Turtle Home Sex Video

Turtles love to have sex. And it’s creepy.

I mean, who doesn’t, right? Here’s the thing about turtles… they love to have sex so much, they are completely indiscriminate over who, or even WHAT they have sex with. They’ll just hobble right over and start humping.

Exhibit A: Sex with a ball-

Actually having a ball.

Exhibit B: Sex with a pot-

What’s cooking?

Exhibit C: A pile of logs-

Got Wood?

Exhibit D: Sex with what I think is a folded up bed sheet-

You’re supposed to do it *under* the covers, turtle!

Exhibit C: Sex with a boxing glove-

Ironically, that is not a boxing turtle.

The most common object of a turtle’s affection? The shoe.

They’re shoe fetishists, the lot of them. But that’s not the creepiest thing about turtle sex. Neither is the sound, which, if you can listen to the embedded videos, sounds like a bunch of delicate Japanese animated porn girls. Juxtaposed with with the hard shell and old man face on a turtle, it’s pretty creepy.

No. The creepiest part of turtles having sex is the face.

That’s not a one off. That is how turtles look having sex ALL THE TIME. It’s that same look that the awkward guy at the party makes after delivering a horrible joke, something supposed to be innuendo, but to blatant to actually be innuendo, but he thinks he’s clever, so he makes that “hey, do you get it? Eh? Eh?” face.

Yes turtle. We get it. You’re having sex. Well done.

I bring up turtle sex because in the news, two turtles tragically died while having sex. They were going at it, knocked over the heat lamp, which caught some wood chips on fire, burning down a personal conservatory and garage, along with the sex-craved turtles.

I bet the poor things lit up like candles. You know… ’cause turtle wax.

Eh? Eh? Get it? Eh?

SEXY Halloween Costumes Part 2- Revenge of the 80’s

Yesterday, we focused on the more sexist and racist and generally offensive costumes. Today, we will focus on the “what the Hell are they thinking?” costumes.

Like the 80’s. The entire decade was pretty much a WTF decade. Sure, I grew up in them, and I loved my childhood. Which is why this attack on my childhood is so painful.

From the books I read:

To my educational programming:

To my cuddly happy cartoons:

To my adventure action figures:

To my goddamned video games:

Note the name “Sexy Red Plumber Costume.” Nintendo is currently my favorite for not allowing them to use the name.

It’s like my entire childhood was molested and forced to star in a shitty porn. And you think your precious Ninja Turtles are safe?

Raphael was rude and decided not to appear in my post.

Oh hey- anyone else notice that the last “costume” isn’t even a costume? Apparently, wearing a tank dress that barely covers your ass is the new thing in “costuming.” Damnit- back in my day, we made costumes out of cardboard boxes and duct tape, and we spent hours painting them to look like actual transformers or lego people. When the hell did we decide that THIS:

become a costume? Or a dress, now that I think about it… I’m kinda contemplating buying them as shirts.

Nerds not your thing? Have a large group? How about a bag of blowpops?

Candy not your thing? You could be breakfast:

Or you could give up all pretense:

Look, I honestly don’t care if you dress as a sexy whatever. It makes you feel pretty? Have at. My complaint isn’t sexy women walking around in next to nothing. I’m kinda for it. My complaint is the lack of creativity and out right costume in many of these costumes. Dressing up slutty just to dress slutty doesn’t really do it for me. It doesn’t say Halloween costume to me. It says “dressing slutty which is a thing I can do any day of the year.” Put a little more effort into your costume. Put a little thought into it. Make me think you use your brain, too. Because brains are sexy as hell.

I was unable to find a sexy brain Halloween costume. Shame. I would buy the hell out of that.