Jena Does a Political Post

Bill said he was done doing political posts. I haven’t made one yet… not my thing. I’m not nearly the die hard Democrat he is. Hell, I’m not a Democrat. And no, that doesn’t make me a Republican. I just don’t really feel that the views of either of those political parties match mine enough to where I’m willing to ascribe myself to it.

Which makes it really hard to get riled up over what one party is doing vs another. I’m just constantly angry at everyone

I suppose I’m probably more libertarian than anything, only Ayn Rand makes me want to vomit. Oh sure- there are a couple of good ideas in there about owning your responsibility and going out and doing, but her views on the rest of humanity make me want to puke until all of the bile is out of my body so I don’t have to taste it anymore when her name comes up.

Really, politics just make me tired and cranky. They make me want to tear my hair and cry. Like a 4 year old. Like THIS 4 year old:


Well played, little girl.

Last Night’s Presidential Debate as Told by Facebook.

I didn’t get a chance to watch the presidential debate last night but I really didn’t need to. My decision is already made. It’s not like Romney’s going to say anything to win my vote so why watch the debates? They’re not for me.

Besides, if I want to find out how the debate turned out I can just check my facebook newsfeed and let all the partisan hysterics and hastily created memes inform me! Let’s see what facebook had to say about last night’s debate, broken down by political view.

CONSERVATIVE: “Romney won by a million points.”

To hear my republican friends on facebook tell the tale, Obama got his ass handed to him. Romney brought the pain last night as President Obama stood there shaking like the scared little secret muslim socialist he is, unable to defend the last four years or lay out a good plan for the future. The best comment I saw on a right wing circle jerk thread from last night – “You can’t spin this. The mainstream media will attempt to ‘fact check’ Romney tomorrow to mitigate Obama’s lackluster showing, but the verdict is in. To say otherwise is either incompetence or denial.” I love how “fact check” is in quotes, like fact checking is some junk science that has no room in politics.

Whatever. Enjoy your victory, assholes.


Gotham City’s newest villian was once two presidential candidates until a debate went horribly awry…

I’m pretty sure most libertarians and independents are just in it for the smug sense of superiority they feel over democrats and republicans. They’re like the political version of people who say atheists are as annoying as fundamentalist christians. Don’t ask them how we’d actually change such a large, broken system otherwise they’ll just scream “Ron Paul!” and run away.


So less than an hour after the debate these images started filling up my newsfeed –

I don’t even get the reference on this one, honestly.

Apparently last night in the debates Mitt Romney said something about cutting PBS funding and now the democrats are jumping all over it. Now, I’ll admit cutting gov’t funding to PBS to lower the deficit is stupid and inefficient but to have the left jump all over that one thing he said just shows me how much better he did than Obama last night.

Also, when the fuck did all these people suddenly care about PBS? If half the people on facebook jumping to the defense of PBS actually fucking donated to PBS then it wouldn’t need to get part of it’s funding from the government anyway. Republicans would have to find another red herring to blame the debt on and the channel which you probably only use as a babysitter and maybe watch one cool documentary a year on would be safe.

EVERYBODY: “Jim Lehrer is a shitty moderator.”

To hear about it afterwards, Jim Lehrer stammered his way through the entire thing, couldn’t get the candidates to stick to their time or topic, peed himself, cried and hid under the table rocking back and forth in the fetal position for the last 20 minutes.

Man, I can’t wait to see what my facebook friends have to tell me about the next two debates!

Memoirs of a Welfare Queen

Buckle up, kids. This is not going to be your average YoungNotions comedy blog. Because I have a thing to say, and goddamnit, I am going to say it. You got the comedy version of Romney from Bill the other day, but now, you are going to get Romney’s fuck up from a different angle.

To do this, I’m going to have to talk about a part of my life I don’t like to talk about. Because it puts the father of my child (hereto referred to as BabyDaddy) in a bad light. I call him my BabyDaddy because that’s what he is; the man I was never married to who sired my son. He and I now use BabyDaddy and BabyMama as titles because fuck connotations.

No seriously. Fuck connotations. Connotations set false expectations, force people into boxes that cause even more difficulties in escaping from. Like government assistance.

I had Jared when I was 20. Had I been pregnant a year earlier, I probably would have given him up for adoption. At 20, I debated my options (I don’t do abortions), took stock of where I was at, took into account my BabyDaddy’s wishes to keep the child, and he and I carved out a plan to keep the boy. To try living together, see if a relationship could develop into a marriage. He did ask me to marry him (as is apparently the honorable thing to do), but I declined, because knocking up a chick doesn’t mean you’re compatible as lifemates. Instead, live together, see if we *are* compatible first. He would work, I’d stay home and take care of our child.

Here’s a hint for you guys- it didn’t go well. In fact, it went very poorly.

By poorly, I mean that after 6 months, my BabyDaddy stopped being around the house to the point where I wouldn’t see him for days at a time. It got to the point where there was no food in the house, no diapers left, no electricity. I had no car and no way out. I used a neighbor’s phone to call my mom. The same woman who has insinuated that I’m a whore by using the word, um, “whore.”

