Happy Anniversary!!

I’m sick. Really sick. Freezing under a pile of blankets while sweating sick.

And it’s mine and Bill’s 2 year anniversary. We’ve been married 2 years today. We’ve been together over 4 years.

I planned on blogging about it today, but I’m really sick. My brain is like a mush of can’t think. I just woke up from my second nap of the day, and I’m ready for another.

What was I talking about again?

OH! Bill. Gosh, I really like that guy. I like him a lot. So much that I married him 2 years ago. It’s been a good two years, too.

Sorry- I’m back. I had to run to the bathroom. Seriously, kids. I am really sick.

The thing is, last year on our anniversary, he made this incredible post about how I stole his engagement idea. For Valentines day, he made me a thoughtful card and posted it. For my birthday, he talked about how awesome I am. I wanted to do the same for him today.

I wanted to talk about our courtship. How we met at an open mic, and how impressed I was with how little ego he seemed to have for a stand up. How I enjoyed hanging out with him at Monday Night Comedy Show, and how we would tease each other, but just as friends. How he asked me on Facebook chat to tell me if I ever had a crush on him, and then I said that I had. He didn’t ask me out then, so I figure my shot was over. And then the next night, as I was lamenting the lack of gentlemen in the world, he told me he was one and asked if he could prove it to me.

I was going to talk about our first official date, where we got super dressed up and went to the CC Club. How I got buffalo sauce in my eye, and then he impressed me with his sweet nerd skills in Galaga. How we went back to my place, and just talked for hours. And made out a little.

I was going to talk about the first time he told me he loved me. He said he opposite of hated me, and I told him that was indifference, and then we argued over what the opposite of hate was, and he pulled out a thesaurus, and showed me the antonym for hate was love. And then I said I opposite of hated him, too.

I was going to talk about how, when I told him I just had a sweet idea for a Fringe show, and applications were due in 5 days, and I had no money… how he encouraged me to apply to Fringe, and to apply for a deferment of payment, and that he believed in my ability to produce a show. And how, when I produced that show, he was there every step of the way, running for me, playing stage manager, and just supporting me when it all became too much.

I was going to talk about how wonderful it is to write with him… how we both approach comedy differently and can come together to write a sketch that is a thousand times better than what we could do separately.

And how awesome it is that we share a blog.

And how he makes me chicken soup when I’m sick.

But you guys… I can’t do it any justice. I want to talk about these things, not just mention them and that they happened, but nothing I can think to say is good enough. Nothing really shows how incredible and amazing Bill is, or how absolutely wonderful our marriage. None of my words are good enough.

When we got married 2 years ago, and a comedy show host had us vow for better or worse, in good and in bad, through sickness and health…. as long as we both shall live.

Bill, you’re stuck with me and my sickness. You vowed it, sucker. As an anniversary present this year, I got you some snot blown into a tissue. I made it myself.

Happy anniversary!

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