Fuck you, winter. I win this year.
Every winter (except last winter because there was no winter in MN last year) my car has been towed at least once for snow emergency. For those of you that live in warmer climates, here’s a brief breakdown on snow emergency.
Frozen water falls from the sky up here in the tundra. People forget how to drive, conservatives point to the skies and shout that it’s proof that global warming doesn’t exist and the streets need to get plowed. If more than three inches hit the ground, a snow emergency is declared and for three days you can’t park your car on certain streets while the plows try to get rid of it. If you park on the particular side of the particular street that’s to be plowed that day, your car gets towed to the impound lot.
I’ve had my car towed many a time due to my forgetful nature and I can say that everybody involved with the towing process is pure evil. I hate to make any broad generalizations but every single parking enforcement officer, tow truck driver and impound lot employee is a black hearted, souless, sadistic motherfucker. They’re the kind of people who will never experience joy so they try to steal joy from others. They do nothing to make the world a better place. I hate them and so does everybody.
There was a snow emergency Tuesday, most likely the last one of the year. more than 1300 cars were towed but mine was not one of them. It took 30 years but I’m now finally learning proper parking rules like a proper adult. I feel bad for those 1300 people this week, though. I’ve been in their shoes plenty of times. The last time I had to go to the impound lot for snow emergency is burned into my memory very clearly.
The last time my car got plowed was a couple of years ago. It happened two days before payday and since my assets were all tied up (re: nonexistent), I had to swallow my pride and ask my dad for a quick loan to get my car out of the lot. He accompanied me to the Minneapolis impound lot which is conveniently located on the corner of Murdertheft and Rape. We stood in line outside for an hour while four people behind bulletproof glass glared at us like we were fucking up their plans even though their sole job description was to collect ransom money for cars. My dad looked at the sad, slow moving line of people all waiting to pay the city $180 to get their own property back and was confused and horrified at how the city was treating us.
My dad lives in the suburbs. Nobody parks on the streets in the suburbs and if they do, the snowplows go around the cars, shovel them out, brush them off and leave a mint pinned under the windshield wiper.
Looking around and getting visibly and audibly flustered, my dad finally says out loud “this is how they treat you?” I shrugged, said something like “city living” and then handed an angry woman a bunch of money. She told me that while I can get my car back now, I’ll still have to pay for the parking ticket within two weeks because they haven’t squeezed enough out of me yet. She then snorted a line of meth right in front of us, picked up a kitten and snapped it’s little neck with one hand while rubbing her nipple with the other.
I’m so glad I didn’t have to deal with any of that bullshit this year. I hear they started piping Yanni’s “Rainmaker” in the loudspeakers on a loop in the impound lot during snow emergencies.
Turtle Home Sex Video
Turtles love to have sex. And it’s creepy.
I mean, who doesn’t, right? Here’s the thing about turtles… they love to have sex so much, they are completely indiscriminate over who, or even WHAT they have sex with. They’ll just hobble right over and start humping.
Exhibit A: Sex with a ball-
Actually having a ball.
Exhibit B: Sex with a pot-
What’s cooking?
Exhibit C: A pile of logs-
Got Wood?
Exhibit D: Sex with what I think is a folded up bed sheet-
You’re supposed to do it *under* the covers, turtle!
Exhibit C: Sex with a boxing glove-
Ironically, that is not a boxing turtle.
The most common object of a turtle’s affection? The shoe.
They’re shoe fetishists, the lot of them. But that’s not the creepiest thing about turtle sex. Neither is the sound, which, if you can listen to the embedded videos, sounds like a bunch of delicate Japanese animated porn girls. Juxtaposed with with the hard shell and old man face on a turtle, it’s pretty creepy.
No. The creepiest part of turtles having sex is the face.
That’s not a one off. That is how turtles look having sex ALL THE TIME. It’s that same look that the awkward guy at the party makes after delivering a horrible joke, something supposed to be innuendo, but to blatant to actually be innuendo, but he thinks he’s clever, so he makes that “hey, do you get it? Eh? Eh?” face.
Yes turtle. We get it. You’re having sex. Well done.
