I Have Created a New Game.

The game is to see how many comments in a foxnews.com article that has nothing to do with President Obama do you need to read before somebody says something bad about President Obama. I call it “how many comments in a foxnews.com article that has nothing to do with President Obama do you need to read before somebody says something bad about President Obama”.

The name needs some work, I’ll admit. Let’s play!

Article: Mega Millions Sales Soar With $540M Jackpot.

Comments read before Obama’s bashed: 22 (all comments are read from top down (most recent).

Comment: With “0” in power some of you have 401ks, gold, silver, classic cars and rich relatives. The rest of us have the lottery!!

Relevence to original article: Somewhat.

Relevance to Obama’s policies: Uhh… I don’t know. Personally, my stock of gold, silver, classic cars and rich relatives hasn’t surged since Obama was sworn in so… what?

Article: Mastercard Warns of Possible Security Breach.

Comments read before Obama’s bashed: 8

Comment: looks like Obama’s buddies are getting campaign $$… ha ha

Relevance to original article: Sorta? I guess he’s saying Obama’s campaign contributors are committing the credit card because… they’re liberal?

Relevance to Obama’s policies: None, unless Obama signed a law saying credit card fraud is legal? Ugh.

Article: Alabama Nightclub Starts “Food Stamp Friday” Promotion.

Comments read before Obama’s bashed: 14 (I really thought it would be fewer. There were plenty of comments bashing liberals and one referring to black people as “koons” but 14 before Obama was mentioned)

Comment: oh well…… I guess I’ll try one of those “Obama Bombers…” with cheese!

Relevance to article: Eh. I guess he was saying that would be one of the menu options available with food stamps?

Relevance to Obama’s policies: Well, Obama created food stamps so…

Article: California Woman Blames McDonald’s For Forcing Her Into Prostitution

Comments read before Obama’s bashed: 1! This was the 2nd comment! A new record!

Comment: am confident this woman will find many California lawyers who are bigger w h o r e s than she is.
Maybe a call from the White House, and a complimentary hoodie will help her out,

Bonus Comment!: (checked back in the comments section 2 minutes later and this one was posted) This lady(?) has to be a liberal. They never do anything wrong. It’s always the fault of someone else. Right out of oinkbama’s playbook.

Relevance to article: Okay, pretty relevant. They’re both saying she’s suing McDonald’s because she’s liberal.

Relevance to Obama’s policies: Fucking zero. I love how the first comment even threw in the “hoodie” line referencing the Trayvon Martin case.

Stay classy, fox news comment section!

so fair and balanced.

18 thoughts on “I Have Created a New Game.

    • You win the game! Bonus points for finding offensive Obama nicknames (Oblamma, Owhammy, Onegro etc). I can honestly say today was the first time I saw “Oinkbama”.

  1. I wanted to click “like,” but I just can’t. Because the whole thing is sad because it is SO TRUE! I guess the bright spot is that I was guessing you’d only have to read three comments to get to the Obama-hate, and in most cases it took a few more.

  2. The first comment was saying that Obama has done nothing to provide all the hope he said he would. The second is laughable people suck. The third, Obama’s policies look to put more people on government aid, so it actually is related, though it’s a stretch. The fourth is just insane in general on all counts. However, Obama did say that if he had a son he would look like Martin and his policy is to call liberal women and say nice things to them if they’re insulted.
    Overall I love this blog, remember people everywhere suck and are stupid it makes life a lot easier. And I would like to meet the creative “mind” behind Oinkbama. Wowwwwwww.

  3. Oh wow. This is so true. I never read foxnews.com before so I tried it.

    Article: Headstone marking grave of Hitler’s parents removed

    2nd comment from “obamafoe”: I’m waiting patiently for the Clintons to be buried. Afterward, I’m planning to make a pilgrimage there to honor their gravesite with a golden shower.

    4th comment: Now that is going to make gay 0bama mad,Hitler is his one hero…

    13th comment: obamanure stole it for sentimental and inspirational reasons. It’s OK for him to do so, mind you. He’s blaack and if he had a son, it would look like adolf …

    18th comment: They’re moved to Chicago where they can vote.

    And so on!

    • I think “Obamanure” just beat out “Oinkbama” for most offensive / biggest stretch nickname. Congratulations!

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