
Went to bed with a bit of a tickle in my throat and woke up this morning with a full blown cold. Sore throat, fever, all that jazz. I was going to run a lot of errands and do some chores today but now all I can do is rest up…

rest up, find out who did this to me and have my revenge.


Brody – He was getting over a cold last week when we worked together but I don’t remember eating off his plate or making out with him. He was also on the tail end of the cold and I think you’re less contagious towards the end (I actually have no evidence to back that up but I heard it a few times so it works for me).

Jena – She hasn’t been sick recently but I do share a lot of kisses and such with her (it’s okay. We’re married. God approves).

Last Week’s Audience I ended up shaking hands with a lot of filthy mall people (no offense if you were in the crowd last week. I’m not talking about you).

The Government It may just be the fever talking but I am a pretty high profile target and they now have me right where they want me. In my underwear with a sheet wrapped around me. They think they can weaken me with the way they put corn syrup in everything but I know better! YOU CAN’T FOOL ME, G-MEN!

I’m going to nap now. For more information on the government, consult a screaming homeless man.

Airlines Decide to Not Fuck Customers Any Harder This Month

I write blog titles like this and wonder why I get pervy search engine clicks for this site. Oh well.

Southwest and Delta announced they will roll back a 10% increase from last month due to federal tax increases. Essentially what happened was a federal tax expired. Airlines were charged this and in turn, charged the customer to cover the tax. Once the tax expired they didn’t lower the price and were keeping the money for themselves. It’s incredibly unethical but not unexpected in an industry that wrings customers’ wallets for every last penny (but somehow is always going bankrupt). After a month they decided to roll back the fee even though the tax is being collected again.

One may wonder how they could continue to collect a tax that didn’t exist but they were able to do it by breaking it up and hiding it in small fees included in every ticket price. Here’s a breakdown.

$1.25 – “Air Marshall” fee (badge given to customer at random to wear on plane to scare off potential terrorists)

$5 – Free Peanuts

$3 – Celebrity Gawk Fee (curtains to first class will be left open just a crack if somebody famous is on the plane)

$2 – Mile High Club membership dues (includes drink discounts, decoder ring and monthly newsletter)

$5 – Ass, Grass or Gas. Nobody Rides For Free Fee (Ass, Grass not accepted)

$3 – Kevin Smith Fee (pays for 2nd seat for fat celebrities i.e. John Goodman, that guy from Lost, most republican talk show hosts)

$2 – Flight Attendant Anti-Depressant Prescription Fee

$6 – Deadly Scanner Radiation Fee

Now that I’ve finally made a joke about airline peanuts, my work here is done (puts on sport coat, time travels back to the ’80s).

Holy Shit I Guess Fake Bombs Are a Thing Now.

I had written a few weeks ago about a Minnesota city council member mailed himself a fake grenade for stupid reasons. Now there’s a story about how the worst kidnapper broke into somebody’s home in Australia, strapped a fake bomb around her neck with a ransom note attached and left.

Is this a new thing now? Is “fake bombs” a fad? Am I going to have to buy a bowling ball and a short length of rope just to be cool?

I just don’t understand the logic on this one. Did the fake bomber actually believe people were just going to take his word that it was a bomb and then pay him? Also, wouldn’t he have to be present to “disarm” his “bomb” or did he just plan on saying “gotcha!” once he got the money? I really don’t get how this guy thought it was going to go down. What did that ransom note even look like?

“If you want your daughter to live I want 50,000 Australian kangaroo dollars. I’ll come over in 24 hours. The device will explode in 25 hours. Once you give me the money, I’ll disarm the device. Only I know how. Don’t try to disarm it yourself! It will, uh, explode! Yeah… explode. Once I’ve disarmed the device I assume you’ll let me leave with the money since I was nice enough to disarm it.”

Crazy Australians with your Vegemite and fake neck bombs.

The Donut Burger.

State Fair season is nigh upon us, bringing rigged carnival games, nauseating rides, contests about the biggest animal or vegetable that nobody gives a shit about and most importantly, food. Disgusting, calorie crammed unimaginable food that should never be deep fried but is always deep fried. Food that most people would be ashamed to eat alone in their homes but will gladly shovel into their mouths in front of thousands of other fairgoers because it’s okay. It’s the State Fair.

At the Minnesota State Fair you can start your day with breakfast options like the Scotch Egg (hardboiled egg, wrapped in sausage, breaded, deep fried and served with sauces like ranch dressing or maple syrup) or the Fudge Puppy (waffle covered in chocolate, whipped cream or sprinkles). For lunch you can have a Foot Long Corndog and wash it down with a Mashed Potato Sundae. For dinner you can just grab a bucket of Sweet Martha’s Cookies, plop up to the All the Milk You Can Drink booth and wonder why the rest of the world thinks America is filled with gluttonous assholes.

