The People Behind the Making of The Birth of The Akumal Comedy Festival the Interview: Producer Dan Schlissel

Dan Schlissel is no stranger to building things from the ground up. As the owner and founder of Stand Up! Records, he has taken what was originally an offer to record a CD for Lewis Black into a Grammy Award winning venture with 87 records released from dozens of comedians including Marc Maron, Doug Stanhope and Maria Bamford. 12 years into the game, Stand Up! has become the watermark for good independent comedy. In 2010, Dan was on vacation in Akumal with several friends including comedian (and festival co-founder) Gus Lynch. When Dan approached Gus with the idea of a comedy Festival in Akumal, it was safe to say that Dan would put 100% into building this festival from the ground up. talks to Dan about his history in Comedy, what it takes to start a comedy festival and what lies ahead.

Photo by Nick Vlcek

Bill: You’ve travelled all around the country to record comedians for your label. Is this the first time your job has taken you out of the US?

Dan: No, this isn’t the first time I have recorded outside America. In October of 2010, I went to Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) to record audio for a Darryl Lenox CD/DVD project. In March 2011, I went to Glasgow, Scotland to record Danny Lobell. It’s not easy to cross borders to record, but I’ve done it. This is the first time I’ve taken on a project with this many moving parts, though.

Bill: So it’s safe to say that with all the travelling you’ve done, you’ve eaten a lot of airport food. Remember that steak sandwich you had at the Guacamole Grille in the Cancun airport?

Dan: Well, it was technically a beef milanesa (breaded steak) sandwich. I mention this because they had chicken milanesa as well, but I opted for the beef. It was three four-inch segments of really great sandwich on super fresh bread. I have to say, if you are in Cancun Airport, terminal three, go to Guacamole Grill. As far as airport food goes, it really doesn’t get any better. It seems odd that we’re starting this on one of the last things we did together as a group. Aren’t you going to ask about the rest of the trip?

Bill:Don’t worry. I’m just trying to paint a picture for the audience to see what the whole festival experience is like. Wasn’t that sandwich huge?

Dan: It was three sections long! The milanesa was thick, but tender. The bread was the picture of a perfect french loaf. It was spectacular for regular food, but for airport food, it was seriously off the chart. Wait… This has nothing to do with getting you all down there and back, let alone the shows or the fundraising.

Bill: Don’t worry. I’ll edit this stuff down to the only the most interesting parts. We’ll get to that other stuff later. Normally airports usually have such shitty food but this sandwich was amazing! We’re talking food court, too. This wasn’t like an airport Applebee’s or Margaritaville. I guess my question here is don’t you hate Jimmy Buffett?

Dan:Well, there was a Margaritaville at this airport as well. (Darlene) Westgor needed to hit that, of course. God forbid she skip an opportunity to drink… Anyway, I don’t get it. I won’t give that asshole that’s ruined so many paradise locations or his “peckerhead” fans a dime to ruin my time in any tropical spot, or airport food court for that matter, that’s for damned sure. The less money they take in, the sooner they go away is my theory.

(Editor’s note: The views of Sand Up! Records on Jimmy Buffett completely reflect those of Jimmy Buffett is a piece of shit and his music is awful. He needs to put the guitar and bong he carved out of driftwood down and leave everybody alone.)

Bill: I die a little every time I hear Margaritaville at a karaoke bar. Okay. That’s all the time we have! Great interview.

Dan: Are you fucking kidding me?!? I took eighteen comedians, a film crew, a sound crew, a writer for the City Pages and a programmer for 24/7 Comedy Radio to *ANOTHER COUNTRY*, for the first ever comedy festival to be put on there and you’re not going to say shit about it? I am going to fucking murder you when I see you next!

Bill: Don’t worry, I’ll shoehorn all that stuff in before I post the interview.

For more information on Jimmy Buffett, ask someone with horrible taste in music.


Alright, while there’s still plenty more Mexico stuff for me to talk about (I should have interviews and stuff up by Friday), let’s take a break and talk about what’s going on with me stateside. If you’re still yearning for some insight on the Akumal Comedy Festival check out Ian Rans’ coverage of the fest for!