I bring up turtle sex because in the news, two turtles tragically died while having sex. They were going at it, knocked over the heat lamp, which caught some wood chips on fire, burning down a personal conservatory and garage, along with the sex-craved turtles.
I bet the poor things lit up like candles. You know… ’cause turtle wax.
Eh? Eh? Get it? Eh?
Hugo Chavez, Freedom Fighter / Cruel Dictator, Dead at 58.
Hugo Chavez, the man who either looted his own country to push a socialist agenda or created a socialist paradise for his people died yesterday after a two year long battle with cancer.
The controversial figure was either freely elected president of Venezuela three times or had brainwashed the people through systematically removing political opponents and tightly controlling all media in his country.
The larger-than-life figure was widely known for using the country’s vast oil wealth to either improve the lives of the poorest in Venezuela with education and health care or propping up communist dictatorship Cuba through oil subsidies.
As president, he has either been lauded as a champion for human rights of indigenous people in his country or lambasted as an antisemite who has halved the jewish population in Venezuela since he entered office through antisemetic policies in the government and media.
The streets of Venezuela will be flooded this week as people will either mourn or celebrate the passing of President Chavez.
Chavez’s vice president will take over the president’s duties in the short term until an election can be held that will either be free and fair or just a show for the international community while they place his handpicked successor into power.
I Don’t Believe They Exist
I love The Princess Bride. It’s my all time favorite movie ever. It’s the movie I watch when I’m sick. The one I turn to when I need a distraction. The movie I can quote up and down, and sideways. I remember when my dad brought us kids out to see it at the MIA theater. I still own the VHS.
And OOOOOOOOOH Cary Elwes. He is my favorite actor. He was my first guy crush that was a real person (my first actual crush was Shaggy from Scooby Do. Don’t judge me.) He’s funny, witty, and a fighter. I have loved him in every movie he’s been in, but this. The Princess Bride. It’s my favorite.
I love it for the patter, the story line, the characters. I love the Grandfather/Grandson relationship. I love the out-witting, the cunning, the feistiness. And I absolutely love the best sword fight of all time. To me, it’s practically perfect in every way. There’s only one thing I hate about the movie.
Princess Buttercup is a needy whiny bitch.
Seriously. She an absolutely atrocious person. She falls in love with the boy that does everything for her, doing nothing in return. When she thinks her true love is dead, she mopes around, unable to do anything for herself. She lets herself get carted around, here to there, not fighting for herself at all. When she is reunited with her love, she contributes nothing to their escape. She allows him to be taken from her, she sits back and lets herself get rescued again, and doesn’t even try to run away.
The best example of her neediness is in the fire swamp. She needs Wesley to save her from the sand pit. She needs him to put out her dress. The only moment she tries to fight for herself is when attacked by an R.O.U.S. (Rodent Of Unusual Size), after calling out for Wesley to save her from the bumbling rodent, when he doesn’t get there fast enough. And she still can’t do it and still needs saving.
It’s a good thing for her R.O.U.S.es don’t exist. Oh wait- they do.
Iran has always had a rat problem. Recently, it’s grown, both in number and size. The rats are up to 11 pounds and thought to be getting bigger. They are larger than some cats. And there are thousands of them.
The problem has gotten so large, army snipers are being set out to take care of them.
Hey, it’s no Wesley with a sword, wrestling midgets in rat costumes, but it’s better than a Buttercup with a stick.
New Year’s Resolution Update. FINGERNAILS.
This is getting ridiculous.
When I made 11 different New Year’s Resolutions and decided to write about them weekly I knew some would be harder than others. In fact, I may have thrown one in there that I knew would be really easy so if I kept faltering on all my other resolutions I could at least say that I had one in the bag and that’s better than nothing.
That resolution was to stop biting my fingernails.
It’s something I do all the time. The tips of my fingernails are gnarled, shredded, ugly things. I haven’t been able to properly pick a dime off a table in years. While it’s annoying and sometimes painful I figured there’s plenty worse habits out there. This one’s pretty harmless, right?
