statistics? Because either you’re pulling them out of your ass or you’re getting it off some blog with no credibility or sourcing. Here, let me give you some stats that have credibility:

        An FBI report indicates that every year since 1989 25% of rape accusations are found to be false and men are exonorated after spending time in prison where, if you read about men being rape victims more than women, they often become victims of rape.

        According to research by Eugene Kanin, about 40% of rape accusations are found to be false. This is also supported by the DOJ and FBI reports.

        Studies have shown that the number of men who have been raped greatly outweigh the women who have been raped in the United States.

        You can also check out for a whole list of false accusations. I mean, just do your own research.

          • “The weirdest thing I’m being called is an MRA or Men’s Rights Activist as an INSULT. I mean, why should men have rights? Are they people?” — Joe Rogan

        • Wow…this is a hilarious reply there BurningThemDown. Unfortunately it wasn’t an intentionally humorous reply, and your failures expose you as:
          a.)Someone arguing from a place of ignorance that did a quick Google search in order to compulsively back up your claims.
          b.)One of the many men (more prevalent with “white” men) who have grasped onto the trend of victimization, that complains about women now controlling everything and benefiting from societal favoritism while bitching about the “feminization” of our culture.

          “I mean, just do your own research.”- I couldn’t agree more, HOWEVER it helps if you understand the research you are reading and that you recognize the sources of said research. It also helps if you actually read the research you want to source…because it is clear you didn’t fully read the links you’ve given that you believe back up your point of view. Let’s go point by point, shall we?

          “An FBI report indicates that every year since 1989 25% of rape accusations are found to be false and men are exonerated”: Nope. That is NOT what that report indicates, as it mentions ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT FALSE RAPE ACCUSATION! The first caveat here is that the report focuses on 28 men who were exonerated after being falsely convicted because of DNA evidence and testing. If you had actually read the report you link you’d have known it is an FBI report from 1996 that attempts to prove and stresses the importance of DNA evidence in solving sexual assault crimes correctly. What it actually cites is: “Forensic DNA typing laboratories — as numerous commentators have noted — encounter rates of exclusion of suspected attackers in close to 25 percent of cases.” That is not the same as saying 25% of accusations are found to be false! If that’s what you think it says, then you need to re-learn reading comprehension, because it doesn’t mean, imply or suggest anything close to that. Not all victims know their attackers, so some of those excluded are people whom the police have arrested as suspects in their search for a rapist and are cleared by DNA evidence. Never watched Law & Order: SVU, eh? Heh. To clarify: In cases that are reported to the FBI post-arrest or post-conviction, where sufficient DNA evidence is available to get a result, 25% of suspected attackers are excluded by DNA evidence. That is a pretty narrow sample size to begin with but to attempt to use as proof of a false accusation rate, a rate mentioned nowhere in the report you’ve linked, is ridiculous and has absolutely nothing to do with the report. The exoneration of a suspect or of someone wrongly convicted isn’t evidence and doesn’t suggest that the victim wasn’t actually assaulted; it only SUGGESTS (suggests, doesn’t prove as there are examples and reasons where a guilty man’s DNA might not be present) the accused isn’t guilty of rape. You’ve made an astounding leap of logic to think evidence that suggests a suspect’s innocence somehow equals a victim is lying about being raped. If you actually kept reading the report; and didn’t just skim it over for phrases, words and statistics that support your desired version of reality; you would have realized the report has nothing to do with rape accusations and that two sentences after the statistic you wrongly cite the report states: “Typing results that exclude a suspected assailant may not demonstrate innocence.” What exactly did you link this report and what do you think it proves?

          “Here, let me give you some stats that have credibility”:
          The FORENSIC EXAMINER article you post is a partly a critique and partly a review of the methodology of the study that the RADAR link you posts tries to argue is credible. This study- RADAR is basically a men’s organization for people who claim they’ve been falsely accused and is all about men’s victimization. It is anti-female organization who feels men don’t get a fair shake legally in a feminized society. It has an agenda, so of course it is going to support a report that supports their bias. Considering the source, your use of the word CREDIBILITY in your position of logical fallacy as you attempt to “argue from authority” is incredibly entertaining. However, the study- from 30 years ago when standards and understanding was different, by the way- has been widely criticized for not only its methodology, math, definitions and qualifications for what words mean (inconclusive= false? Really?), but for also having a pre-determined position and bias. Do the research? Yeah you should. That study has been ripped apart by peer review since it was released and is DEFINITELY NOT supported by the DOJ or FBI reports as those reports DO NOT EXIST. The DOJ and FBI have not published reports with figures, facts, statistics and numbers and when asked the FBI estimate is 2% of reported rapes are false accusation…which is funny because the Journal VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN published a study in 12/2010 that had it at 5.9%. Do you frequently get online and post flat out lies?