While I thought the Minnesota State Fair was paving the way for turning us all into that guy from the movie “Seven”, it turns out the New York State Fair has made a breakthrough in culinary assisted suicide with the new Donut Burger. When I first heard about it I wondered if it was a burger flavored donut or a donut flavored burger? Turns out it’s a Bacon Cheesburger in between two slices of grilled, glazed Donut. Eat that thing and you’ve just downed 1,500 calories or nearly three Big Macs (Big Macs are the standard unit of fatass food measurment).

I don’t know what is sadder, the fact that something like this exists or that I’d totally eat it.


Hey, friends fans and search engine pervs!  A lot going on in the next week. Highlander: The Musical! is at the Minnesota Fringe and all of the sword fighty stuff was choreographed by our very own Jena!

Once you’ve had enough swords and songs head on down to Rick Bronson’s House of Comedy where I’ll be opening for the hilarious Mike Brody (hosted by Brian “Mr. Thick Dick” Miller)!

Come on back to the blog tomorrow and I’ll post some funny when the claws of sleep deprived madness aren’t sinking into my brain! ;ALSEINVA;LSDKVNALKDNF;AKLDF!

Five Fringe Shows I Would See Based on Title Alone.

People say you should not judge a book by it’s cover and that’s true unless it’s a hardcover book and the inside jacket which contains a brief description of the book and bio of the author are still technically part of the cover.  Really, you shouldn’t charge a paperback book or hardcover missing it’s jacket by their covers.

With that being said, the Minnesota Fringe Festival is starting this week and with over 5,000 shows and 80,000 performances happening in over a dozen theaters, a novice fringe festival patron may be a bit overwhelmed in deciding what to see. Rather than waste time scouring over reviews, previews heviews and sheviews I suggest choosing shows based on how ridiculous their names are. Here are my top five.


The Vampire Lesbians of Sodom by Charles Bush

I haven’t read any of the description but I assume this is a stage adaptation of a Cinemax late night original movie.


Angelina Jolie is a Zionist Whore! or, Plan 9 From Baghdad

I know it’s not the case but it would be hilarious if this was a fringe play created by artsy conceptual terrorists.


YARRRH!  The Lusty, Busty Pirate Musical.  

You had me at lusty, entrenched my opinion with busty, left me ambiguous with pirate and almost but didn’t lose me at musical.


The Folly of Crowds: a heterosexual buttsex play

Heh.  You said buttsex.


Robot Lincoln: The Revengeance (the musical)

I had to peek at the description on this one.  I figured it would be about a reanimated cyborg Lincoln taking revenge against a deranged John Wilkes Booth.  Turns out I was mostly right.



So there you go, potential fringer.  You can pick what to see based solely on the titles or just do what I do and go see all the shows your friends are in so they won’t guilt you later!

The Licker. Pilot Episode.

As many of you know, when I’m not telling jokes, writing sketches, dictating blogs or washing dishes I like to pass the time by coming up with pilot episodes for crime dramas and submitting them to the big 3 basic cable networks (TNT, USA, TBS).  None of them have been picked up yet but I think this latest one might “wow” them.  It’s about the adventures of a detective who uses his superior sense of taste to solve crimes.  I call it “The Licker” (title pending).  Here’s the last couple of pages from the pilot episode.


(Int. The office of Gregori Yviovanovich, wealthy Russian art dealer.  Detective Jameson enters with two uniformed police.)  

GREGORI:  Detective.   Is there anything you need from me?  I have told you everything I know and we are closed for the evening.

JAMESON:  Sorry to interupt you, Mr. Yviovanovich.  I know you must still be mourning…

GREGORI:  Yes, Ilyana was very dear to me, so if you would please afford me some privacy, I have matters to attend to.

JAMESON:  I would but something about your story just didn’t sit well with me.  I’m a curious type, you know and there was something on her dress when I saw her that just didn’t taste right.  (Picks up stapler) Do you mind?  I’d like to –

GREGORI:  I am well aware of your talents, Detective Jameson and I do not want to seem rude but I would like to see a search warrant before you go around tasting everything in my office.

JAMESON:  (hands Gregori piece of paper).  The judge was more than happy to grant me one once I told him what I tasted on the floor of the scene (licks stapler, puts it down).  Now as you said, you were playing poker with your friends last night.  Eating peanuts, pretzels, chips.  All sorts of salty things.  (grabs Gregori’s tie) You wore this last night, right?

GREGORI:  I didn’t have time to change.  Once I heard about Ilyana’s death, everything has been thrown upside down.

JAMESON:  That can happen (licks tie).  Mmn.  Salty.  Would you like to know what I tasted on the floor of the scene?

GREGORI:  I am curious.

JAMESON:  I’m sure you’re not.  It was syrup from a fruit salad.  Pineapples, grapes, honeydew and cantaloupe.  Toxicology reports haven’t come back yet but I’ll bet my badge she was allergic to one of those.

