Hugo Chavez, Freedom Fighter / Cruel Dictator, Dead at 58.

Hugo Chavez, the man who either looted his own country to push a socialist agenda or created a socialist paradise for his people died yesterday after a two year long battle with cancer.

The controversial figure was either freely elected president of Venezuela three times or had brainwashed the people through systematically removing political opponents and tightly controlling all media in his country.

President Chavez either waving to some people or giving the "Heil Hitler" salute.

President Chavez either waving to some people or giving the “Heil Hitler” salute.

The larger-than-life figure was widely known for using the country’s vast oil wealth to either improve the lives of the poorest in Venezuela with education and health care or propping up communist dictatorship Cuba through oil subsidies.

As president, he has either been lauded as a champion for human rights of indigenous people in his country or lambasted as an antisemite who has halved the jewish population in Venezuela since he entered office through antisemetic policies in the government and media.

The streets of Venezuela will be flooded this week as people will either mourn or celebrate the passing of President Chavez.

Chavez’s vice president will take over the president’s duties in the short term until an election can be held that will either be free and fair or just a show for the international community while they place his handpicked successor into power.

One thought on “Hugo Chavez, Freedom Fighter / Cruel Dictator, Dead at 58.

  1. Hugo Chavez was certainly sincere and passionate about social justice, but I don’t believe he chose the best road to achieve that goal. Historically, socialism has always been detrimental to the nations it was supposed to help. Also, I don’t understand why Chavez hated the US with such intensity. By the way, I noticed that countries whose leaders hate the US are most of the times countries where atrocities are commited on a regular basis…

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