Guess Who Just Sold Me Ten Boxes of Girl Scout Cookies?

This girl.


In this video a young girl scout makes a plea to boycott Girl Scout Cookies to send a message to GSUSA that it’s not okay to allow transgender girls into girl scout troops. Specifically citing Colorado Girl Scouts admitting Bobby Montoya, a 7 year old transgender girl. She calls GSUSA “dishonest” for not telling people they’re not a bunch of bigots and questions the safety of girls sharing tents on camping trips with trans girls. Like they’re going to get raped or something.

Yeah. Total sexual predator. No doubt.

The sign behind her in the video has the url for, an organization dedicated to eliminating girl scouts’ acceptance of the gays and sexual education. They’re particularly pissed that GSUSA has ties with Planned Parenthood because over 90% of what they do is abortions (you guys never click the links anyway so I’ll just tell you it’s 3%).

After watching this video (twice! Ugh.) I really wanted to lay into this girl and call her all sorts of names and all sorts of swear words but when it comes down to it, she’s just a kid standing up for her beliefs. What she believes is wrong, misinformed and kind of hateful but it’s her right to ask for a boycott. She even goes as far as to suggest you can donate money directly to the GSUSA instead of buying cookies to send a message so I’m not going to tear her a new one. I’m just going to do what I do best. Eat the shit out of some Girl Scout Cookies.

I am going to eat so many fucking cookies. Anytime I see some girl scouts outside of a grocery store (the one thing I miss about office life is being able to buy Girl Scout Cookies from coworkers) I will buy as many cookies as my budget will allow. My favorite are the Peanut Butter Patties (formerly known as Tagalongs).

Found this image from another wordpress blog that just drools over girl scout cookies. Click the image.

Cookie season is fast approaching and I am on the fucking prowl. Did you know Girl Scouts even have an online cookie locator so you can find the cookies closest to you? God bless the internet.

In the video the girl says that Girl Scout Cookies grossed over $110 mil. in 2010. I sincerely hope this year blows that figure out of the water. This is going to be the tastiest counter-protest ever.

One day Jena will come home to find me in a daze, surrounded by empty boxes of Girl Scout Cookies and covered in crumbs. When she asks “What the hell is going on here?” I will weakly burp out “Equality!” before slipping into a diabetic coma.

Leave a comment and tell me your favorite girl scout cookie. Cookie party!


Looks like the youtube vid went private but I found one that’s still up on a NY Daily News article. Click the link to watch it because it won’t let me embed it for some reason (I’m dumb at HTML is probably the reason). Enjoy!

24 thoughts on “Guess Who Just Sold Me Ten Boxes of Girl Scout Cookies?

  1. Let’s up the ante, shall we? I’ll be putting my own personal pledge into action: I’ll write 2 letters advocating for equality for each box I purchase. And two more for each box that I want, but am resisting.

  2. If you need a cookie-hook-up I’m totally a dealer.. Um… I mean my goddaughter is a Girl Scout and I can get cookies as soon as they’re available. Yeah. That’s what I meant.

  3. I have a daughter who is a girl scout as well. We can hook you up. Samoa’s ROCK! Thin Mints do too, but they’re almost everybody’s favorite.

  4. I really don’t like any of them except the Thin Mints, and those usually go stale before I can finish the box. But I’ll buy some and give them away this year. “Taylor” is entitled to her opinion and entitled to stand up for her beliefs. And so am I.

  5. you can still private message the little angel,so I did:

    “I am sure you mean well
    but you have no understanding of what “transgender’ is. GENDER is in the brain and not genitalia.
    Please do read this and educate yourself–I would think that is a GSUSA tenet to get the facts and truth and honor others.
    I STILL have my GS sash from 40+ years ago. Please darling, get some info. You are painfully ignorant on this and running a ban GSUSA cookies on complete misinformation is silly.
    If you ever like to communicate with a REAL transperson and listen rather than imagine, let me know.

  6. There are two companies that bake Girl Scout cookies – Little Brownie Bakers and ABC. ABC makes the cookies that have the boring names – Peanut Butter Patties, Caramel de Lites, Shortbread, etc. LBB makes the ones with the fun names – Do-Si-Does, Tagalongs, Samoas, etc. What cookies are available to you depend on which baker your local Girl Scout council uses.

    And @Judy – Girl Scout cookies freeze very well. 🙂

  7. Thin Mints. Since I was a Girl Scout those been my favorites! 🙂 And really, to be honest, I hope they do cooler stuff now then when I was a kid. Boy Scouts did waaaay cooler stuff.

    I am all about equality. And Scout cookies. 🙂

  8. With the encouraging news that the Girl Scouts allow gay and transgender girls in, I am going to say that all of their cookies are good!

  9. Thin Mints and Tagalongs. Used to be Samoas, but they went to a really sugary milk chocolate rather than dark and now the dang things are just too sweet for me. And I promise that as long as my funds last, that I will purchase 1 box from every girl who approaches me directly (or is actively selling at a table – I won’t purchase from moms or dads or aunties or whatever – the kid has to make the actual contact).

    I do feel for Taylor – she’s a kid who is articulate, has done some (if not enough) research, put together a professional image appropriate for her age, and is standing up for her beliefs. Too bad the adults in her life have so misguided her. She is a child. She doesn’t deserve the abuse I’ve been seeing directed her way – her parents and leaders deserve it, not her.

  10. I love Tagalongs! (Why did they change the name?) I had planned to not buy many cookies this year so I could fit into my pants, but your blog made me see that this cause is more important than that. I will buy more cookies, and new pants.

  11. She’s not standing up for *her* beliefs – her parents are spoonfeeding her their “correct” views on life and she’s likely been sheltered enough to not be able to see outside of their shell. She was likely given the script straight from the organization running the website written in the background of the video.

    Not saying she won’t grow up to be the AFA’s next president, but when I hear scripted stuff like this from people her age I feel nothing more than pity that they’re allowing themselves to be used used as a tool.

    That being said, time to increase my normal GS cookie purchase fivefold :).

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