Billionaire Waiters Complain About Credit Card Fees.

The City Pages has spent the last week following a story concerning Parasole Restaurants skimming 2% of their waitstaff’s credit card tips to cover charges from the credit card companies. The embattled corporation has stated the move as necessary due to higher use of credit cards among customers and higher credit card fees from banks. Rather than raise their prices or pay out of their own pockets, the executives passed along the fees to their highest earners, the waiters.

Just so we’re clear, the waitstaff is already making minimum wage, which alone should be enough for a waiter/waitress to support a family (7.25 an hour? Ritzy!). On top of that hefty paycheck, these people get tips? Last I checked, executives didn’t get tips for doing whatever it is executives do.

These greedy servers are in a whole uproar about the new fee just because when a customer gives a tip they expect it to go to the waiter that served them. As if a tip is some kind of reward for good service.

Supporters of these fatcats in aprons suggest you tip in cash if you eat at Parasole Restaurants Parasole Restaurants so they don’t have to pay the fees out of their wages. It’s also nice for them to have cash on hand so they can light their expensive cigars and swim in their giant moneybanks.

made his first million slinging hashbrowns at a greasy spoon. Everybody knows that.