I got home on Monday night. Watched some netflix with my family and went to bed early. When I woke up the next day I realized most of my t-shirts were in my duffel bag and dirty. There was some clean-but-yet-to-be-hung-up laundry on the floor and one pink t-shirt. I grabbed the pink tee since it seemed easier than bending over and digging through laundry for five seconds. Pink wouldn’t be my first choice but whatever. I just spent a week with my shirt off. Simply putting on a shirt seemed alien to me.

Later that day I went to the elementary school by my house to pick up the kid I babysit. I went to the lunchroom where all the kids wait for their parents/family/babysitters and he’s hanging out with some kids in his grade (Kindergarten). One of the kids look at my shirt and says “HEY! PINK IS A GIRL’S COLOR! BOY’S CAN’T WEAR PINK!”, pounding his tiny little fist into my chest for emphasis.

Okay. I don’t really care if you’re raising your kid to be a traditional “girls like pink and dolls and dancing and boys love dirt and sports and blah blah”. Not the way I play ball but you can teach your kids whatever you want. It’s your right as an American. Your kid starts correcting other people on that sort of stuff? Then I have a problem. My first instinct was to pick him up by the shoulders and put him up against the wall at eye level with me. All 260 pounds, shaved head and beard six inches away from his face and say “Does it look girly on me?”

I obviously didn’t do this. School administrators tend to frown upon physical threats against their youngest students (I’m pretty sure you can rough em’ up if they’re 4th or 5th grade) and he’s like 5 or 6 years old. Kids just say the first things that pop into their heads when they’re that age. Just ask anybody who’s obese or missing a limb. I just bent down to his level and said “Boys can wear whatever color they like. Same goes for girls.” The boy I babysit said “I like pink!” and I responded with “That’s because you’re awesome”. We high fived and walked out of there.

Later yesterday my wife and I went to the T-Mobile store to rework our plans into a family plan and upgrade my phone. My budget narrowed it down to two smart phones. The Samsung Gravity and a T-Mobile MyTouch. The sales guy (Trent, knew his shit and super helpful) told me to stay away from the MyTouch and to get the cheaper Gravity. The floor model was in pink but he assured me that they had a blue one in back.

“Fuck that. Get me the pink.” I asked if they had any Hello Kitty skins or rainbow and unicorn stickers. Trent assured me that Unicorns are actually very manly and if I showed up the next day with a unicorn tramp stamp he would give me the phone for free. I decided to pay the twenty bucks.

Me with my pink shirt and my pink phone in my pink bathroom. I'm a pretty pretty princess!

The Best and Worst of the Akumal Comedy Festival.

Best: Sol Beer.


I had never seen Sol beer before going to Mexico. I don’t know if it’s not available in the US or you just can’t find it in the midwest but I soon got to know Sol beer very intimately. I didn’t drink much beer the first few days as beer gives me troubled trousers these days so I mainly stuck to a drink I invented called “Pool Rum”. Here’s how you make a Pool Rum.

1. Grab a bottle of rum.
2. Drink it in a pool.

As the week went on I got a little more courageous with the beer and by the end of the week I was pounding Sol pretty hard with no gut troubles. I’m no scientist but I think that this means that Sol is a tasty magic Mexican beer and they don’t carry it around here because the government is afraid people will learn of it’s healing properties.

Worst: FUD Hot Dogs


On the third night I picked up some brats, hot dogs and buns for some late night drinkey snacks. We ended up moving to a different rental house the next day and while I remembered to bring the hod dogs and brats, I forgot the buns. That night we were getting into the Sol and pool rum and wanted something to eat but the only food was the brats and dogs. The brats were Johnsonville, a brand that’s everywhere in the states so we knew what we were getting. The dogs were FUD brand.

According to Wikipedia, FUD (pronounced “food”) is an acronym for the Spanish words Fino, Unico y Delicioso (Refined, Unique & Delicious). Looking at it through american eyes you just end up saying “Food” and really over pronouncing the “u” like it’s something you’d find at Ikea. Whatever. It’s pretty hard to fuck up a hot dog, right? We put them in a pan and threw water in to simmer. Festival Comedian and friend Nate Abshire manned the pan while the rest of us got back to drinking.

