Fucking Oops?

While searching different news sites for articles to rip off and call my own (just like a real blogger!), I couldn’t fucking escape Rick Perry’s Oops (each highlighted word links a different news story!) from last night’s debate.

I didn’t want to post about it at first because I feel like I’m paying too much attention to him. I’ve already posted about him fellating fair food and shooting first and asking questions never but this is a real turning point in the Perry campaign. A blunder which he may not recover from.

This isn’t about how he had a “brain freeze” or simply that he forgot what he was going to say. It’s about what he forgot. Rick Perry didn’t know what government program to eliminate. A conservative not knowing what piece of government to slash is like a fat guy not knowing what he wants for dessert (trust me. I’m a fat guy and I always know what I want for dessert).

Perry knows this, too. That’s why he was talking about cutting government programs when the question in the debate had nothing to do with cutting programs (the question was about how he could work with democrats across the aisle). He just launched into what he’d slash because he knows to give the people what they want. Conservatives would turn government programs into people if it was possible just so they could watch welfare’s legs twitch as it swung from the gallows rope. Perry had the audience sitting at the edge of their seats just salivating as he said “I will tell you: It’s three agencies of government, when I get there, that are gone: Commerce, Education and the — what’s the third one there?”

What’s the third one? Seriously? Say anything! The FDA, Transportation, anything but the military! That’s your fucking answer! Don’t leave your fans just sitting there with anti-government blue balls!

This could be it for Perry. Between this, the Herman Cain scandal and Michele Bachmann calling everybody a socialist (including her republican opponents) like a broken robot, Mitt Romney may just get the nomination.

So thanks, Perry. Now Mitt Romney’s going to be president and we’ll all have to convert to Mormonism.