Oh God. According to wikipedia, biting nails can fuck up your teeth, infect your cuticles and also cause you to eat your own poop. Seriously. Nail biting can “transfer pinworms or bacteria buried under the surface of the nail from the anus region to the mouth. When the bitten-off nails are swallowed stomach problems can develop.” Scratch your ass in your sleep, bite your nails, eat your own poop.
I’ve been terrible at keeping up with this resolution, too. I was doing fine in the first week and then out of boredom on a long car trip I found myself chewing on a nail. I didn’t even realize I was doing it until I was about halfway done. I’m totally back in the habit now and last week tore off a fingernail so bad it started bleeding.
I need to get better about this. Let’s see what webMD has to offer for tips on stopping this habit –
“Get regular manicures. If you spend the money to keep your nails looking attractive, you’ll be less likely to bite them.” While I do enjoy pampering myself I really don’t have the money to spend on weekly manicures. THANKS, OBAMA.
“Wear gloves or put self-adhesive bandages on the tips of your fingers so your nails won’t be accessible to bite.” If I’m going out in public with band aids over all of my fingertips I’ve got bigger problems than biting my fingernails. Has anybody actually taken this advice? Why not just wear one of those dog cones while you’re at it?
The only useful suggestion I saw was to get a bitter tasting clear nail polish. I had a friend who had a nail biting problem and used that stuff in the past. When he told me about it I was curious about what the stuff tasted like and asked if I could lick one of his fingernails. I couldn’t get the taste of that awful nail polish out of my mouth for hours and my friend still hasn’t got the image of me licking his finger out of his head. Things haven’t really been the same between us since then.
Whatever I do, I need to stop biting my goddamn nails. Then I can finally start going for that Guinness world record.
The Sequester Explained Fuckily.
Today marks the exciting conclusion of the US Budget Shitshow trilogy. The Debt Ceiling, the Fiscal Cliff and now finally the Sequestor. For the few of you who don’t know what this is about, I’ll fucking break this shit down for you.
America’s fucked. We owe a bunch of fucking money to China or whatever. We were flying high 12 years ago but then Bush put in a bunch of tax cuts. The Bush tax cuts alone wouldn’t have fucked us but then two wars and the economy tanking royally fucked us and now we’re fucked.
Like, seriously fucked.
So the government is trying to fix this shit but these fuckers can’t agree on shit. The Democrats, usually represented in the media by the fucking president –
Think that we should fix this shit by fucking rich people with tax hikes to the top earners. The fucking republicans, usually represented in the media by the fucking speaker of the house –
(note: This is his official congressional portrait. I didn’t choose this pic simply because he’s obviously wearing pretty heavy makeup. Seriously though he looks like he was going to a showing of Rocky Horror as soon as that photo shoot was done.)
Want to fuck poor people by gutting social programs.
Both fucking sides can’t agree on who to fuck. The best option would probably be to fuck everybody just a little but neither side wants to look like they’re fucking the fuckers who fucking voted for them so they’re not fucking moving. Since they can’t compromise we’re now royally fucked.
Defense is getting fucking slashed. Government employees are going to get fucking furloughed. All this shit is gonna rain down on us like a fucking diarrhea waterfall.
All because these fuckers in Washington can’t get their fucking heads out of their asses.
It’s a bunch of fucking bullshit.
Live Every Day As Pope Like It’s Your Last Day As Pope.
Today (or yesterday. I’m not sure how time zones work in the old country) is/was the last day as Pope for Benedict XVI. After today the man known as Pope Benedict will be humble ol Pope Emeritus –
. Here’s a few of the things on his “to-do” list on his last day as pope:
* Finally get those two wisdom teeth extracted while he’s still on the Vatican dental plan
* Ride in the front seat of the popemobile just to see what it’s like up there.
* Take care of the recent Vatican Gay Network scandal because there’s nothing worse than priests having sex with consenting adults.
* Swipe some office supplies: Gold staplers, gold staples, jewel encrusted pens, post it notes.
* Excommunicate a few people.
* Perform exit interview in case he ever wants to reapply for papacy.
* Buy normal size hat.
* Delete all work emails with biographer Paula Broadwell.
* Really just lose his shit and tell God what he thinks right before he leaves.