After a few minutes I looked over to the pan and the hot dogs had swelled to literally three times their size. Their smooth texture had been replaced by a wrinkly one. I asked Nate to describe what it looked like this morning on facebook chat and here’s what he gave me.

“They looked like an uncircumcised penis, riddled with leprosy, slowly becoming engorged with malignant desire.” He’s not wrong.

When they were taken out of the water and off the heat they shrank back down to roughly their original size but the wrinkles and cuts from their hulk out remained. Now they were just withered little things that we had no choice but to eat because we had the drunken munchies and you don’t want to waste food (there’s starving Children in America). They tasted like wet pencil erasers. No amount of hot sauce made them palatable.

The wikipedia article for FUD states that they just struck a deal with a US company to license and distribute the wrinkledick dogs up here. Consider yourself warned.

You Can’t Make Me

Bill is on an airplane right now headed back to us here in the states. His magical trip to Mexico has come to an end, and this means I’m supposed to go back to work tomorrow.

I don’t wanna.

After experiencing what it’s like to be a home-maker, I’m beginning to understand why getting women into the workplace has been slow going. This is the easiest gig I’ve ever had. I have the best child in the world… 11 and able to make his own goddamned bowl of cereal while mama watches her stories and eats bon-bons.  Okay fine, I don’t watch TV. Who needs TV when you have the internet?

I blame YOU for my lack of productivity.

It isn’t the job. I’m one of few people I know that loves what they do. I love fixing computers. It’s almost an obsession. Except without the almost. When Jared had his school dance, Bill and I waited patiently in the computer lab. We were told we could use the computers. Refurbished Hewlet-Packards. Which are horrible computers BTW. I don’t know what they have in their boot system, but start up takes FOREVER, and they tend to be noisier and the laptops get REALLY hot…

Look, what I’m saying is never buy an HP computer. Always buy an HP printer. This is the law.

Anyway, we’re in the computer room, and I think “hey, maybe I’ll check my internets” and so I wake the computer up and I see that there are 27  updates waiting to run, and I’m thinking “does this thing even have SP3, and I told it to run updates. I went to the next computer and started defragging. At the next computer, I deleted install files off the desktop and then started a defrg. I would have done all of them if Bill hadn’t lured me out of the computer lab with booze.

Get me really drunk and maybe I'll reformat your hard-drive.

No, I love my job. But I’m not going back. Because the past 10 days, I have been a chick. And I kinda like it. Here are some of the things I did while Bill was gone:

  • I have had a spa day with my girls, letting an Arbonne consultant make my face pretty and try to sell me facial cleansers and moisturizing masks.
  • Twice.
  • I hostessed a party with a full-on taco bar. (It’s kind of my specialty).
  • I did my nails. Which is a big deal cause I hate doing my nails.
  • I did a clothing swap wherein I got a LOT of clothes, like the below.

This is me at the clothing swap yesterday. Come on!! I even look like a home-maker...

No. I’m sorry. I’m just not going back. Bill is going to have to get a job. Although, he isn’t a skilled laborer like I am, so we’ll have to cut corners. Assuming he can even find a job. The economy’s pretty rough right now.

Maybe we can live off of Bill’s income as a stand up. Stand up comedians are always paid what they’re worth, right? And there are plenty of gigs to be had. Hell I can’t think of why we didn’t do this sooner…

Oh right. Because none of that last paragraph is true. I’ll be back to work tomorrow.

Stupid Mexico is For Jerks.

I hate this place.

I’m not just saying that because my wife has expressed jealousy that she’s not here, this whole area is just awful. It’s been the worst week of my life and I want to get out of here. Just look at some of the shit I’ve had to put up with in the last 7 days.

Stupid ocean.

This area’s home to some of the largest coral reefs in the world. I hate it.

Stupid hammock.

Hammocks suck so bad you have a hard time staying awake in them.

