Last night I woke up in the middle of the night with a stabbing pain in my left cheek right around the area where my wisdom tooth that should have been removed years ago sits. The tooth is now broken, just hanging out in my mouth and sending periodic signals of pain to my brain because fuck me.
Toothaches are no joke and can can sometimes fucking kill you if an infection goes untreated but at the moment I can’t afford to go to a dentist so here’s some alternatives I’ve come up with in my sleep deprived stupor.
Tie a string to one end, tie the other end of a string to a doorknob and slam the door shut
Honestly I’ve only ever heard about this in movies and comic books from the ’50s and I’m not sure if this would work for me because my teeth are pretty close together. Would floss work? Seems like floss would break.
Go to biker bar, find the toughest looking guy there, offer detailed and graphic explanation of how I have made aggressive sex on his mother, present left cheek
This one might not work for two reasons:
1. He might not stop with the face punching.
2. What if instead of getting mad and punching me he just gets hurt and cries? Now my tooth still hurts and I feel bad for insulting this guy’s mother.
This is another one I’ve only seen in old movies and comics. Why did they do that? I seriously don’t know. Maybe it was to hold an ice pack in place or something?
Well, until the world comes up with some way to search for questions on various topics I guess I’ll just be in the dark about the headwrap thing.
Minneapolis Syndrome
I just read an article where travelers who go to Jerusalem can get hit with Jerusalem Syndrome. These tourists become raving lunatics for a few days… “purifying themselves” by clipping nails and showering excessively, turning hotel bedsheets into togas, and going out to preach at people to go out and be kind to one another.
I can think of worse brands of crazy.
One person has been studying these cases and has divided the victims into 3 groups- previously crazy, previously extreme, and previously normal. They say that once the previously normal person is removed from the city, they go back to normal.
I’d never heard of this before, but in researching, discovered that The Simpsons did a bit about it where Homer suffered Jerusalem Syndrome, so it must be true.
There are a couple other cities that have syndromes. In Florence, Italy, there is Stendhal’s syndrome or Florence syndrome, “a psychosomatic disorder that causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, confusion and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to art.” We’re not talking those psychedelic blacklight posters they have in stoner shops. we’re talking art so beautiful and moving you go crazy.
There’s also Paris Syndrome, that specifically affects Japanese people. Paris is thought to be such a pinnacle of western civilization in Japanese culture that when Parisians behave in a way so very different than the romanticized ideal, they become disillusioned, hallucinate, and become paranoid to the point of locking themselves up, or even suicide.
It seems a little extreme, but have you SEEN French fashion?
Anyway, it got me thinking about what Minneapolis Syndrome would look like… someone suffering suffering a shift in their built up reality so extreme they start hallucinating. What would be the signs?
I have a few ideas.
Only being able to talk in Uff-Da and You Bet.
A desire to make all food in casserole dishes with cream of mushroom soup.
Sudden ownership of a bike that you made yourself using silverware and recycled PBR cans.
Making very large versions of a thing and calling it art.
A sudden inability to merge.
Offering everything 3 times, like some kind of weird OCD.
Other symptoms that I’m sure people will comment with (and please do).
If you see someone exhibiting any of these symptoms, kindly suggest that they should see their nearest psych doctor, and then call them crazy behind their back.
Miley Cyrus VMA Performance Reaction Reaction.
I didn’t watch the MTV Video Music Awards this weekend for many, many reasons. The two biggest being I don’t give a shit and I don’t have cable. Apparently I missed out, though, because I guess Miley Cyrus went insane, stripped down and molested stuffed bears with a foam finger while getting banged by Robin Thicke or something.
It’s on the front page of CNN. Buzzfeed’s got like 25 different articles up about it already. It was obviously quite the spectacle. Well might as well see what everybody was talking about.
Well, considering it was the top autocomplete when I just type in the letter “m” I guess I’m not the first person to seek this out. Let’s check out the video.
Alright. Let’s check some of these other videos. Maybe they’ll have the performance.
