Let’s Piss Even More People Off.

I know that yesterday’s post was a bit polarizing. While I didn’t get any negative feedback I know that there are readers and friends that have opposing political views that might have been pissed off by what I wrote and that’s okay. I’m just one guy and when it comes down to it my blog doesn’t really affect any change. World keeps spinning.

So as long as I’m saying things people may not like I’m going to throw this out there. I think you should be able to wear socks with sandals.

The horror!

I’ve held this opinion for a long time. I’ve only shared it with a few people because for some reason the image of a foot wearing both a sock and sandal brings out the deepest hatred in most people.

Kill it! Kill it with fire!

I don’t wear socks with sandals. I’d like to but I’m afraid I’ll get lynched by an angry mob. It’s just not worth the risk for me.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7En0z2A38c&w=560&h=315]

I know people have their reasons. On the rare occasion where I feel safe enough to tell somebody that I think it’s okay to wear socks with sandals I’m met with utter contempt. The weirdest thing is that the biggest offense people point out to me is not that it looks stupid (and I’ll admit it kind of looks stupid) but that it defeats the purpose. “If it’s too hot for shoes then it’s too hot for socks as well”. That’s like saying if it’s too hot for jackets then it’s also too hot for shirts.

Hate me all you want, America. I’m only speaking from the heart and standing up for what I believe in.

Here’s something the mainstream media won’t tell you about socks with sandals. It’s comfortable.

Think about it. Just put away your prejudice away for a second and hear me out. Have you ever worn sandals all day? Maybe you go to a street festival or outdoor concert? It’s hot as hell (which is why you’re wearing sandals), your feet sweat and rub against the straps and now you’ve got a scrape on the top of your foot. It sucks and now you can’t wear sandals again until it’s healed because it’ll just make it worse otherwise. That wouldn’t have happened if you were wearing socks.

Why do you think old people and Europeans wear socks with sandals? Because they fucking know it’s comfortable and doesn’t care what society has to say. Nobody under the age of 60 in America will go out in public with socks and sandals because they fear the ridicule. It’s bullying. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Come on! Who’s with me?


Shit. Fine. I don’t need your support. History will absolve me.


9 thoughts on “Let’s Piss Even More People Off.

  1. I can promise you, I’ll spend every dime and all my time defeating you liberals and your unAmerican ideas about socks with sandals… ugh. I suppose you’ll want me to PROVIDE the socks too… Fucking liberals. Is there anything you don’t want to emulate about Europe? (I kindly refrained from commenting yesterday, but this… well, this is an outrage).

  2. One thing hasn’t been evaluated here. If you wear flip flop style sandals with socks, you get ninja feet. The major difference being, ninja are never visible enough to witness their selectively horrible fashion sense.

  3. @Mike Wilson…it would be nice if the socks were made of hemp…@Bill…Preach on…!!! You have covered nearly all the reasons that I do indulge my habit of wearing socks with sandals (the other, and most humanitarian, reason is that my feet can become biological weapons that need to be buried in the desert. A full day of naked foot contact with bare leather is enough to make people consider mixing bleach with ammonia to kill themselves, along with the odor…Keep up the cutting edge blogitating…

  4. I may be used as a horror story example, but I do not let the scorn of others deter me from wearing socks with sandals when I damn well feel like it – mostly late in the season when the weather is getting colder but I am not ready to surrender my sandals. I usually spend my own time on better causes (art, writing, crafting things etc) than on criticizing the footwear of others.

  5. I wouldn’t wear socks with thong sandals; that’d just be silly. But I’d absolutely wear socks with the other kind of sandals, in a heartbeat, all spring and all fall. Because that’s when it gets too cold for sandals, so you start wearing shoes, but then your feet are all sweaty and smelly because it’s not quite cold enough to wear shoes, and you think “if only I had some foot coverings that had large ventilation ports on them. I would wear those over these socks.”

  6. Oh c’mon Bill, well all knot the reason you are advocating socks with sandals is because you dont want to share with the world the hot pink polish you paint in manly fashion upon your tonails every evening. 😉 it’s ok now, no one will judge!

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