Stupid swing chair.

At La Buena Vida, the bar stools are swings and there’s tree houses you can sit in and order drinks by lowering a bucket down on a rope. The food and drinks are super tasty and affordable and the staff is friendly. I hate it.


Building stupid sandcastles on a stupid picturesque beach. Whatever.

Stupid pool.

Hanging out at the pool behind the Casa Del Sol with my friends. Not my idea of fun.

The waterfall's loud.

Hanging out in the backyard of Casa Del Sol, the five bedroom house we’ve been staying at. There’s a pool and waterfall in the backyard and a path leading to a stupid lagoon where you can swim with a bunch of tropical fish or whatever. The Grateful Dead used to stay here or something. I hate it. There’s too many kitchens.

Who has fun drinking?

Drinking with my friend Chris. You can get a decent bottle of rum here for like 7 bucks. Booze has been flowing freely in the house and we’ve had parties almost every night. It sucks.

I can’t wait until this festival’s over. I hate comedy.

Magical Mexican Voyage: Day 6.

Chatting with Jena earlier today I told her I didn’t know what to blog about. She told me I should talk about what I’m doing in Mexico besides pooping. Honestly I haven’t gone out too much. There have been some parties, one of which had a surprise Mayan dance routine bust out right in the middle of everything –

Sure I was a little disappointed when I found out they weren't strippers but it was a cool show anyway.

But for the most part I’ve been writing and drinking. Not most people’s ideal for a tropical vacation but I could think of worse ways to pass the time.

It hasn’t all just been hunching over a laptop and emptying bottles of rum like some modern day fart joke Bukowski, the organizers for the Akumal Comedy Festival lined up plenty of activities for the comics and with shooting sketches on location there’s been plenty to explore. Here’s a quick rundown of what I’ve been up to –

Remember this guy?

I can eat it!

Trees like that are all over the place down here and I wasn’t sure if they were coconuts because the only coconuts I’ve ever seen were the fuzzy brown bowling balls hanging off the lone tree on the tiny island in comic strips. Turns out in real life they got a big ol’ husk surrounding the bowling ball. I saw some in the back yard of the villa where the organizers and crew are staying and asked my friend and festival organizer Gus Lynch if I could have one. He gave me the go ahead and I set about on my task. Opening a coconut.

I figured Tom Hanks did it in like three days on Castaway so if I beat that time I’m good. I spiked it against the cement patio and while it didn’t bust open, the husk was softer where it hit. I peeled a little back but it was slow going. I was going to need tools. I went to the kitchen and got a paring knife. I was worried I might cut myself hacking away at it so I got the smallest blade possible. When I went back out to stab away and enjoy the sweet coconut the cinematographer for the shoots looked at me holding a knife and coconut and said “careful. I’ve seen four people cut themselves trying to open coconuts before”. I was starting to think it just might be better to go and grab a Mounds bar but I’ve mad my decision. I’m cracking this fucker open and eating it. After ten minutes of hacking away I finally saw the bowling ball. I threw it against the ground and it split open, spraying coconut water everywhere. I don’t know if it was all the effort put in but that coconut was one of the sweetest things I’ve ever eaten. I enjoyed my reward and felt assured that if I get lost in the jungle I can survive indefinitely with nothing but a paring knife.


I’m bald. When you’re bald you know how important it is to keep your head from burning. A sunburned bald head peels and it looks like you have the worst case of dandruff ever. It’s gross. I’ve taken care to not burn my head this trip but there’s something I forgot. I have skin on the rest of my body, too.

I’m also fat. As a fat guy I usually don’t make it a point to go to the beach or a pool party and when I do I swim with my shirt on. Here in Akumal, though, there are plenty of guys just as fat if not fatter than me running around. I’m not looking to get laid down here so fuck it, time to deal with my man boob embarrassment and just walk around with my shirt off.

Big mistake. My torso hasn’t been exposed to direct sunlight since I was ten years old. After two hours of shooting a sketch on a beach I was glowing red. An hour after that I was dizzy and cold. The pain hasn’t set in yet but I’m just waiting for one of these jackasses I’m staying with to slap me on the back so they can watch me have a seizure. Damn you, Irish ancestors!