Looking For a Few Good Men
I hate auditions. I absolutely hate them. Anytime I do one, I’m just this anxious ball of oogly fear. For several years, I have been able to find or get theater work without auditioning for it. I have only had one formal audition in the past 5 years, and I had an honest to God panic attack right before going up. I remembered my monologue, though it was rather flat. In fact, I usually have to just kind of robot myself through an audition… just kind of void myself of any emotion so I don’t remember that I’m an anxious ball of everything and vomit on the auditioners.
It doesn’t leave a very good impression.
Acting is different. I love acting. It’s a sharing of an alternate reality, an offering, a gift to your audience, to take them away from their frustration and sadness for an hour or so. It’s giving them a mini-vacation.
Auditioning is judgement. You are specifically there to be judged. Maybe not right or wrong, but judged “appropriate” for a character or show. Not judged on previous doings or accomplishments. You get 5 minutes to be judged appropriate, even though you have no idea what that means to the director’s vision or whatever.
In the past 3 formal auditions I’ve been to, I was found lacking. Gross.
So there’s a show I really want to be a part of, and it has auditions. Which means I’ll be auditioning. It’s a little like cheating since I’ve worked with the company a couple times already. I mean, they at least have background in who I am, so it’s not JUST the 5 minutes of judgement. From these people, I think I can handle that.
They have 3 open auditions, and so far, I’ve missed 2 of them. But I swear it wasn’t my fault.
Last Saturday was the first open audition. I was sick for the better part of the day. Not because of the audition, but because I have so many allergies and intolerances it’s impossible to eat today’s heavily loaded foods without once in a while accidentally ingesting something you shouldn’t. So I decided to skip Saturday and make the Tuesday open audition. It’s just as well. I couldn’t find my purple hoodie and really wanted to wear it.
Last night, I was prepared. I was fucking ready. I was so ready, I got cocky and posted this to my facebook:
I took a nap, a shower, and vitamins. I’ve had a good meal (not too filling, but definitely enough for a while) , and I’m about to make myself pretty before stretching and yoga. I’ve even gone over a couple of exercises and updated my combat resume with my latest weapons specialist credit (Zastrozzi with Six Elements Theatre- this weekend is the last weekend to see it. GO!). I’ve never been more prepared for a stage combat audition.
I’m totally going to stab myself in the foot.
I was fucking ready! I even found my purple hoodie! The only thing I had left was to stop by FedEx and print off my acting resume on the way to the audition. The only thing that could go wrong would be Bill not getting home in time.
Three hours later, I posted this:
…ready to go as soon as Bill got back. Usually gets home about 7ish, probably get to auditions 8ish. Bill had to work late, but auditions go to 10, so even if I got there at 9ish, no big deal.
I just found out that Bill left his car keys in his coat at a customer’s house. Had I known earlier, I could have gotten a ride. But it went undiscovered until the last possible minute. I could technically get a ride, get my resume printed, and get there by 10, but no one likes the kid that shows up at the restaurant just before closing. Also, now I’m just a bundle of nerves and anxious frustration. No one wants that.
So I didn’t audition last night. Tonight is the last night of open auditions. I have a ride with someone else who’s auditioning, and a back up ride lined up incase that somehow falls through. I washed all my audition clothes, including my purple hoodie. I plan to go through the same process as yesterday with the nap and shower. I AM DETERMINED!
On a related note, YoungNotions is co-producing a sketch and comedy series with Fearless Comedy Productions called “Young and Fearless.” Our first production is “A Day in the Park,” and will feature some fantastic sketches that take place in a park. Hence the name.
I think we have all the ladies cast, but I desperately need a man. Or two. Not like that.
If interested, please read up by clicking on the appropriate links, and send an email to YoungFearless@fearlesscomedyproductions.com. Send a resume, clip, write up, picture of your cat… whatever you think is going to show me what you can do. If I know you, it’s easy, as I already probably have a good idea.
I’d hold auditions, but I don’t think my stomach could handle it.
Snakes, Mice, and Confronting Your Fears.