What the fuck was that and how did it get over half a million views? Alright. Let’s try again.
Oh, come on! These people are just describing what happened in the video. They’re not adding any jokes or opinions. If you’re going to do nothing more than describe the video and offer some aside like “isn’t that weird” then just show me the fucking video and I’ll see that it’s weird for myself.
Well, looks like I’m not going to be able to see anything beyond little snippets and .gifs. I guess the next best thing is to watch the messed up music video of the song she performed at the VMAs.
In this video, Miley’s engaging in a bizzare, “Molly” fueled party. It’s really weird OH GOD I’M NO BETTER THAN THOSE YOUTUBE REACTION ASSHOLES.
Trump Rips Off The Simpsons
Donald Trump is in the news again and of course it’s for making a dick move. You never see a news story that says “Trump Saves Puppies” or “Trump to leave science to the scientists, law to the lawyers and politics to the politicians and just leave everybody alone”. No, Trump only makes it into the news for saying or doing something awful –
This time Trump made headlines because the NY Attorney General is suing his school for fraud.
Wait… Trump has a school? What the fuck does he teach? Probably some bullshit business thing, I guess. Let’s take a look at the article.
New York’s attorney general accused Donald Trump in a lawsuit Saturday of defrauding students who studied at the billionaire mogul’s investment institute, though Trump’s representative said a large majority of the school’s alumni were satisfied with their experience.
The $40 million civil suit alleges Trump made false claims about the school, including that he was personally involved in selecting instructors and creating the curriculum.
…wait a second.
Eric Schneiderman, the New York attorney general, said Trump had crafted a “bait and switch” with his school, using his well-known name.
“Trading on his celebrity status, Mr. Trump personally appeared in advertisements making false promises to convince people to spend tens of thousands of dollars they couldn’t afford for lessons they never got,” he wrote in a statement.
So basically, he allegedly conned people into enrolling in this school pretending to be involved with it when he really had little to nothing to do with it? Oh my God. Trump totally pulled a Kamp Krusty!
The Attorney General should agree to drop the suit if Trump agrees to take all the students he defrauded on a trip to Tijuana.
Fuck Off Friday- Restaurant Style
Tonight, Bill and I host and produce the sketch comedy show “Young and Fearless: A Night at a Restaurant.” The show starts at 10pm at the Bryant-Lake Bowl, and boasts an amazing cast of players, along with a couple of guest stand up comedians.
I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of our little show. The first one was in April with a park theme, and had a somewhat rocky opening with an attendance of 11 people. Our show in June with an office theme had an attendance of about 50 people and when we applied what we learned from the first show, came off without a hitch!
As we place our sketches this month in restaurants, I’m hoping last show’s attendance wasn’t a fluke. The writers have provided some excellent scenes, and the players have done an amazing job with them.
Come on out and support live sketch comedy!
Now, on to things you can waste your time on until the show- restaurant games!
I’ve found a nice selection of “Papa’s ______eria” games, where you play the part of the employee making food to customers specifications. Take a look!
Papa’s Burgeria– where you take orders, fry patties, and build burgers to customer satisfaction for tips.
Papa’s Pizzaria– Don’t like burgers? How about Pizza! Take orders, then build, bake, and cut to customer’s specifications.
Papa’s Taco Mia– same thing with tacos.
Papa’s Freezeria– remember making your own ice cream blends? Yeah, you can do that here.
Papa’s Pancakeria– like working the house of pancakes!
Papa’s Wingaria– well now it’s just getting silly. Though, I do love me some wings.
And now I’m hungry. Enjoy these games, and come out to the show. I’m gonna go make myself a pancake pizza burger with taco ice cream and wings.
The Top 10 Foods at the Minnesota State Fair
Today is opening day for the Minnesota State Fair! People from all over will come to the largest state fair in the US to look at tractors for five minutes, start walking toward the animal barns but turn away once they realize how completely awful it smells and then spend all day waiting in line for overpriced fried foods. With over 450 choices, there’s no way you can sample everything the fair has to offer in the 12 days they’re open so here’s a list of my personal favorites to help narrow down your choices.
