Fuck Off Friday: Blasphemy

I am a Christian, and most people would say I am smarter than you.

I don’t mean that I know more than you do, or that I actually have more intelligence, or that I put it into practice more often. I probably don’t even make better decisions than you. One time, I did drunk DDR with a guy who managed to break both of his legs within the same year in two fairly non-leg breaking activities. And I plan to repeat the activity. I guarantee you that you make better decisions than I do.

No, what I mean is that my IQ is probably higher. Which is a silly thing to judge a person on, but it happens all the time… that fucking number. It means dick-all. I tell my son repeatedly that it doesn’t matter how smart you are, or what you’re capable of. What matters is what you do with those abilities.

But so many people put stock in that number. If I told you what it was, you’d be all “shit, son! You’se smart.” And I wouldn’t even correct your grammar, because that’s a dick thing to do.

I bring up intelligence because it comes up ALL THE TIME around me. There is a stereotype that Christians are dumb. I have been told point blank that I am stupid because I choose to believe in a God. I’ve been told that I’m too smart to be a Christian. There’s a pervasive idea that people have to choose to either accept God or accept science. That the two can’t exist in the same space, and the idea is promoted by activists on both sides of the divide, which wouldn’t exist at all if people didn’t keep creating the damned thing. The concept does a disservice to both.

It is illogical to have a faith, therefore the person with faith must be illogical. Now, I will agree that faith is an illogical thing. If I applied logic to my faith, 2 things would happen. First, I wouldn’t be a Christian. It’s probably the most ridiculous of all the beliefs still practiced, the idea that the son of God was killed and then came back to life. WHAT ABOUT DECAY? He wasn’t even a zombie. Second, if I applied logic to faith, IT WOULDN’T BE FAITH!!!

I bring up all of this because today’s theme for Fuck Off Friday is Blasphemy. I was wandering the internet, and I stumbled across jesuschristarcade.com, and my first thought was not OMG THOSE HEATHEN FREAKS ARE ALL GOING TO HELL. No, it was “huh, I wonder if it’s Jesus bashing or satire.”

And the lovely answer is that though there are bits of both on this site, but mostly, it’s just Jesus themed silliness. Though I disagree with Jesus having to dodge science books to shoot down airplanes taken over by terrorists with laser beams that shoot out of his eyes before the world trade center collapse, my major complaint is that the science books perpetuate a stereotype. And it’s an issue because it’s the one *I* have to deal with all the time.

But fuck is Super Jesus fun.

Another favorite Jesus flash game is Run Jesus Run: aka the 10 second gospel you have 10 seconds to beat the game by moving with arrows and clicking the spacebar to “do Jesus things.”

Flash games not your thing? There’s a LOL Jesus meme out there. I went to Know Your Meme to get the best ones. Click the image to go to that page and browse the blasphemous goodness:


And to close on a high note, Adam and Eve in Epic Rap Battles of History:

I hope you all have a good Friday. Not a Religious Good Friday. Just a pleasant closing to the week.

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