George Lucas Thankfully not Directing Next “Star Wars” Movie.

I like Star Wars.

I’m not a Star Wars nerd, but I do like Star Wars. I’ve seen the original trilogy multiple times and saw all the shitty prequels in the theater the day they were released. I own a plastic lightsaber. I read the Thrawn trilogy in high school and for an english class group project we made a film spoof of Camelot and I played Mordred in a Darth Vader mask. Also I walked around high school in this t-shirt –

I was getting so much pussy in high school that it was distracting from my studies so I threw this t-shirt on and joined marching band to give me a moment's peace.

I was getting so much pussy in high school that it was distracting from my studies so I threw this t-shirt on and joined marching band to give me a moment’s peace.

All this and I’m still not a Star Wars nerd.

Star Wars nerds have read the hundreds of Star Wars novels, comic books and guides available. They read and edit the nearly 101,000 articles on Wookiepedia, the Star Wars wiki where even the types of trees on the planet Chewbacca is from get their own six paragraph article. Those are Star Wars Nerds and I am not one of them.

I do enjoy Star Wars, however, and have an opinion on JJ Abrams directing the next film.

I’m for it.

I’m for it because I’ve enjoyed other stuff he’s directed but I’m mostly for it because he’s not George Lucas.

Want to know why the prequels sucked so bad? George Lucas wrote and directed them.

Think about it. Empire Strikes Back was written and directed by other people, Return of the Jedi was directed and co-written by different people. The two best Star Wars movies were made by people who weren’t George Lucas. Sure, he hit a home run with the first film but he came back and re-released the original trilogy 20 years later and made them all worse! He’s a madman who will go back and ruin his own good movies!

Frankly, keeping George Lucas as far as possible from the new movie is probably the best thing for it.

What’s weird is that I’ve seen a lot of people online commenting about Abrams directing it but nobody’s talking about who’s writing it. Not George Lucas.

George Lucas is being credited with writing the “characters” but the actual writing credit is going to Michael Arndt. Know what else Michael Arndt wrote? Toy Story 3 and Little Miss Sunshine.

So I’m not a Star Wars nerd and I’m sure there are Star Wars nerds out there who are furious about the new movie but I’m looking forward to seeing it.

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