The Entire GOP is Going Completely Insane Over the Gov’t Shutdown

As we all know, the Federal Government shut down on Oct. 1. 800,000 federal employees are on unpaid furlough, national parks and monuments are shut down, it’s all the Republican party’s fault and they are losing their fucking minds over it. Honestly, there’s been so many instances of the GOP going completely bananas I’m just going to highlight some of the best moments from this week.

First, Fox News refuses to call it a shutdown, instead calling it a “slimdown” because essential services are still running. After CNN, the Daily Show and all the like had a field day with this, switched to the terminology “partial shutdown” and now the front page only has one meager mention of the entire shutdown.

Then, congressman Randy Neugebauer loses his shit and yells at a park ranger for not letting vets into a WW2 memorial that was shut down because he couldn’t pass a budget bill.

After that, congressman Marlin Stutzman actually fucking said this quote for real to a goddamn reporter

“We’re not going to be disrespected. We have to get something out of this. And I don’t know what that even is.”

To top it all off, Congressman Tim Griffin actually blamed the president for the violence that went on at the White House today that caused a capitol lockdown

Holy. Fucking. Shit. People.

They gambled, they lost and now everybody hates them and I couldn’t be more happier. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no fan of employees struggling to make ends meet having to deal with the unpaid furlough but this stunt will completely ruin the GOP for the 2014 elections.

So, thanks, crazy republicans! Your whining and bitching in public has made you completely unelectable.

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