Soup on a Stick
Deep Fried Mustard Balls
All You Can Drink Butter
Battered Candyburger
The Ponut (combination pancake/donut)
Chickenfried Oreos
Walleye Ice Cream
Chocolate Chip French Fries
Anything from the Deli Express booth
Please consult with your physician before consuming anything at the Minnesota State Fair.
When I started doing stand up AGES ago, a local female comedian that I rather admire told me that I had huge balls. I took it for the compliment it was. And really, stand up is a ridiculous beast that I never did master… I still dabble in it sometimes, but we never really connected, stand up and I.
Though, I did manage to get myself a husband out of the deal.
But let’s look at the compliment itself. Having balls. Huge balls. Large, dangly balls.
Dudes seem to be super proud of their balls. I’ve had various guy friends whip out their balls to show them to me. Not in a sexual way. Just a “dude- look at how big my balls are” kind of way. I always assure them that yes, their balls were in fact very large. Like telling a 5 year old that yes, spinning on one foot is a really neat “trick.”
I don’t get it.
I mean, they just sit there doing nothing. They keep sperm cool, and I don’t mean like little wiggly tadpoles with sunglasses. But that’s their only function… to make sure the delicate seed of life doesn’t get too hot and keeps swimming. Other than that, they’re just mostly sensitive pain sacks that guys wish would have played with from time to time.
There’s a quote that gets passed around Facebook that reads
“Why do people say “grow some balls”? Balls are weak and sensitive! If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina. Those things take a pounding.”
It’s often attributed to Betty White, but she claims she never said it, and instead says that comedian Sheng Wang is the original author.
No matter who said it, people still attribute balls to things that are manly and strong, and people keep claiming to have the biggest balls. But they’re all wrong.
Meet Wesley Warren, otherwise known as The Man With the 132 lb. Scrotum. Yes, he has a show airing on TLC about his balls. He apparently injured them, and they just started growing till they got to the size of, well, ME.
Now, gentlemen. Can well all just admit defeat, put our balls away, and get back to our dick measuring contest?
MNSure Making Paul Bunyan Look Bad
Minnesota’s new open market health care tool, MNSure, went live Monday and of course everybody’s pissed about it. It’s not just republicans either who think that the socialist healthcare is going to Hitlerize us and turn us into communists (although there is plenty of that going on). There’s actually people in Bemidji that think MNSure’s ad campaign is making Paul Bunyan look bad.
Paul Bunyan, the fictional lumberjack whom I’ve already mentioned was a giant bumbling soiciopath, has about a dozen towns in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Canada that all say they’re his hometown. Bemidgi, however, is the only town that seems upset about the state’s new ad campaign. Why are they upset? Because they say the ads make him look bad.
You see, in the MNSure ads, Paul Bunyan gets into some mishaps like waterskiing and soccer injuries that require him to go to the doctor –
and the good people of Bemidji say this makes Paul Bunyan like a bumbling idiot.
You know, they guy who, according to myth, accidentally created the Grand Canyon by dragging his ax and created Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes by stumbling around in a blizzard? The waterskiing ad makes him look like a doof.
These ads don’t make him look dumb, Bemidji. Do you know what makes somebody look dumb? Fighting for the dignity of a fictional character that you can’t even claim ownership on. Also, claiming that your town is the hometown of a fictional character when a dozen other towns are doing the same thing.
Seriously, Bemidji. Lay off. This is the kind of shit that gets you on those dumb small town segments on the Daily Show.
Who do I Have to Stealthily Assassinate to Get Some Ninja Training Around Here?