          This blog has a great review and criticism of the study, and it includes links to conflicting studies and critiques of McDowell and Kanin’s study (done for and by the Air Force btw):


          I think that is enough to show how much BS you’ve posted so far.
          But then you go and post more!

          You give us a grand finale that further proves that you did not read the articles you link to and did no research beyond them. Your hypocritical suggestion for others to do their own research thus becomes hilarious! I find it repugnant that the book that is the subject of these articles attempts to equate prison rape to the rape of innocent citizens who haven’t rejected society and lost the privilege of having their rights protected. Any criticism of that book points out a glaring problem with the author’s numbers: the 216,000 reported inmates that were raped weren’t all men, they were just reported as “inmates”. Further reading of the book reveals that women inmates experience rape more frequently by other inmates while incarcerated. So the whole claim that “more men than women are raped in the USA” is not only morally repugnant because of the individuals it includes, it is based on a false calculation of the numbers. The book brings up serious questions and points out a serious problem with this country’s system of incarceration, especially when it comes to juvenile detention centers, but the media’s outrageous conflation of rape statistics to sensationalize the story and get readers is horrible.

          I haven’t checked out yet, as it sounds like nothing but anecdotal evidence…that your suggestion of reveals another aspect of your hypocrisy: Your unwillingness to believe Beth’s account of being raped, but accepting accounts of false rape accusations faithfully and without question. How misogynistic can one get? Women lie, but men don’t seems to be the way your mind works.

        • OK SO I see I see- it’s not women who are the victims.. it’s the men? The men that end up in jail and are raped?
          On what grounds are men exonorated (I have a degree in Psych/Stats and I can go ALL night on this). This tells us NOTHING.
          Also you COMPLETELY flipped this argument to blame the victim. Which is kind of what we are fighting against, looking at the alleged victim instead of the perp.
          IN fact, your defensiveness and all-too-quick “statistics” at hand (by the way, statistics are, and never will be evidence for proving an argument–they are purely used in research settings) makes me hypothesize (not conclude) that you really don’t see women as your equal.
          If you also want to get into how credible the “sources” for statistics are, I can really do some damage to your post there.

      • just devil’s advocate here, but if 60 percent of all rapes go unreported, then how could such a statistic even possibly or physically exist in the 1st place?

  4. I don’t know honestly what or think about your link to that womans blog…

    I mean, damn the Casualties are posers who suck so goddamned hard. Suck sooooooo much dick…. But then I was always into smart punk like Crass, DK, Reagan Youth who didn’t have to write songs about how punk they were…

    But 20 years later posting all over facebook, instagram and on blogs about the assault, and even shaming fans wearing their schwag? I just don’t get that. Why now? I was a victim of assault by someone who attacked me every day on the bus, and ultimately pushed his way into my house after school one day when I was 13… but to be so vocal about it now, anonymously, and vehemently? I just don’t get that. I really hope she’s getting therapy, should have sought therapy right after the incident, like I did. I didn’t report it except to a school counselor. Almost anonymously.

    But then again, I’ve known many girls who fucked shitty wanna be rockstars- my fav being the friend who blew a lead singer behind a dumpster in Elisabeth, NJ. I mean, seriously? These dudes think they deserve it for some reason, but why just because a girl is hanging out does it means its okay to attack her?

    Rape culture exists for a reason: Sex sells. And some stupid boys want it any way they can get it. Especially if it’s free.

    • All survivors react to their abuse differently, including this one I guess. A lot of therapists do suggest that talking about it can help so hopefully this is helping her.

    • She talked to people pretty much since it happened. The reason for this sudden outburst about it, is that despite how she’s told her “friends” in Richmond, they still invited him there for the GWARBQ in August and hosted him and bought him beers and shit like that, and it pissed her off. It’s like, she’d be OVER it but he just won’t go away. How would you feel if friends you’d told about this invited your attacker to events you planned to attend all the time even though they knew? Acted like it’s no big deal. So that’s why this blog happened now, all these years later.

      She actually addressed this at her local scene, the fact that it went viral was incidental and afterwards.

  5. Yeah dude, innocent until proven guilty! You cant with any reasonable amount of certainty say that that a 40 year old man, who dresses like hes still 16 and performs music in a genre thats primary following is teenage youth, might be a predator to young women.

  6. If this happened to a musician I liked, then yes, I would still listen to their music. I’d want nothing to do with them as a person and would think the person needs to be punished, but that’s not a reason to stop listening to music I enjoy.

    Fortunately, I think most punk music blows anyway, and the Casualties are no exception. But if this happened to a John Lennon or a Bruce Springsteen, I wouldn’t even think twice before blasting their music.

    • Just because the original writer is choosing not to post her full name and contact info doesn’t mean it’s a false story. Given how a lot of Casualties fans are reacting, I don’t blame her.

