
You may have noticed there haven’t been any YoungNotions posts this week. Don’t worry- there will be more funny coming at you next week. YoungNotions will be back.

But without me.

Bill will be taking over posting on a Monday – Wednesday – Friday schedule. The website is his now, and all things you do (or don’t) like from here on out will be entirely his.

I may guest post from time to time. Expect them to be rare, and not for a while.

YoungNotions started in March of 2011. It was a concept we came up with to keep writing. Keep trying to produce more work, keep writing and sharing funny stuff, regardless of how perfect it is or isn’t. It’s been our shared baby. Even though you see more content from Bill, making the website go, social media, sponsorship, turning YoungNotions into a brand… those have been primarily my drives for the site.

One of the things I have always loved about our marriage has been our ability to produce delightful comedy together.

When Bill and I talked about sharing a life, we decided that we weren’t going to have children. Instead, we were going to have comedy babies. And we did. This was one of our first. Together, we also gave birth to some Marriage web videos, some sketch work around town, shared hosting duties, and the Young and Fearless sketch comedy show.

YoungNotions has been a source of great pride for me. The blog has been a consistent Reapie winner, gets thousands of hits a month, and provides consistent topical commentary and satirical humor. It has readers from around the world.

As I said on Facebook earlier this week, the divorce overall has been simple. Dividing up our things is easy. Maintaining a friendship is natural.

But giving up on our shared creative projects… giving up on THIS has been hard. It seems silly, but I’ve cried over it’s loss in my life. It’s not just a personal pride, but a shared one that’s come to symbolize much of our marriage.

Bill and I talked about sharing it, continuing on with joint custody of our beloved child. But there have been some issues sharing it. It brushes up against buttons that affected our marriage, and we don’t want those same buttons to affect our friendship.

Besides, Bill lives in a way better school district.

So I’m leaving this blog in Bill’s incredibly capable hands. I’ll be around… I’m still managing the website, for as little as it needs managing. But on the whole, this baby is no longer mine.

Thank you all for reading the comedies here and feeding my baby with your comments and shares. Thank you for the kind words. And thank you so much for your continued support.

Make sure to keep reading this blog, and check out my current projects as well. I’ve got the site, where I not only have all my productions and some of my other pastimes displayed, but I’ll post whatever random bits I happen to find worthy. Not just comedy, but inspiration, thoughts, opinions, and shows. Mostly shows, I bet.

Hell, maybe I’ll look for other writing opportunities. There are so many places looking for articles… places willing to pay, even.

Maybe I’ll even become a Cracked whore.

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