Fuck Off Friday: Sound Games

Bill and I are very different people sound-wise. He spent his early 20’s going to indy punk concerts, standing way too close to the speakers, rocking out to electric guitars and chain saws. I spent much of my early 20’s listening to classical music, opera, and going to folk concerts.

This is why Bill has to have the volume up to 80 gagillion and sleeps with a fan on. And why I can hear things like the refrigerator running and the tiny little buzz of the lights.

Side note- you guys remember that ring tone that the teens were passing around like 6 years ago? It was supposed to be a ring that only teens could hear. It’s based on hearing ability that we lose as we age. Anyway, one day at work, this site was being passed around by everyone, testing their hearing. People kept talking about how they couldn’t hear them, turning the sound up to try to hear it…. So I had all these incredibly annoying high pitched noises all around me that only I could hear. It was awful.

Anyway, evil noises are evil. But soothing noises… I love games with soothing sounds behind them. I picked games to today’s Fuck Off Friday that could be played without the noise because some places of employment are like that. But really? Find time to play them when you can listen to the sound.

The first one is Music Catch. You have to collect falling notes. Some are good, some are bad. It’s enough engagement to where you’re not just clicking things, but the sound element is very soothing.


While looking for a specific game (I still haven’t found it) I stumbled across this fantastic piece of marketing. It’s a “music video game”… a video game made for a song, kind of like if MTV did video games. The game itself is not super exciting, but I love the concept. They’re a little too… trying to make a point. Not much, but just enough for me to be all “oh, I see what you did there.” Still, what do you expect from a song called Inside a Dead Skyscraper ? This one might just be a matter of taste.

And then there’s anything done by Ferry Halim. Seriously. I have a mad artist crush on this person. Every game is visually soft and pleasing, the sound often incorporated. My personal favorite is starry night.

What’s frustrating is there is a great game I wanted to share with you all that I just can’t find. It’s got kind of these sketch graphics, and as you move forward, the music plays forward, and you have to jump to hit the notes to keep the music playing.

If you stumble across it, could you let me know? Also, please share your favorite music based games in the comments below. I need more ways to fuck off this Friday.