So at the risk of facing more emotional abuse, I called this woman. She came and picked up me and my child. I stayed with her for a couple days before getting the call from our landlady that we were about to be evicted. The landlady was very understanding of my situation and did not actually file an eviction, but I had to have all of our stuff out in 3 days. BabyDaddy showed up, and his family moved all our stuff to his sister’s house. Jared and I move into the spare bedroom there, in Mora.

It was here that I became a welfare mom. Because BabyDaddy’s sister couldn’t afford to take care of us, and I had nothing I could do to help. I couldn’t afford daycare to get a job that would pay just enough to have my son in daycare. I had no skills, no prospects, limited security. So I signed up and started receiving benefits.

Once I was receiving benefits and didn’t have to worry about food, I could focus on how to get myself out. It’s a longer story than I have time for here. I moved back down to the cities and snuck into college. It was an accelerated program for a 2 year degree in 16 months. With that degree, I was able to get a job and get off of welfare.

I should mention that in those first few months of my son’s life, when times were tough, BabyDaddy and I tried applying for assistance and we were denied. One of the reasons my BabyDaddy wasn’t around was because he felt like a failure. He couldn’t afford his family, it was hard for him to be around the constant reminders of his failure. He was mostly not around after the essential eviction. Stop by once every few months or so. But I could tell it was hard on him, to face all that shame. He did eventually work past the shame. 2 years later, he asked to be part of his son’s life again, and from that time he has been a loving and supportive father, a partner in parenting our child.

For my part, I refused shame. I had spent my childhood being shamed, and Hell if I was going to let that hold me back. When I talked to social workers and career counselors, some were supportive, but many told me I would fail. One worker told me that I should be ashamed of wasting government resources.

When I went to school, many of the kids there tried to shame me. Some were kind, which I hadn’t expected. To this day, It’s the kindness others showed me that makes me tear up.

This one kid in school tried arguing with me over my right to be there. That the government shouldn’t be paying my way. I had a lot of scholarships and loans (which I am still paying back). The government didn’t pay for my tuition. But I did receive benefits ($650 a month in food stamps and funds. That was food, diapers, rent, electricity, toiletries, EVERYTHING except daycare. I have no idea how this Queen Welfare is pulling it off).

Anyway, this kid is arguing with me, and I mention that his parents are paying for his schooling, not him. And I ask him how he would pay for school if they didn’t. And his answer? His honest to God answer? He would sell his second car.

You know. The one he got from his dad. No, not that one. The OTHER one.

You see, the problem is not that 47% of the population is lazy. The problem is that we have the expectation that 47% of the population is lazy. When someone says that these people need to take personal responsibility, that’s making the assumption that they aren’t. And when a person whose own parents were on assistance makes disparaging remarks about those that are not even on assistance, just not making enough money to pay income tax, he perpetuates the connotation, the expectation of shame against those struggling and working hard, trying to get a leg up in an increasingly larger wage gap. He, who *should* have an idea of how difficult it is to move ahead in this world, and what a little help can do to make that happen, is spitting on that help, and telling people they should suck it up and sell their second car.

I tell you what, kids. This cake is absolutely delicious. I think I’ll have another slice.

Ugh. Mitt Romney.

Well, according to MSNBC, Mitt Romney is pretty much assuming he’s got the primary in the bag and unless there’s some big upset from Santorum, Romney does have the primary in the bag. Looks like it’s going to be Romney vs. Obama for the general election and I’m not pleased.

Half the shit I do on this blog is political and I have to say during the primaries, I’ve really had fun ripping on Santorum and Gingrich but that’s because their crazy has personality and flair! Look at what the other guys are bringing to the table –

* thinks sperm are people
* thinks women are things
* thinks gays are demons
* think’s Obama’s a nig – uh

* Cheated on his first wife. Divorced her when she had cancer and married his mistress.
* Cheated on second wife. Divorced her and married The Joker.

She looks like a harlequin baby all growed up (go ahead and google image search "harlequin baby". I dare you).

* Tried to get Clinton impeached for cheating
* Probably cheating on his wife right now as you read this.

Ron Paul
*Wild Card! Is he racist? Is he crazy? Nobody knows the true story because nobody takes him seriously enough to actually do some serious investigation on him.

I know he likes biking. That's all I got on him for sure.

Look at that! A tree full of low hanging fruit for a lazy comedian like myself to pick at my lesiure but what am I stuck with? Mitt Romney. What’s he got going for him?

* He’s out of touch because he’s a super rich guy (but I already covered that).
* He’s Mormon and that’s weird but nobody seems to want to talk about that.

In a perfect world it’d be Michele Bachmann running against Obama but here I am stuck with dumb ol’ Romney. I might as well go back to writing my vampire detective novel.

Ugh. Even his picture on wikipedia is boring.