Fuck Off Friday: Chain Reaction

Bill’s done all of the posting this week, since I’ve been working on my Fringe shows. My 6 Fringe shows. Because I’m dumb.

I love it. I love being busy with all the projects… creating and making and producing. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

But it can get stressful. And sometimes you need to take a break from going over lines/tweaking a dance routine/editing your one woman show.

Chain Reaction Games. I love them. You just click once and let the game do the rest of the work. It’s a spacial and intuition recognition style of play that lets my brain work passively. It’s relaxing but on the ready all at once.

My favorite is Boomshine. It’s got relaxing music and pretty colors.

Here’s a list of others with no explination cause I have to get back to Fringe stuff:

Chaos Theory
Icy Fishes
Chain of Fire
Nova Chain

I have to close this post with a conversation I overheard today while on my front porch editing my one woman Fringe show like an Uptown hipster artist douchebag. I fit the mold well, but that’s not why I live in uptown. I live in uptown because we get a lot of visitors, and they have fun conversations like this:

Dude 1: She doesn’t like you; you need to get over it.
Dude 2: Yeah, it’s not like she owes you or anything. Feminism and shit. Don’t make her uncomfortable.
Dude 1: I was thinking more that it’s not good for HIM to keep on after. She’s a tough chick that can say as much. Well and she has. You need to back the fuck off because that’s what a man does. Respect her no. Also, pineing makes you sound like a whiny bitch
Dude 3: Hey!
Dude 2: yeah- like that.

I love living in Uptown so hard.

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