      • Your right, it doesn’t. There are many reasons why victims of sexual assault react, and making assumptions based on when and how they choose to report their story is misinformed. However. it is also misinformed to conclude that accusation equals guilt. Unfortunately, a semi-anonymous accusation posted on the internet does have less credibility then a non-anonymous accusation. Not because of what it says about the victim, but because such accusations are easier for a false accuser to make. I don’t know what happened. I have been searching for more on this story to try and learn more. I have been dismayed by the lack of critical thinking I see. A comment above really troubles me, that people in punk bans who dress a certain way are more likely to be rapists. Because we all know clean cut guys who wear business suits, or popular student athletes would never rape someone. The ignorance here is astounding.

  7. The Casualties spend way 2 much time on there HAIR and WARDROBE how do they even have time to do anything to women?? but if anyone of the band WAS to do it,it have to be JORGE.. They just try TOO HARD 2 be Punk.. The other punk bands on a Bill I was at Just Laughed when they stayed on there Bus almost the WHOLE TIME getting ready.. now that is PUNK ROCK… LOL

  8. Dying Scene has already retracted this story due to total lack of evidence. Might the person behind THIS site consider the same?

  9. All I can say is, I’ve seen The Casualties play a few times in my life time and every show without fail Jorge would have girls throwing themselves at him but he had no interest in them, he just wanted to play his set and then have a beer.

  10. You people are dumb as fuck, this article sucks, and it isn’t even written very well!!! This ‘rape’ charge is a rumor, and that dumb bitch suing Jorge is full of shit!!! Jorge Herrera is the nicest guy in the world, and the Casualties is the sickest punk band ever, so go fuck yourselves faggots!!!!

    • Thank you for your thoughtful, reasoned, impeccably punctuated and not at all homophobic comment. People like you are a true testimony to the class of Casualties fans everywhere.

      • I feel compelled to point out that the accuser is not attempting to sue Jorge or the Casualties. Nowhere is there mention of any pending attempt to press criminal or civil charges. At all.

        The point was to a.) ask her friends to stop supporting her attacker and b.) warn others and c.) rant, because she was upset.

        So it’s kind of funny how people are talking about innocence and guilt and what they think, like each of us is perhaps egotistical enough to think that our opinion should determine the fate of a person… Of course that is kinda the risk you take when you pursue a career in entertainment. (Even shitty entertainment.)

  11. Yep. Heard from people all over the country throughout the late 90’s and 2000’s. No way this is fake. There have been too many other girls bringing it up over the years. Even if this instance were “fake,” there are too many other times I’ve heard this same story from different girls over the years. FUCK the Casualties. For the Punx… for the fucking wallet. For the fucking rape. Fuck that band.

  12. Why do people get so defensive when a victim tells their story? As if it were so easy to open up about these incidents. I’m here reading this after watching a show last night where a band was singing about sex/rape with 10-year-olds and how I stopped enjoying the music altogether but everyone around me just kept singing and enjoying their set. All those dumb punk wannabes, all these lanky-legged and fashiony girls and guys being witness of the glamorizing of pedophilia! I was disgusted and disappointed. This condoning of sexual abuse in song or action in punk or music in general has to stop.

  13. Say what you want but it hasn’t been proven yet and they are a real punk band some say they are poser punk and people also say they aren’t real punks but i would say bands like sum41 and blink 182 are not real punks and they play hardcore punk so if you dont like them then you probably don’t like punk music


  15. I can’t see any reason for a girl with shaved hair, or any other hair or clothes, NOT to go to the police to report rape. We’re not talking views on life, politics or religion here, we’re talking RAPE which is a terrible thing and should be punished every mean possible, even if some punk girl would have to go against her beliefs and report to the police. What’s hair get to do with it? I just listened to The Casualties for the first time and I think their music is great, I’d hate to learn that this whole rape thing is actually true. Did Jorge comment on this?

  16. 16 years ago??????? life today than.
    maybe time to leave the past? Everybody learns from their mistaks, (im not saying rape is a good thing, read well!)

    You never did something wrong? Maybe you once stole a candy. Makes it a thief of you for the rest of your life?? once smoked pot at age 17?? Than youre a junkie???


    • This whole site and this whole ‘rape’ scandal is nothing but bullshit, shit out by no more than bored housewives trying to find some drama somewhere in the world to occupy their dull routine. This site should be called ‘I Hate the Casualties Club.’ If you don’t like the Casualties, then don’t fucking listen to them!!! Stop talking shit and leave them the fuck alone, you crazy fucks!!!! Why don’t the webmasters of this page do this world a favor and jump off a bridge

      • 1. I’m not a housewife.

        2. This site should not be called the “I hate The Casualties club” as there has only been one post about it. I write about a bunch of different stuff that has nothing to do with shitty bands or rape (check out some of the other posts! You might like it!)

