I’ve received the books for my son’s next school year. Sales are springing up in department stores everywhere. You can just sense kids trying to get that last bit of play out of them before being shipped of to our institutionalized classrooms to learn things.
In the Young household, the teenager goes to an online school, because we feel it’s the perfect balance of learning what you need to function in our society and being given the freedom to study things that actually interest you. A regular brick and mortar school was crushing my child’s natural curiosity, so we looked for something that encouraged outside study.
You don’t need to be in an online school to push your curiosity and learn new things. There is a whole world of online content at your disposal.
The most obvious are TEDTalks, where experts come in and give a talk on something. Here is a talk on Existential Risk.
Now, I find these talks fun, but not everyone wants to listen to someone talk about The End of Humanity. They want a more playful education. Well I’ve got you covered.
Crash Course is a YouTube channel that has informative summaries of sections of history, chemistry, and literature. I’m a huge fan of this course on Islam:
Why are there so many nerdy white guys talking? If these don’t appeal to you, may I present Thug Notes- video summaries and analysis of classical works by a Thug.
So go out there and learn something!