Japanese Toilet Candy. Japanese. Toilet. Candy.

Yesterday the Supreme Court handed down two huge landmark decisions on gay rights and while I would normally write about something like that something big happened to me yesterday.

I got my candy in the mail.

For my birthday, my sister signed me up for Candy Japan. It’s a website that sends you Japanese candy twice a month. This is perfect for me because I love candy, especially candy you can’t get around here. When I spend a week in Mexico last year I pretty much survived off of candy bars I’ve never seen in MN while my friends all ate at beachside seafood restaurants. I’ve been to Canada twice and each time have come back with two bags full of candy not readily available in the states.

One of the nice/strange things about Candy Japan is that they send you stuff you can’t find in the U.S. so you’re not just going to get a box full of Pocky (although Pocky is delicious). Two weeks ago I got a strange DIY kit where you mix up a bunch of powders and water to make different flavored gels and foams. Yesterday I got this –



Yes. That’s a toilet.

According to the website what sent it, that’s called Moko Moko Mokorreto and it’s one of the strangest candies they’ve sent out. You mix up a powder and it expands and you drink out of a toilet because this is Japan.

They actually included a link to some youtube instructions in case you get tripped up in constructing your toilet to drink out of.

Okay. Let’s try this out.
I got two packets.  I went with the blue one.

I got two packets. I went with the blue one.



...that's actually pretty tasty.

…that’s actually pretty tasty.

Jena didn’t like it. Either it was the taste or something about drinking out of a toilet with cartoon eyes.

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