I saw this last night on Sam Landman’s blog regret-a-day. Mech suits are real. You can buy one.


You can buy the Kuratas mech suit from Suidobashi Heavy Industry for the low low price of about $1,500,000 (if you get the gatling gun and rocket launcher). It autotargets and you can control it from your smartphone. I’d talk more about the “smile shot” but regret-a-day already covered that pretty well.

So why even talk about it if somebody else already did a funny piece on it? Is this blog just becoming a funny news aggregation site like some farm league Huffington Post? No. I’m telling you about this because I want to own one and I think you can help me.

help make my dreams come true.

I want to make a kickstarter campaign to help buy me a Kuratas mech suit. I’ll need a lot of people to help on this because I currently have roughly no money of my own to contribute but I’m going to offer plenty of attractive incentives. Here’s the list so far –

You get nothing. Come on, this thing costs 1.5 million dollars. You really want something for a buck?

I will send you an email thanking you for your donation! It will be a form letter but I’ll make a few changes to make it seem personal, not just the name! Maybe a whole personalized sentence in the email!

I will call you on the phone to thank you for your donation! Then I will ask how it’s going with you to make it seem like I’m not just after your money but if you go on too long I’ll make up an excuse for having to go.

$100 LEVEL
Now we’re talking. Donate $100 and I will bake some chocolate chip cookies and mail 10 of them to you with a note thanking you and a picture of me in the Kuratas! I’m actually a pretty good baker.

$500 LEVEL
Hey there, Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. Generous! Here you’ll get everything at the $100 level plus a DVD from my shelf that I’ll never watch like The Bourne Ultimatum or An Inconvenient Truth!

$1,000 LEVEL
Damn! Here you get everything from the $100 level and $500 level plus an audio recording of me laughing like a maniac while I shoot something with the gatling gun in my mech suit!

$10,000 LEVEL
Look at you, Doctor Moneybags! You’ll get everything from the $100 level on up plus a picture of Amanda Palmer’s tits!

$100,000 LEVEL
Yowza! Donate at this level and you’ll of course get everything from the $100 level on up and on top of that I will roll up to your house in the Kuratas if you live within reasonable meching distance (meching’s like driving but in a mech)! Once in front of your place I will shoot one object of your choice with the gatling gun.

$500,000 LEVEL
Holy shitting Jesus on a pogo stick! At this level you get EFTHDLU (Everything From The Hundred Dollar Level Up) and I’ll let you drive the Kuratas around the block! Twice (or once if it’s one of those really long suburban blocks)!

$1,000,000 LEVEL
Really? At this point you might as well buy your own mech suit. Whatever. I’m not going to look a gift mech in the mouth. At this level you get everything from the $100 level up and you get to name the mech suit (limit 1. The mech can only have one name)! Think about it, you can name it anything you want and I will put it on the mech suit! You can name it “fart huffer” if you want and I’ll have to paint that on the arm! Honestly though I hope you name it something cool. Not “fart huffer”. I don’t even know why I gave you that idea.

Hopefully this kickstarter will work. I tried to trade my way up to it from a red paperclip but so far all I’ve got is a blue paperclip.

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