Rush Limbaugh, Fart Two: Fact Checker Job Application

So after yesterday’s whole Rush Limbaugh Batman thing I decided to check out his website this morning to see if he made a response to people pointing out his conspiracy theory built around an obvious factual error. Turns out he did.

In an incredibly lengthy post entitled World on Fire Over Batman and El Rushbo. He states in the first couple (of like a thousand) paragraphs that ” I made some comments about it. Doesn’t matter what. I have had more reaction to that than anything, including the Fluke thing.” He then goes on to state that he never said that Bane was created to dis Romney, that he made no conspiracy theory, this is the Democrat’s fault and about 5000 other words I didn’t bother to read.

After reading this I felt the same way that he did. Not that he never said that stuff and it’s all the left’s fault, but that people are blowing it way out of proportion. I decided to turn yesterday’s facetious offer to become his fact checker into a real one. Below is the email I sent him.

Bill Young
10:20 AM (0 minutes ago)

to ElRushbo
Hi. I saw the whole media assault on you after your on air bit about the new Batman movie and read your response on your website and I have to say, I agree with you. Everybody blew this whole thing way out of proportion but when you’re in the public eye and say controversial things you’re going to be under more scrutiny than then general public. People are going to go over everything you say with a fine toothed comb looking for a reason to attack you.

That being said, I think you did misspeak. Although you say otherwise in your online response, I believe you honestly thought the Bane character was created for that movie as a jab at Romney. It’s a small error but it still is an error. I would like to help with that.

I want to offer my services to you as a fact checker. What I would like you to do is just email me a brief summary of the things you’re going to talk about on your show each day. I’ll make sure that there are no glaring factual errors on there that liberals can use to dogpile on you and send the summary back to you with any needed notes. I won’t attempt to edit or influence any content based on my personal beliefs, only check for statements that are easily proved false.

Now I should mention I do not believe that this will happen often but you are only human. Everybody makes a slip up like the “Bane” comment every now and again, you just get more criticism for it than most.

I should also mention that I am a liberal. I’m not a fan of your show and I don’t agree with many of the things you say but I want to do this for you and do it well because like you said, people are focusing on this little flub and it’s taking attention away from issues that matter. I would rather the left spend time arguing your actual views than a little slip up.

I expect to be compensated for this work (we are all capitalists here), should you choose to accept. I’ll allow you to make an offer for what you deem to be fair pay for this sort of thing and we’ll go from there. Please let me know if you’d like anything from me like a full resume or references. I look forward to hearing from you.


Bill Young

In retrospect should have put something in about how hiring a liberal could be seen as “reaching across the aisle” and make him seem less biased or how if I screw up in my job he can just blame liberals for these slip ups (not that he doesn’t already). Whatever. I doubt he’ll even read this, much less take me up on my offer but a boy can dream.

Just a pic of Rush because posts with pics get more hits. Oh also this is his mugshot. From when he was arrested.

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