        3. I’d tell the webmasters to jump off a bridge but they had nothing to do with writing this. I wrote it but I refuse to jump off a bridge for you or anybody.

        Thanks for visiting!

        • I will NEVER EVER read or support any of your SHITTY work your produce, EVER!!! Not if this is where you stand. The Casualties are an amazing band, their music is art, and you’re just a sad little man that operates a blog. There’s no proof of any these accusations either.
          And are you sure you don’t want to jump off that bridge? (You might like it!)

          • Well, it looks like we won’t see eye to eye on this Casualties issue and for that I’m sorry.

            As far as jumping off the bridge, can I choose which bridge? Also, can I choose the day? I feel like weather is a huge factor in jumping off bridges.

          • Yeah I suppose not, but I’m actually not sorry. I don’t mean to be so rude, but I love the Casualties, and when I read your article it just made my blood boil!
            As for the bridge, I suppose you may choose the site and the day… Kinda defeats the purpose of jumping off a bridge if the victims get to choose it, haha. Do it on a super windy day, then when you jump it’ll feel like your flying haha

  17. I read this, and the blog, and the band’s FB page, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the response by the band and its fans is unconscionable. I’ve worked with victims of sexual assault for years, including being a staff director at a rape crisis program and helping to establish 12 other crisis centers, and I still train people who counsel victims. So this is a serious issue for me.
    Part of what made me a feminist was punk rock. In punk, I found a culture that allowed me to question societal norms whenever I saw power used to uphold privilege. I saw female punks treated with respect. I heard Fugazi’s “Suggestion” and let myself be questioned by it. Social change and revolution wasn’t just about capitalism, it was about ALL aspects of culture that devalued or disempowered others, and that includes violence against women. As a male working in this field, I’ve come to see that false reports are very rare, and the majority of survivors I counseled came forth years after their rapes. That’s normal, in other words.
    And that brings me to the band and its fans. From punk’s formative progressive seed, we’ve rotted as a subculture, apparently. Rather than struggling and fighting for equality and individuality and freedom, I see fans of The Casualties refer to women as “cunts”, and the word “bitch” is used so often I wondered if I’d stumbled onto a rap forum. Frankly, the band’s press release that it stands for equality pretty much falls apart if it hasn’t been able to develop a following in 20 years that has n clue why “cunt” is the wrong word to disparage rape victims. It definitely shows that the band is trying to retroactively contrive a legacy of standing up for women that they’ve never actually done. The Casualties are known for many lyrics themes: fighting, drinking, drinking, fighting, drinking, and then drunkenly complaining about “the system.” But feminism and violence against women? 100% absent from their lyrics. So their statement assuring fans that they remain committed to “equality” and “unity” fails the simple truth test, which paints them as a band willing to contrive any untruth to protect themselves. Which is precisely the trait I see in abusers.
    The fans who call out the alleged victim (and I hate using “alleged”, but it’s technically true) as a liar, attention-seeker, bitch, slut, whore, and psycho give The Casualties a culture that’s far uglier than I’d seen in them before. And it’s a culture I don’t want to be part of. Frankly, it’s pretty much a spot-on re-creation of the misogynistic jock culture that punk helped me resist. So there you have it: The Casualties and their fans have become a fraternity keg party full of jock bullies, with punk costumes on. Which is pretty fucking UN-punk. And a betrayal of what punk means to me.

  18. So what do people think of the official statement released? Of which can be found here

    Particularly this segment ‘Multiple people with direct ties to the accuser have stepped forward to tell the band why they know this accusation to be complete lie. One even went so far as to offer to step forward and to speak to attorneys or law enforcement if need be to clear Jorge’s name.’

  19. Like I said to the girl who posted this, I have known Jorge since I was 14. I am a girl who was raped at gunpoint and sexually assaulted as a pre-teenager by a person of authority. I hung out with Jorge for years almost daily. We were good friends, I dated his best friend for years. I know what he was like with girls, shy, sweet… I call bullshit on this story.
    I don’t believe a single part of it, what happened between them/ Was she really drunk and disgusted with herself? It’s happened that girls call rape when that happens. I hate it when women cry rape when it hasn’t happened after what happened to me. It’s disgusting to do that to all the women who really have suffered. It’s horrible to do that to a man who has never done that to a woman, you could ruin his life.
    And please learn the difference between sexual assault and rape. Which is why I differentiated between my full on rape and my repeated sexual assaults as a child.
    Not buying it. Sorry.

  20. Some random blog bashing The Casualties, I don’t care whether the dude did it or not. I don’t support what he allegedly did, I also don’t support what Michael Jackson did, Buddha from from Blood For Blood did or South Park Mexican did. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna listen to the music.

  21. Haha just shut up. George didn’t do anything. That chick just wants attention. If you hated the casualties so much you’d fuck off

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