I guess not enough people in Egypt died today or something because one of the front page stories on CNN was about a guy who lost a bunch of weight.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s very inspiring. The story talks about how this guy was over 300 pounds and had a wake up call when he couldn’t ride a rollercoaster with his kids so he committed to losing over 120 pounds. Stories like that are always inspiring but this one was deceiving in it’s title. The headline read “From 300 pounds to 175-pound ‘ninja'”. When I read that headline I immediately thought “oh man this guy underwent ninja training to slim down? Awesome!” Imagine my disappointment when after reading almost the entire article and the only mention of him being a ninja is a little snippet at the end –
At his job, he’s noticed a change as well. He’s always had to be on his feet all day, but because of his weight, he used to avoid tasks involving standing on ladders and leaning or reaching — he was scared he would fall.
“Now, I’m like a little ninja up there,” he said. “I can reach over, and I don’t care about falling no more.”
This is bullshit! I’m glad the guy was able to make such a positive transformation in his life but CNN has no right in calling him a ninja when his only ninja skill is being able to walk up a step ladder without having to worry about going all Humpty-Dumpty.
He didn’t even do ninja training. He just jogged and worked out at a gym. The gym, however, was a huge part in his transformation because it was a gym specially made for overweight people. The trainers and equipment were personalized for him so he could get the maximum benefit. Personalized workouts and themed fitness programs are becoming more and more popular and that made me wonder if there is an actual ninja fitness program out there? There’s gotta be some sort of Ninja gym out there for fat nerds like me who would love doing that, right?
A quick google search has turned up nothing.
There’s plenty of hits when you enter “ninja fitness” or “ninja gym” but it’s either a fitness program that’s supposed to help you “get ripped like a ninja” or smartphone apps where a ninja avatar just tells you to run a mile or do some pushups or whatever –
These people don’t seem to get it. I don’t want to look like a ninja. I want to fucking be a ninja. I’m sure the training that is involved would get me into shape. Why isn’t there a gym out there that offers these workouts –
Dramatic katana fights in bamboo forests
Not only does it look cool but those extra swings to dramatically slice through the bamboo is probably great for the heart rate.
Jumping from rooftop to rooftop
…okay, that’s just Parkour. There’s plenty of places that offer Parkour.
Throwing stars
Probably not that physically intensive but essential and maybe a good cool down exercise.
How to make a proper ninja smoke bomb
Okay this one doesn’t burn any calories but I need to know how to do this. When I was a kid I bought smoke bombs from a fireworks store and was so excited to get all ninja but when I lit it it just belched out a piss-stream of colored smoke that did nothing to conceal my exit.
Where the hell is that gym? I’ve tried to undergo independent study but the wife won’t participate and I can tell Jared’s heart isn’t in it.
Fuck Off Friday. You Feeling Lucky?
Bill here. I’m taking care of the FoF post today since Jena’s getting ready to roll around in the mud in Shakopee for 7 weekends in some strange pagan ritual called the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. There’s only one problem. I’m not sure what to write about. I guess the point of these is to find fun internet time wasters but all I do while Jena’s gone to the Ren Fest is eat Little Caesar’s pizza and watch shit on Hulu. A list of links to my favorite shows isn’t going to make for much of a post and nobody needs to know how much anime I watch (way too much).
Not a problem. I’ll just google some shit and do the “I feel lucky” option. Maybe do a post about the shit I find doing that.
Alright. Slight problem.
Everytime I start to type something into the google search bar it autocompletes and the “I’m feeling lucky” bar disappears. I wonder what’ll happen if I just hit “I’m feeling lucky” without even typing anything into the search bar. Has anybody even done that? Where will the internet take me?
Huh. When I mouse over the “I’m feeling lucky” button it does a slot machine reel into another word. What happens when I click “I feel wonderful”?
Neat! What about when I click “I’m feeling trendy”?
Well how about that? There seems to be plenty of choices when I mouse over. “I’m feeling artistic” will take you to the Google Cultural Institute which I didn’t even know was a thing –
There’s tons of more “I’m feeling” choices, too. I’d say I could do this all day but once the wife and kid are gone I’m going to get a Little Caesar’s pizza and watch stuff on Hulu and Netflix until my eyes glaze over.