Stay tuned this weekend. I’ll be posting bonus blogs full of interviews and pictures!

No pics of my sunburn, though. God already punished me for showing my bitch tits to the world. I’d hate to think what he’d do if I exposed them again.

Girls Love Shopping!

I know you are all hoping for another story of Bill’s Bowels (the name of his next stand up album… it’s very moving), but unfortunately for us all, he is off scuba diving, or boating, or exploring Mayan ruins, or napping in a hammock. Probably napping in a hammock.

So instead, let’s talk about something a little closer to home. Home-making.

I went grocery shopping for the first time in about a year. I mean, I’ve gone out for eggs a couple times, or to get the right salsa for the party I’m throwing. But as for going to the store to purchase food because we’re out, it’s been over a year.

I dropped Jared off yesterday for his state testing, and had a couple hours for grocery shopping. I got to the grocery store, grabbed a cart with the mandatory stuck wheel, and headed into the grocery store. The doors opened, and there I was, standing in the produce aisle, with no idea what to do next.

I mean, okay. I have the basics down. You select an item, put it in your cart, and go. But there were so many items! When I’m home, and I want an apple, I go to the fruit bowl and grab one of three apples sitting in the bowl. Here, there were so MANY apples. It was up to me to pick the right apples for my household. And then I realized, I don’t know what kind of apples my family eats! I know that they’re green. Green apples. But the green apples I find all have different apple names… granny smith, something that starts with a c, something else that rhymes with shire or empire…

I am completely out of my element. I have already been defeated by green apples.

Curse you and your potential deliciousness!!!

I grab a bag of carrots and a couple bananas for the boy, and head to the bulk foods area. Like Luke Skywalker daydreaming about Jedi mentors, I remember Bill saying something about how rice can sometimes cost less  in a box rather than the bulk dispenser. Or was it the other way around? I can’t remember. I’m unclear which was what, but the bulk rice is right in front of me, which probably makes it a trap, but on the flip side, I’m already starting to lose my grip on what’s true and what’s not, so I grab a bag and go to the dispenser for long, white rice. I try to flip the dispenser thing, and it moves, and a little rice comes out. Not a lot. Just about a table spoon. I try to open it more, but I just get another tablespoon. I shake it, and get another tablespoon.

Awe, nuts.

My family eats a LOT of rice. It’d probably be smarter for me to stop and go grab a box of rice, but I’ve already started getting bulk rice, and if I stop now, what do I do with the bag, and damnit, I’ve now been presented with a challenge that I must over-come!!! So tablespoon by table spoon and 10 minutes later, I have a bag full of rice.

I remember that we need toilet paper because my but is still sore from the paper towel I had to use that morning, and go to grab a bag. I stop. Last time I ran out to get TP, I brought back the wrong brand. Bill had told me that the kind I got was made by a company that supports the slaughter of African children to make sports drinks or some such. But I can’t remember which brand it was, and I feel awful because I know Bill told me once, and if I pick wrong, slaughtered African children. On the flip side, my butt still hurts, so I pick up the one that says quilted. Hopefully the African children’s parents can forgive me. I know my butt does.

Eventually, I get what I think is an appropriate amount of food. Some of it I remember, like “Hey- frozen broccoli! I’ve seen that in the freezer!” Other items are things I think would be nice to have in the pantry, like crackers and rice cakes and other things Bill never buys. And head to the check out.

I get to the self check out and start scanning items. At first it’s fun, like playing grocery store when your a kid. but then the machine beeps at me, and an attendant comes over and asks what I did. I have no idea. I put a thing in a bag after I scanned it. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? That’s how I always played grocery before.

She scans her card and let’s me continue. 30 seconds later, she’s back again, and I’m preemptively saying “I put a paper bag on the counter! I’m sorry!” This continues for 5 minutes. I feel awful, like everyone’s staring at the newbie who can’t even use a self check out, like they’re wondering how I put my own closthes on in the morning. The attendant lady is very encouraging every time she comes by to swipe her card and punch in numbers. “you’re doing great! You’re almost done!” Which simultaneously made me feel better and patronized at the same time.

