The Star Tribune reported that the president will sign an executive order today banning promotional material purchased by government agencies with taxpayer money. The order will also limit cell phones and lap tops issued to federal employees and reduce the size of the executive vehicle fleet but it will ban “swag” outright. Here’s a partial list of some of the promotional items agencies will no longer be issued.
FBI: “Federal Boob Inspector” badges.
TSA: Promotional “Huggy the Box Cutter Groping Bear” plush toys to give to children who opt out of the full body scan.
USDA: “USDA Certified 100% Beefcake” muscle t-shirts.
CIA: Gift baskets and “oops!” Hallmark cards given to released Guantanamo detainees.
CDC: “Brave Patient” stickers, suckers, vaccinations.
DEA: “As seen on the hit show ‘Breaking Bad'” stickers.
ATF: Promotional Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
There goes Obama. Cutting government costs like a typical tax and spend Democrat.