I was picked on a lot in elementary school. I mean, I get it. I was weird and poor and wore hand-me-down gym suits. I had no hygiene, and being raised in a nerd environment, going to Mn-Stf (MN Science Fiction and Fantasy) meetings every other week and working a RenFair… I was very defensive. I mean, it doesn’t make it okay that Lisa pulled a chunk of my hair out of my head, or that Stacey pretended to be my friend and then turned around and told my secrets to all the other girls, or that the other kids invited me to a party just so they could un-invite me.
Most of those kids have apologized to me. Because when we grow up, we stop being horrid little elementary school kids.
I remember one confrontation, where we were sharing our favorite animals. Mine was the snake. They feel awesome, have pretty patterns, and they slither. Slithering is the best-looking mode of transportation. It is absolutely impossible to look uncool when slithering. And I very desperately wanted to be cool.

What’s cooler than a snake in sunglasses? NOTHING
Anyway, I said snake, and one of the girls piped up with “The snake tricked Eve in the garden. Only Evil people like snakes. You’re EVIL!”
I said something about how God made all creatures, even snakes, but of course no one listened. It was just another way in which I was a bad person that deserved to be picked on. It’s all in the justification. Just ask Mitt Romney about his 47%.
Years later, when I read Harry Potter and the title character could talk to snakes, I felt vindicated. SEE? Harry Potter’s not evil. Talking to snakes is fine! Great heroes talk to snakes!
You can only imagine the betrayal I felt when we found out it was because part of Voldemort’s soul was in Harry. Fuck you, J.K Rowling! You broke my heart!
Anyway, when I asked my mom for a snake, she said no. I begged and pleaded, and finally, she brought me to a truth I hadn’t yet faced about owning snakes. I would have to feed them mice.
I’m okay with snakes eating mice. Mice are horrid skittering creatures that deserve to die. Mice are stupid scary fast, and could crawl up your pants in half a second and bite you or something.
Look, I don’t know why mice are so scary to me while snakes aren’t. All I know is that HOLY FUCKING SHIT THERE IT WENT! You never know where it is, but you know it’s there, lurking around the corner, just waiting to skitter up to you and scare the hell out of you.
We had a mouse once, and I flipped my shit. I spent several hours on a chair while Bill set out poison and traps and those electronic noise things that are supposed to keep mice out.
It was probably a mouse from down the street where the church was being worked on. Church mouse. Not evil. Just looking for a place to crash.

Pious my ass!
BEFORE IT SKITTERS UP YOUR LEG AND- …well, it’s just too horrifying to say, really.
All of this came up for me because of the invasive brown tree snake population in Guam. They don’t belong there but they snuck in “aboard boats or in the wheel wells of airplanes.”
Mother fucking snakes on a mother fucking plane.
They’ve been eating up all the other animals, so scientists are trying to control the snake population by dropping mice bombs on them.
From the NPR article:
In April or May they’re going to lace dead mice with painkillers, attach them to little parachutes, drop them from helicopters and hope that they get snagged in the jungle foliage. Then, if all goes well, the snakes — which as their name implies hang out in trees — will eat the mice and die from ingesting the painkillers’ active ingredients.
Mice. Falling from the sky. And killing snakes. THIS is what’s wrong with the world.
New Year’s Resolution Update! Work Out!
It’s Monday so that means we’re going to take a look at one of the many, many New Year’s Resolutions I made this year. Today’s resolution is “working out every day I’m not working my day job!”
My day job is pretty labor intensive but on my days off I pretty much just sit on the couch all day. I’ve never been a very active person but I’m looking to change that now. I can’t really afford any sort of gym membership at this time and it’s a little cold to go for a walk every day but for Christmas Jena got me the perfect gift for indoor exercise. Resistance bands!
Resistance bands are inexpensive, versatile and don’t take up a lot of space in your home. There’s a ton of workouts you can do with them, too! You can do the basic bicep curl –
You can do… this one! I’m not sure what it’s called but it’s really hard –
This one’s really not on the instruction booklet that came with the package. It just usually ends up like this after a few minutes. I’m sure I’m working a bunch of muscles as I struggle –
Okay, this wasn’t supposed to happen. This isn’t a workout anymore. –
I never said I was a personal trainer.