GREGORI:  She was allergic to cantaloupe but I assure you I did not touch any fruit salad.  You can taste my hands if you’d like.

JAMESON:  I’m sure you would have washed your hands several times since then but people always forget the little details.  Like after they prepare a fruit salad they’ll make a phone call.  Getting that sticky syrup on the keys (picks up phone from desk.  Licks keys one by one, never breaking eye contact with Gregori.  Sets phone down).  This phone has fruit salad all over it.

GREGORI:  (tears welling up in his eyes) You don’t understand.  She was going to have me deported.  This gallery is all I have.  I had to do something.

JAMESON:  It must have been so easy to tell her that the orange one was honeydew.  You just sat back and let that fruit salad do your dirty work.

GREGORI:  (fighting back sobs)I had to do something.

JAMESON:  You’re under arrest.  (to uniformed officer).  Read him his rights, kid.  This case is licked.

(Scraps the K9 unit runs in, tackles Jameson and licks his face).

UNIFORMED COP:  Looks like you’re licked, too!   (everybody but Gregori laughs).



I’ve written six full episodes and they all end with Scraps running in and licking his face.

Hey, Kids! Fuck You!

It started with a restaurant in Pittsburgh called McDain’s.  They had recently instituted a ban on kids under 6.  Once the story hit the internet, people were either applauding or whatever the opposite of applauding is for the new ban.  It seems now that plenty of other businesses are following suit with theaters having kid free showings, restaurants having no kids hours or sections and Whole Foods having kids free hours with daycare available while parents shop.

Now, I get it. Not a day goes by where I’m at a strip club, underground kickboxing match or midnight showing of Human Centipede and some crying child throwing a tantrum ruins my good time but how about we examine the situation before we deport the kids to an island filled with plastic balls and Disney DVDs just so we can enjoy a Sunday Brunch in peace?

Kids are not the problem. Shitty kids are the problem. How about restaurants start enacting a shitty kids ban? Your kid throws a tantrum or runs around and disrupts other people’s meals and you get thrown out. I know plenty of people with well behaved toddlers that shouldn’t have to try to find a babysitter every time they want a goddamn Pannekoeken.

Restaurants could even take it a step further. I’ve seen places that have “kids eat free” days. How about “well behaved kids eat free” days? Give the kid some ice cream for not behaving like a monster in public.

By simply banning kids from places you’re ignoring the problem rather than doing something to fix it. If restaurant owners grew some stones and actually asked somebody to leave when their child is screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason there would be some accountability on the parents’ part.

Shitty kids grow into shitty adults and if we ignore the problem the next generation is going to turn into a society of Andy Dicks. Nobody wants that.

How To Make Friends I Guess.

So yesterday I had an email exchange with “Larry Bob”.  Larry Bob wanted to buy things that I do not sell.  Larry Bob may have had the wrong email address.  Larry Bob may have been fucking with me.  We’ll never know.  Such is the mystery of Larry Bob.  Below is the entire email exchange.  


I am Mr.Larry and would like to order (Bobbin Leg Table
)and whatwould be the price for each unit so that i can Quote you with the
Quantity i want to order..Also what types of credit card do you accept as
payment..?Thank you and reply ASAP

Monday – Friday………………..10:00am-7:00pm
Saturday – Sunday………………………………..11:00am-6:00pm

Office Phone:———-



Bill! to larry
show details 12:25 PM (22 hours ago)

Sorry, sir but you got the wrong guy. I don’t sell tables or anything like that. Perhaps you have the wrong email.



larry bob to me
show details 12:41 PM (22 hours ago)




Bill Young via to larry
show details 1:05 PM (21 hours ago)

Easy, pal. I don’t have bobbin leg tables. I don’t even know what they are. I don’t sell things.



larry bob to Bill
show details 1:26 PM (21 hours ago)

where are you located?



Bill Young via to larry
show details 1:37 PM (21 hours ago)

Minneapolis. I don’t see how that’s relevant, though as I’m clearly not the person you are trying to contact.



larry bob to Bill
show details 2:15 PM (20 hours ago)

Can we be friends?



Bill Young via to larry
show details 2:43 PM (20 hours ago)

I don’t know, Larry Bob. Do you really want to be friends with someone who can’t provide you with Bobbin Leg Tables? I feel like I won’t live up to your standards and you’ll start typing at me in all caps again.

I’ve been hurt before, Larry Bob. Don’t toy with my heart.



larry bob to Bill
show details 3:15 PM (19 hours ago)

I just want us to be friends not about bussiness okay im in colorado i can call you now when you email back with your number



Bill Young via to larry
show details 3:46 PM (19 hours ago)

Why the hell not? You can reach me at 612-867-5309



I still haven’t heard from him.  Maybe I should have given him my actual phone number.