I finish the check out, get the food into the car, pick up Jared, and get home. Jared mentions that I forgot pickles, and I start openly weeping in front of my child, who tells me it’s okay, that I did a good job, and that we can get pickles later.

Bill, come home. We miss you.

Reverse Montezuma’s Revenge

I’ve been trying to make sure that I do everything right while here in Mexico. I haven’t introduced any invasive species to the environment, I bought a hat to protect my sensitive Minnesotan from the unforgiving Mexican sun,

I don't care what everybody who has seen me in this hat says. This hat is badass. I love this hat.

and most importantly, I haven’t had any tap water.

Everybody knows about the Montezuma’s Revenge. You drink the water and you poop for a week straight. wikipedia even talks about it so you know it’s real (but he was defeated by the Spanish. Shouldn’t this only affect Spanish people?). There’s plenty of bottled water here and our villas have those big water coolers but I’ve just been playing it safe and only drinking booze. I’m just trying to live healthy down here.

"If my empire shall lay in ruins so shall your boxer shorts!"

There’s just one problem. Not only have I so far successfully avoided the revenge of Montezuma, I haven’t pooped once since I arrived on Sunday evening. That’s two and a half days. It doesn’t add up. I’ve been doing nothing but eating fajitas and Pringles (Pringles are huge down here for some reason. They’re everywhere) and drinking rum and tequila. I even had a few beers (which I’m totally not supposed to do). I’ve considered having a glass of tap water just to get things going.

I think I know what the problem is. When I was a kid my family would go camping one or two weekends in the summer every year. It was a lot of fun but I hated the idea of pooping in an outhouse or the woods so I just wouldn’t. From Friday evening to Sunday afternoon I just made the decision to not poop. After doing this a dozen times it got easier and easier until I didn’t even feel the need to when camping. Like a Pavlovian response. Now that I’m in Mexico I think my guts have gone back into camping mode lockdown.

Granted, there are toilets here. I have a bathroom all to myself in the villa. This shouldn’t be a problem but when I first went to the bathroom this sign was on the wall next to the toilet.

Wait... What?

Wait… after I’m done wiping, I’m supposed to take the toilet paper and…

Oh no. No, no no no.

Oh God no. I know I’m in a different culture but seriously? I can’t just throw poopy paper in a waste basket. I pretty much have three options right now.

1. Just not poop until I’m back in the land of the septic tanks that can handle a little Charmin. Hopefully I won’t explode like the fat guy in Monty Python’s Meaning of Life.
2. Find a toilet somewhere around here that can handle toilet paper. There has to be one, right? This can’t just be something that everybody does down here.
3. Man up and work past my weird poop fear (not gonna happen).

I knew I was going to get homesick down here but I didn’t realize I’d miss my bathroom so much.

Just pooped. It was alright.

While the Cat’s Away…

For those of you who haven’t been paying attention, I took the week off of work to play home-maker and facilitate my child’s education while my husband drinks coronas and tequila with a bunch of 12 year olds posing as comedians in a heated pool on the rooftop of their Mexican villa, all under the guise of doing a “comedy festival.”





Jealous? Why would I be jealous? It’s not like I spend the rest of my time working my ass off to support my family so that Bill can go chasing his dream job of stand-up comedian while staying home with my son so he can do online schooling, thus fulfilling *his* dream of spending as many hours on a computer as humanly possible.

Oh wait. It is exactly like that.

But I get to spend more time with my son, who is my world. I mean, unfortunately, he has state testing and school keeping him busy most of the week. And he’s just shy of 12, so every time I go to hug him, he backs away with a horrified look on his face, and I run after him with my arms out-stretched, shouting “don’t look at me like I’m frickin frankenstien. Give your mother a hug!”





Well, at least Bill promised to bring me back something. It’ll probably be something kitschy, like a bobble-headed donkey, or an anatomically correct grass doll, or maybe something made out of coconut.

