I Am So Glad I’m Straight.

You know what’s awesome? Being heterosexual.

I think one of the best things about being straight is that nobody gives me a hard time for it. Not once in my life has anybody made fun of me for my sexual attraction to women. Nobody hates me because I’m straight. A bunch of drunken hillbilly homosexuals have never beat the shit out of me because they hate straight people. Nobody’s ever belittled me because they’re afraid they might be straight and they can’t deal with that. It’s awesome.

What’s even better about it is that the law is totally on my side. I have never been denied a single right because of the gender of people I like to bang. It’s really awesome! I even married somebody and there’s a bunch of laws set up to give me even more rights and protections because I’m married!

I’m glad those laws are set up, too. I love the woman I married and want to spend the rest of my life with her but that totally isn’t necessary for a marriage to happen. I could hate her guts, never touch her and openly plan to divorce her like two months after the wedding and they’d still let us get married.

It’s not even a religious thing. I could literally wipe my ass with a bible during the wedding ceremony but the state would still file the marriage certificate because we’re a man and a woman.

Anyway, I’m glad those laws are set up. I love my wife and I shudder to think of a world where the government wouldn’t allow me to get married to her. Seriously. Not once during the planning of our wedding did I think “what if we can’t?”. Ugh. That’d be terrible.

We spent a year engaged and nobody ever said we shouldn’t get married because we’re straight. That would have been awful, especially if it was the government saying it.

If the government told me that I couldn’t marry the person I loved, if they told me that I’d never be able to marry the person I loved, I would seriously have no faith or trust in my government. If the people of my state voted on whether or not I get to marry the person I love and they voted that I didn’t, I’d feel like a pariah in my own city.

Whelp, good thing I’m straight and don’t have to worry about any of that bullshit. Can you imagine?

Seriously, though. Fuck you, North Carolina. Fuck your state government, fuck your voters, fuck Governor Bev Perdue and fuck your state bird, The Cardinal.

9 thoughts on “I Am So Glad I’m Straight.

  1. Not everyone in NC voted for Amendment One. Maybe rather than belittling those in favor of that hellish thing (as awesome as it may feel), we should continue to support the people who made a stand against it.

    • Here’s the thing… It’s my understanding that polls showed the majority of people in NC are opposed to Amendment One. So maybe not everyone in NC voted for it, but not enought people who should have voted against it.

      Honestly, we have a similar vote coming up in MN, similar situation, and I will vote against it. But if not enough people vote against it…? Yes, that is also my fault. My fault for thinking a bumper stick is enough to get everyone to vote.

      Sadly, there is a good possibility that this will happen. If there’s one thing NOM has, it’s people able to rally the troops. But I will at least own my inability to rally as well as they do.

  2. Pingback: Dear North Carolina Voters « Grail Diary

  3. You’re wrong, Bill. Right now you are being oppressed.

    Most people consider gay marriage to only be between two men or two women. You being a straight man would not be allowed to gay marry the straight woman that you love, in many areas of the country.

    Maybe someday, when gay marriage isn’t so threatened, some states will open their eyes. But even then, to maintain “sanctity”, your union would still be ghetto-ized with a ‘separate, but equal’ moniker like “straight gay marriage.”

  4. As a red-blooded American male heterosexual, I’m in favor of more and more gay men on the “More For Me” theory of meeting women.

    (I’m taken now, but old habits die hard.)

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