Steve Jobs died yesterday. He was 56 years old.
I heard about his death last night when out celebrating Jena’s birthday with some friends. Somebody mentioned that he died and then said “so let’s hear the jokes. Who’s got the Steve Jobs jokes?”
I didn’t have any. I’m not above making jokes about recently deceased celebrities, I just didn’t have any in my pocket at the time.
There are plenty of different schools of thought when it comes to joking about the recently deceased. Some find gallows humor necessary to deal with death, some find it in poor taste etc. etc. blah blah blah. Joking about dead celebrities is, if anything, easy because all we usually know of a celebrity is the media projected caricature of them. Steve Jobs, as far as some are concerned, was a guy who always wore mock turtlenecks and made a bunch of gizmos with lowercase “i”s in front of them. Hell, throw a lowercase “i” in front of anything and you’ve got yourself a lame Steve Jobs death joke. It’s that simple. So simple, in fact, that some people can’t help themselves in making the joke. Take Fox News, for example. I was going through their website because I like to start the day with a little bile rising up in my gullet and they posted the AP story of his death. A touching, comprehensive piece on the man’s life and achievements. Here was the headline for the story.
I seriously don’t know what Fox was going for here. A touching, friendly jab? A cute little acknowledgement of his… what? I don’t…
What headlines did they turn down? “Apple introduces new 30% lighter Chairman?” “Goodwill to Receive 50 Black Mock Turtlenecks”?
What makes it even worse is it’s a lame joke. Fucking iLame.
umm, you should have finished with “iFucking iLame”
at least they haven’t uncovered his homeade porn videos, all with a title beginning with “iFuck ….”
Very in”app”ropriate of Fox News to do that.
(that’s all I got)
I think this one is a little weak. Calling out FoxNews for the same or similar joke I seen comics we both know make. Its a hacky joke true, but so is railing on FoxNews at this point.
sure, it’s a hack joke for a comic to make — the point is that Fox is theoretically a news organization, not some cut-rate stand-up comic.