I’m allergic to coconut. Sigh.



Whatever. I’ve decided to make the most of my time off. My plans for this afternoon include cleaning out and re-arranging the bedroom, going through old papers in the desk, and organizing the bathroom closet.

… the sad part is, I’m kinda looking forward to it.

A Story About the Inconvenience of Flying Because I’m an Unoriginal, Cliched Turd.

Bill Young here blogging to you live from Akumal, Mexico! The sun is shining, the ocean is humid and filled with the sounds of animals that I’ve never seen and I’m in the bedroom of my villa with the lights off and the A/C on typing away on my laptop.

Right outside my window. Is that a coconut? Can I eat that? I'm gonna try to eat that later.

I hate what I’m about to do. The moment we got in we were greeted with a free meal and told all the comics were getting gift baskets full of goodies and coupons to local businesses. The villa was stocked with booze which we drank last night in a pool on the roof of the villa. The outside of the villa was crawling with these little gecko like lizards (adorably infested!). My only job here is to film a couple of sketches and perform in three shows. I really hate that I’m about to do this because I have no reason to complain but I’m going to bitch about the flight in.

Jena dropped me off at the MSP airport at 5:30 AM. I was set to fly out at 7:05 with 10 other people in the festival on a group flight rate. We were flying from Minneapolis Cancun with a stop in Dallas. Now, I’m a little scared of flying (part of my general fear of heights) but I’ve been on a plane about a half dozen times in my life and I’ve never really had a huge problem with it. The descent to landing is always a little nerve wracking but I’m usually fine the rest of the flight. We took off and the captain said over the intercom that there were some storms in Texas that we were going to fly around that may delay the flight a bit. I ate an airplane breakfast sandwich (which was delicious. Take that, ’80s stand up comics!), put my headphones on and dozed off listening to my ipod.

I woke up a couple of hours later and chatted with the other comics and listened to music as we approached Dallas. The captain came on the intercom again and told us there was lightning over Dallas right now and it was not safe to land. We were going to circle over Dallas for a while in a “holding pattern” to see if the storm clears up and if it didn’t, we’d land at the Wichita Falls regional airport to wait it out. It should take less than an hour but “we’re lucky we have enough fuel to circle over Dallas for a couple of hours”.

An hour passed and we were still circling around. The captain came on the intercom again and said that the conditions were still stormy so we were going to keep in the holding pattern. 45 minutes of more holding pattern and the captain told us that the Wichita Falls airport was so overrun with planes that were headed to Dallas that they were running out of fuel at that airport so we were going to keep circling and if it didn’t clear up we would go to Oklahoma Fucking City (he didn’t say “Fucking”) to refuel. We kept circling and I started trying to cope with the fact that this is where I live now. Time to start a new life in an airplane circling above Dallas and eating three dollar mini tins of Pringles (seriously they’re 75 cents at the gas station).

I started making a mental list of all the horrible things that could happen in a plane running out of fuel circling far far above Texas. We could just run out of fuel because of the captain’s foolish hope that Dallas would let us land. Just fall out of the sky into a high school football field (high school football fields make up about %60 of Texas’ geography). At least I’d finally get to see those oxygen masks pop out from the overhead compartment. I’ve only ever seen them in movies and always wondered if they even existed. Not many people survive plane crashes so you wonder if those masks even pop out when shit hits the fan. What if we hit another plane? We couldn’t be the only people waiting for Dallas to let us in. The Dallas sky was probably littered with circling planes and we were bound to crash sooner or later. Oh God there’s going to be a five plane pile up because of a storm WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST LAND IN WICHITA FALLS WHEN WE HAD THE CHANCE, CAPTAIN? YOUR FOOLISH HOPE IN DALLAS LETTING US IN HAS DOOMED US ALL!

We landed in Dallas fifteen minutes later. For those of you keeping score that was two hours of flying in circles. We spent another hour in the runway because there were so many planes trying to get in all at once. Everybody on the plane bitched about it but I was just glad to be on the ground. I would’ve kissed the ground when we got off the plane but eww, Texas.