On the Whole Bullied Busdriver Thing.

Holy shit.

By now you’ve probably heard about that New York middle school bus monitor youtube video thing. Somebody posted a video of some kids brutally harassing this bus monitor for like ten minutes straight –

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l93wAqnPQwk&w=420&h=315]

and the internet goes collectively apeshit. Front page of reddit, huffington post story, the victim gets interviewed on Fox and Friends and 4chan starts posting contact info about the kids who did this.

It’s no surprise that this took off the way it did. I watched the whole video and those kids were saying some horrible, messed up things to that woman and enjoying the fact that she was crying throughout the whole thing. It’s really fucked up.

The worst part of all that is people who take low level admin jobs at schools aren’t doing it for the money. She’s making like $15k a year doing that. People take those jobs because they like working with kids. Can you imagine taking a job like that to help kids out and that’s how you’re treated? Ugh.

Luckily, this story has a happy ending for bus monitor Karen Huff Klein. She’s received an outpouring of love and support from people all over the world. Emails, facebook pages, youtube reaction videos (I never understood the youtube reaction videos thing. People make youtube videos of themselves talking about youtube videos they saw?) from thousands and thousands of people. Somebody even set up a page where people can donate to send Karen on a much needed dream vacation. They set the goal at $5,000 and the donations are currently at… let’s see…


The amount goes up every goddamn time I refresh the page. It’s been less than a minute and they’re almost at $207,000. Where are they sending this woman on vacation? The fucking moon?

Don’t get me wrong. The woman went through hell in that video and she totally deserves a vacation but for $207,000 I’d gladly let a pack of middle school kids call me a troll and fatass for ten minutes. Hell, for 207 grand I’d let them do the things they threatened to do if they found her address in the video. I’m not kidding.

It’s almost at $210,000 now. At the rate this is climbing she’ll be at $300,000 by the end of the day. For $300,000 I would let those kids ride in the back of my car every time I had to drive anywhere for a year. They can call me whatever the want and one of them gets to kick me in the dick when I get out of the car. Only 1 dick kick per day, though. I have my dignity.

I’m sure she’ll probably end up donating most of that to charity or something but whatever. Good for her!

I only have this pic here so an image will show up when I share the blog on facebook. Marketing!

4 thoughts on “On the Whole Bullied Busdriver Thing.

  1. News flash….poor old people don’t take those jobs because they love kids (although they may love kids). They take them to survive. She needs the money to live…and maybe to supplement whatever social security she is getting. She didn’t want to make a fuss because she needs that crappy job in order to make it. I hope she ends up with a million dollars and spends every penny on herself. I think I’ll make another donation.

  2. What makes this story horrible and awesome is the not knowing of what would come next. hindsight is always 20/20. Im sure if she magically knew her fate that morning she might have decided to call in sick that day. But what gives this awful story a silver (fuck it – i mean gold) lining is that not she nor anybody knew she’d be getting a quarter of a mil and counting from all of this. Now that we do know Im sure a lot of people might just opt to ride the mechanical bull of degradation for that money if given the chance.

  3. It’s at $428K and still rising every time I refresh the page. I hope she retires and never sets foot on a school bus ever again! I rode the bus as a kid, and it was a really long route, and I was bullied the whole way twice a day every day. It was the worst part of my childhood. I couldn’t even watch two seconds of the video because I’ve lived it. I read tonight too that the little pricks involved have all been suspended. Too bad they can’t be flogged.

  4. WTF? If I had done something like that as a kid my mom would have ripped my ass off and fed it to me while she made me apologize. She handled it with dignity. I think she deserves a lot of respect for not losing her cool.

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